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STOP SPAMMING WOW!!!... seriously I hate when people spam and say nothing EVERN IN THE WRONG POST. I can't stant TESTMY... people should have consequences for it.

Notice how there isnt many spammers compared to other forums, apparently were doing something right.. And if you Cant stand TESTMY why are you here then? Please relax.

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STOP SPAMMING WOW!!!... seriously I hate when people spam and say nothing EVERN IN THE WRONG POST. I can't stant TESTMY... people should have consequences for it.

I know i'm not part of this thread but...

dude please relax. Some topics arent serious to begin with so thats why they are derailed. but honestly for spamming, this site has little. so just relax and please dont talk bad about testmy on its own forum....thank you.  :wink2:

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ever since I joined this "testmy" site there have been fucking spammers spamming every little thread I make and its getting on my nerves. PLEASE ADMINS* make a punishment for spamming... one week ban from site or from being able to login? 2 weeks if 2nd time for spamming and 2 months if 3rd? idk.

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Seriously....relax man, its a public forum - its here as a privilege to you and others, not as a right - if there is need for disciplinary action of some kind, TMN mods take care of it promptly....otherwise, don't worry and don't let this kinda stuff get to you

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I love Spam and eggs!


Seriously....relax man, its a public forum - its here as a privilege to you and others, not as a right - if there is need for disciplinary action of some kind, TMN mods take care of it promptly....otherwise, don't worry and don't let this kinda stuff get to you

:iamwithstupid::icon_thumleft: exactly
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