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When your connection is "capped", your internet provider limits your speed to control the amount of bandwidth you use at any given time. Usually, this is done by the firmware inside the modem. When he says "uncapped", he means to remove the cap and let you download at an unlimited speed. Afterwards, your speed will only be limited by the amount of bandwidth your internet provider has available.

If you don't know the term capped, then I highly doubt you have the ability to reprogram the firmware of the modem. Also, being able to uncap a cable/dsl modem is so complicated, that I have heard of very few people that have actually gotten it to work.

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I also have surfboard 5100 external. and Id updated my speed to 8x

but I have never gotten up too 6meg speed its always stuck on 475meg

and also wasting my money for something isnt real so I was wondering if there a tweak up my speed so I can get at least 6megs, so I know there isnt impossiable way too get that 8meg speed only if your living next door too comcast co. lol mybe I will, also is it ILLEGAL too uncap my modem if Ive bought it at bestbuy??? :tickedoff:

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Yes it is still illegal to uncap your modem even though it is yours.

Same as buying a wide open cable box or satellite receiver is illegal.

Mot to mention, your ISP will eventually figure out that you have changed the config files and bust you for it.

So, it is just plain not worth it.

Larry, have you tried all the tweak suggestions from TMN?



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Na, Im going too try out TCP Opti program thing, and cablenut

program, by the way when I run cablenut and click open file and clicked on CCS directory  files VanBurens files what too select on that im using cablemodem and windows xp home ED, theres like different too choose from, 1000 6000, and so on

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