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Enough with next-gen systems. Lets talk about next-gen ADULT FILMS

Adult films on HDDVD or BLURAY  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Adult films on HDDVD or BLURAY

    • HDDVD
    • Bluray

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It doesn't matter what they are on, i'm buying that LG duel format player  :grin:

That would be the way to go. Just bring it all on.  :smiley6600:

By the time those home movies see the light of day , the Kids will be saying WTF is  HDDVD or BLURAY ,

can any one suggest a cheap way of converting 8mm to DVD without going to the store  :oops:, they were the good old days , pure nostalgia , was I that slim then  :2funny:

Will times never change. Never.  :lol: Actually I was too slim. Got married last time with a 27" waist. Not sure where that went.

That would be the way to go. Just bring it all on.  :smiley6600:

Will times never change. Never.  :lol: Actually I was too slim. Got married last time with a 27" waist. Not sure where that went.

maybe to 36'',  :evil6:

I dont much care either but sense I will have a PS3 I hope for Blu Ray to win so I dont need a new player. You are right, it will happen EVENTUALLY. I use caps there to stress the point I dont think it will be anytime soon. Two reasons, one (this is a repeat) Americans like tangible things. Second reason, anytime there is a HUGE shift in technology the "experts" always get it wrong time table wise. HDTV was suppose to boom shortly after 2000 and I still cant get but a few crappy channels. The best you can do is get Dish Network if you want some channels. I just dont see it happening SOON. When you see a place like Japan get something like this going, then it is probably coming, but if they dont have it, with the network they have in place, I dont think we will.

You don't have to stress your points, as I understand them and agree with them.  I never said it would happen anytime soon.  I just said in a few years.  Im simply looking at what has changed in the last 5 years in internet usage, and data storage.  5 years ago, how much did a 1gig flash drive cost? Now you can get them for 30 bucks or less.  5 years ago where was Vonage?  5 years ago a 16X DVD burner cost how much?  Now you can get them for 30 bucks.  Where was YouTube, MySpace, GameFly, Steam, and whatever that company is that lets you download movies.  Im just saying with the exponential growth of technology these days, will we even care about BluRay or HDDDVD in 6 years?, and what will be it's replacement.  Logic is screaming some type of flash card to me.

"Experts" are out of touch with reality because all they see is what they want to happen, not what actually will.

But ANYWAYS, Blu-Ray will likely win, because of the PS3, and because of Sony Pictures.  Although the PS3 bluray does bluray little justice.......


Although the PS3 bluray does bluray little justice.......


I will agree to everything but this. Its just not true, it is the most feature rich Blu Ray player as well as the easiest to upgrade as far as firmware is concerned. It is also the only player on the market with HDMI 1.3 (I believe) which is the only way to get some of the next gen sounds off the disc.

Im not talking about the features of the player, but more of the quality of the output.  A lot of the reviews show it oversaturating the colors.  But then again, that can have a lot to do with the encoding of the movies and all that crap too, since a lot of the new movies are encoded in VC-1(prefered by HDDVD), as opposed to MPEG-2(prefered by BluRay)

at the end of the day does it matter?????

by the time we stop arguing

there will b something new

now flash drive movies seem to me like the way to go

but thats still at least a decade to come

we will first need to c music go into that direction

while in a way we have been moving in that direction

no1 is still willing to sell you an album in a flash drive

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