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NEW Board about "PC Security" has been created. Give us your input.

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Hi Guys

A new board to discuss about pc security from viruses to scams and things to protect from them like anti virus and firwalls has been created for you here


tell us what you think about this section?

good or bad idea?

should have been here for a long time?

will you post more ?

will you come more to this site?

will it help you pick the new anti virus?

does it help with protecting you network with a firewall information?

Hi Guys

A new board to discuss about pc security from viruses to scams and things to protect from them like anti virus and firwalls has been created for you here


tell us what you think about this section?

good or bad idea?

should have been here for a long time?

will you post more ?

will you come more to this site?

will it help you pick the new anti virus?

does it help with protecting you network with a firewall information?

Great idea JUST ,

should have been here for a long time? ,IMHO

Ihave been attempted to be  plished twice on my Papal account (failed but one nearly fooled me ), and my bank account has been cloned , but nothing to do with the internet and computers ,  and it has taken 3 months to get the money returned ,  :evil2:, I now keep a debit account card with minimal

but isn't revoking the direct debit just as easy?

Yeah, only 3 visits to the bank , many phone calls , The bank staff sugested I had bought the phone and then forgot about it , :violent1: and it has only taken 3 months to get the money back ,

still the upside is whenever I visit the bank the staff huddle behind the secureity screen , and remember my name  :evil6:

i miss the ease of direct debts and transfers in europe though the way it is done in the states is archaic. people even still use cheques to pay in stores sometimes. i remember 10 years or so ago when my bank told me to use up the last of my eurocheques since they were being phased out.

i am glad you guys like the new section

Roco it wasnt my idea per say it was the members and staff as a collective

i was there just to facilitate

make good use of the section

get informed

and inform other people

and if u got any question just post them u never know how many geeks are out there and might know a few things to help you out

I think that the new section's a good idea, but it seems to have disrupted the link to "off topic discussion" See this link http://www.testmy.net/t-20195

Or maybe Momma T just typed the wrong link  :smiley:

Anyways, I think it would be nice to have a Vista sub-section in the Help section too.

uh...no that's the horror movies topic that i moved to off topic...what does that have to do with this topic...  :2funny: that may be the one that got moved to the wrong board first but i fixed it right away...the links r fine...huh?

when I click on the "off topic discussion" link, I get the "PC security" page. And yes it's still the case, but the horror movie link works properly. Then again you might just have forgotten to correct it. The link does go to b-138 indeed.

when I click on the "off topic discussion" link, I get the "PC security" page. And yes it's still the case, but the horror movie link works properly. Then again you might just have forgotten to correct it.

Works right for me...

Huh, that's weird, when I hover my pointer over the "Off Topic Discussion" link the bottom left space of my browser indicates http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?board=138

It might be only a "problem" on my computer but I'm baffled as to what causes it. I'l try when I get access to another computer.

i miss the ease of direct debts and transfers in europe though the way it is done in the states is archaic. people even still use cheques to pay in stores sometimes. i remember 10 years or so ago when my bank told me to use up the last of my eurocheques since they were being phased out.

I Love Checks its the only way i accept money and paypal

yeah it was about time this section was added i think most users need a place to ask

"hey is this site safe/legit"

which is often awnser by a no

yeah it was about time this section was added i think most users need a place to ask

"hey is this site safe/legit"

which is often awnser by a no

if you have to ask yourself the question you can usually answer it yourself with a no...

if you have to ask yourself the question you can usually answer it yourself with a no...

:icon_thumleft::iamwithstupid: on that ,dont ever ignore that gut feeling ,

that odd 6th sense , (it saved my life once , literaly )

OK, back on topic

Wireless conections, how safe ? and the differance between WEP and WPA ?

:icon_thumleft::iamwithstupid: on that ,dont ever ignore that gut feeling ,

that odd 6th sense , (it saved my life once , literaly )

OK, back on topic

Wireless conections, how safe ? and the differance between WEP and WPA ?

wep uses an up to 128 bit key for the transfer of information. it can be brute forced fairly quickly.

wpa uses a passphrase to set up a connection and then a key generated from that key for each transmission for each transmission.(it's a lot more complicated, but that's it in a nutshell) since it recalculates new keys so much it is slower than wep, it is not actually certified for WiFi because of that, but it is a lot more difficult to break. one has to interrupt the connection then be able to listen in on the connection being rebuilt to be able to draw conclusions about the initial key. and all this multiple times. then one can try to force a disconnect again and log on to the net as the connections are rebuilt.

if you can use wpa or even better wpa2 if the last ounce of speed isn;t an issue.

roco...this particular topic is to see how u feel about the new board...ur supposed to post ur questions /answers/concerns in there  :haha:

:oops: :oops: :oops: Sorry, I thought that is where I was ,  :idiot2:

My last night was definitely a case of more haste less speed :evil2:

or was that, one case to many ? :occasion14:

BTW,  thanks for the explanation Reso...

Time to turn this wagon train around and head over to =

pc security boards...


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