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don't they burn fires??...burn some of that mess...start from scratch...lynch the politicians...make a new life...

i know not that simple...but wow...what else can ya say??

:thumbsup: I don't have any other words here.  :afro:

Mind boggling!  :shock:

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i can't even imagine where u'd start to help them fix that...there's just about no way to make money...how do they feed their families...???...we just can't even fathom what they go thru...i would think they head back to their beginnings...their tribes...anything would be better

government corruption...and political war...is what caused this...

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Don't see any white people or any other race. I take it you lived in the country all your life?

Yes I have, please share your experience with me? I would like to understand where your comming from.

it's interesting how some topics seem to bring out the worst in people. i am ... i don't even know what to say. i'm speechless. :shock:

Oh stop it res , you love it !
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Reso, do you want honest opinions? Or not really. It is what it is here. I deal with it everyday. They make it most times what it is. Not saying it is true in this case. But most times it is true. You might need to get out more if it still puzzles you. Or it could be gone into deeper. As I do landlord in a black ghetto.  :grin2:

But I got banned last time. So be sure you really want an answer.  :uglystupid2:

Or refer back to New Orleans, the true story.  :icon_rr:

By the way, the true story disgusts me.

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while i catch myself occasionally judging an individual by his appearance/demeanor by lumping him into a gruop according to it i try not to judge solely based on people's tans.

i've seen white bastards and black saints and vice versa. so the color doesn't make a difference.

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let's calm this down please...this topic isn't about racism...so drop it...stick to what it is about one of the most poverty stricken 3rd world countries in the world...and the point was...

"think you've got it bad?"

how the hell did we get off on talking about ghetto's...this isn't a ghetto...the nearby river is used as an open sewer...does that happen in a ghetto...NO...this is about people making less than a $100 a month and living in houses floating on piles of garbage floating in flood waters...made of sticks stuck in the ground with scrap metal wrapped around to form makeshift walls...

how do you guys get going on this...this isn't even happening in america or in any country where the people have the remotest control over their environment...

k i've shot my mouth off enough...how about going back and looking at those pictures with ur hearts open to the suffering of other human beings...who love and live and bleed and die just like the rest of us...

k off my soap box...just go look again...for me...please  :cry:

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Dam, I was trying to keep out of this but I will stick my tuppence worth in , as it was Britain that started all this  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freetown#History

we tried to do right , but we got it wrong again ,

As tdawnaz said "in any country where the people have the remotest control over their environment..." I think that is debatable , why do they raise so many children in to what is obviously a no win place ? is it because they have lost all hope ?

Yeah, look at the pictures and weep for them , but tears don't provide food and shelter , is there an answer to this problem ,one that is happening is so many places around the world , does providing relief cure the problem ? or does it just move it off the front page for a year or two ,I think sadly that is all that happens in most cases , 

I guess the big question is, do we have the right to interfere and try to set our standards of living on them , or let them fall back on the survival of the fitest, after all we did in the past ,for  me it is all part of evolution , sad as it is ,

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Dam, I was trying to keep out of this but I will stick my tuppence worth in , as it was Britain that started all this  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freetown#History

we tried to do right , but we got it wrong again ,

As tdawnaz said "in any country where the people have the remotest control over their environment..." I think that is debatable , why do they raise so many children in to what is obviously a no win place ? is it because they have lost all hope ?

Yeah, look at the pictures and weep for them , but tears don't provide food and shelter , is there an answer to this problem ,one that is happening is so many places around the world , does providing relief cure the problem ? or does it just move it off the front page for a year or two ,I think sadly that is all that happens in most cases , 

I guess the big question is, do we have the right to interfere and try to set our standards of living on them , or let them fall back on the survival of the fitest, after all we did in the past ,for  me it is all part of evolution , sad as it is ,

as per usual roco everything u say is wise and true...

however i just hurts to know that there r people out there that hurt so...

they will cull their own in the end...eventually when disease and famine reach their peak...there will be no more babies...so lots of babies now is natures way of ensuring survival of the species...happens in animals too... it's a final last ditch effort... unplanned...to ensure that there r some strong that survive the worst that is to come...

