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Almost Doubled membership in less than one month..........

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:D The site marked the one thousandth member the end of December , so in less than one month CA3LE'S site has almost doubled. Many months ago CA3LE was talking about site growth and I remember thinking that he was thinking very optimistic about what the future would bring, its really nice to see those projections not only happen but exceed the numbers . IMHO there are two main reasons why this site is the best site not only for testing but for a great forum, the first and most important reason is all the hard work and many long hours that CA3LE has invested in TESTMY.NET. I

Thank you all... I love watching this grow... I can't imagine it in even just 6 months.  750 new signed up members so far this month... well over a total of 1/4 million people visited this site this month. Thank you everyone for telling friends and keeping this site alive.  I will continue on my end scripting my fingers off :)

You guys are what makes this site great... I just put the puzzle together ;-)

Oh yea.. and the forum has grown HUGE.. over 1/4 million page views in the forum alone... we are doing very well.

Well ...I can't take all the credit really. Just some.  :D

Seriously, couldn't have been said better. Props to CA3LE!! This site has grown and changed all for the better, and everyone in here's the bomb!! All classy people. And if I may say so, we're all damn good lookin too!!!

Well ...I can't take all the credit really. Just some.  :D

Seriously, couldn't have been said better. Props to CA3LE!! This site has grown and changed all for the better, and everyone in here's the bomb!! All classy people. And if I may say so, we're all damn good lookin too!!!

Hell yea we are...

I think you covered it all Microwave  ;)

like you said the atmosphere, ppl that come here to fight and beeing asshats will not stay long cos we do not tolerate that here unlike many other forums.......

thats only one thing that makes this site special, another is that we have a Admin that listen to all members suggestions and improve the site constantly

also we have very good mods that dosent abuse their tools

keep up the good work CA3LE and all the members that make this site grow  :D

VanBuren :)

I think you covered it all Microwave  ;)

like you said the atmosphere, ppl that come here to fight and beeing asshats will not stay long cos we do not tolerate that here unlike many other forums.......

thats only one thing that makes this site special, another is that we have a Admin that listen to all members suggestions and improve the site constantly

also we have very good mods that dosent abuse their tools

keep up the good work CA3LE and all the members that make this site grow  :D

VanBuren :)

I think this is a very important statement. Having an Admin that actually listens and improves the site based on recomendations. I have seen CA3LE change the site with suggestions from people with under 5 posts but they had a good idea and it was heard. Very nice job.

No no I meant that in gayest way possible. :D

:haha:  And I thought ya meant whats below...... L0L

Bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer "a gay sunny room"

Full of or showing high-spirited merriment ....when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"

Given to social pleasures often including dissipation    "led a gay Bohemian life"; "a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies"

:-P Microwave

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