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I havn't watched wrestling too much in a long time...but Benoit was one of my favorites.  I grew up watching him. 

To add, it wasnt just him, it was him, his wife, and his son who all died.  One site was reporting that they were all thowing up blood the night before.  But you know how the internet is...

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wow. that sucks, i always liked to watch him wrestle. back in WCW and ECW. sad story that he died. :undecided:

also, about vince mcmahon, what is your take on that

vince mcmahon sounds like a load of bullshit. i saw the ads for the "specials" and figured now they are taking the drama bit a tad too far.


read as: i doubt the guys dead.

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I will forego making any judgements for now.  None of us know what happend, and we won't know much until the toxicology reports come back.  Its just as possible that he came home to find that his wife killed the kid, then he in turn killed her and himself.

Either way, he was not in the right state of mind.  The real Benoit will be missed.


If he just malicely killed his wife and child, may the MF burn in hell.......

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I have to say if he murdered his wife and kid I hope he doesnt rest in peace. I could go on but wont.  :evil2: :evil2:

Ditto. I watched the RAW special (and yes McMahon is as phony as they come). Everyone had nice memories of Chris. My lasting memory of him will be, Chris Benoit; the coward that killed his wife and innocent, beautiful little boy.


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Im feeling free to pass judgement now...(just look at foxnews.com, or a more balanced site if you like)

He sent several text messages to coworkers telling them his physical address and where his dogs were... 

Although this murder wasn't aparently a roid rage incident,(too much deliberate action including laying bibles and premeditation)  I just read that he and his wife were giving his son HGH because they thought his was undersized.  I can't believe that mother F@#ker was doing that.

WTH is wrong with these people.  HGH should be banned....

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was channel surfing during ads and saw this "speach" by vince mcmahon WITH hair (and isn't the guy supposedly dead?) how bennies name wouldn't be mentioned again except in his speech and bla bla, the wcw or whatever it calls itself nowadays "performers" would do what they do best and entertain the crowd etc. bla bla...

i mean, don't they have better things to get ratings with than such bs? the drama is so overwritten it's sickening.

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yeah, vince death scene was horrible. they tried to make it real, but the camera man zoomed out to watch the whole explosion and just sat there....anyways, i agree that the drama is overwritten, and i also think, that while some matches are ok to watch most of them you can tell that its fake...i like a little realism now and then....like the original ECW, i used to watch that...

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Just to add more to the drama,

Benoit's son had "fragile-X syndrome", a genetic disorder of the X chromosome.  THis can cause mental retardation, autism, and other related problems.  Aparently this is why they were giving the child HGH, so that he'd be bigger and look more "normal".

Aparently he was having a lot of trouble dealing with this ever since he found Daniel had the disorder.

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