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the problem is that to implement effective birth control you need to educate. only an educated population will use birth control. remember that their tendency or rather tradition to raise large families stems from the fact that the extended family is the only form of retirement planning that is traditionally known. the problem is caused by the introduction of modern medicine in recent years which lowered the death rate of children and raised the overall life expectancy. this rapidly led to overpopulation. in addition to this you have the problem of the vatican sticking their dirty paws in and telling people that prophylactics are evil. or look at effective birth control as practiced in china, which seems rather barbaric to me.

there is no one simple solution. sadly. :sad:

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as per usual roco everything u say is wise and true...

however i just hurts to know that there r people out there that hurt so...

they will cull their own in the end...eventually when disease and famine reach their peak...there will be no more babies...so lots of babies now is natures way of ensuring survival of the species...happens in animals too... it's a final last ditch effort... unplanned...to ensure that there r some strong that survive the worst that is to come...

Hmmm, thanks Tdawnaz , but I ain't sure on the wise bit , but the truth, is how I see it, just my view, many no doubt many will disagree , and I will defend there right to do so , for by getting my views challenged is the only way to true wisdom , IMO

"wisdom comes with age , age leads to death , so is wisdom worth pursuing ?"  :shrug:................... :lol:, sig from a friend on a Dutch forum ,

In my view hard times for folk have happened through out history , since the start of times , and no doubt it will continue in one form or another ,

What does worry me is the "great" Improvements that have taken place in the last 1 hundred years , with health care and support given to people who would not have survived before in earlier times , Yeah, I know that sounds cruel , and easy for me to say with my good health and living in a caring society , 

I have the fear this will change the thousands of years of natural selection for the worse,I see examples of it all around me every day , 

I know certain members here will see shadows of the rant by a 1930-1945 Dictator ,  no I am not a supporter in case you are wondering ,

:lol: rant over,  :lol: I have been ranting a bit of late , maybe my sex life needs improving  :wink2:

Duh , or even restarting  :2funny:

BTW ,But if you want to help those worse off , be kind to all folk , one day you may need their help , "what goes round comes round " is a very true saying ,

and a link to one of the best - M

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Its like any other town they live in! It probably started off nice and look at it now! I have no sympathy!

you know what you can take that and shove it where the sun don't shine, I was born in a country like that u think ordinary people have choice when it comes to civil wars, u have no sympathy, what u need is a good :knuppel2:

edit: to fix quote

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Hmmm, just my thoughts on racial/tribal intolerance , we all have that built in to some degree, it is part of our inbuilt survival mechanism , different groups have been persecuted since the dawn of time , thats all of us black/white, whatever our ethnic origins , and that will never completely fade , with some folk maybe by personal experience, intolerance gets expanded some ,

but it is a natural responce, and in my view man made religion ain't helping either,

nor unfortunately afrokenshin Doe's :knuppel2: , that just perpetuates the situation ,

I think the everlasting arguments about intolerance lead nowhere , if anyone feels that strongly about the problems of the world , use it to try and put things right ,

there are many excellent organisations out there that could do with some help ,

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ur right rocco, but what really gets to me is people behind there computers believing that just because Im black i chose to be born in poverty, that I chose to live in a lawless  country. I was born in Somalia and in the sixty's my country was doing fine it had it's own government and army everything, the resources were good, around 1964 Italy decided, that my peoples beliefs were backwards, so what  did they do,they  tryed to force there religion on us, destroyed our government, raped all our resources such as iron and minerals, and once there was nothing left when virtually all our resources were gone they just up and left and left behind all  of there weapons, even if the government was a oppressor, it was still a government,  so u can imagine what happened when they left. Whoever had more guns took power. Lots of somalians came to united states now im destroying ur country not really, im just getting a education and the only thing im destroying is the innocence of ur young collage girls(JOKE OR IM I :twisted:) {IM 19}.       

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ur right rocco, but what really gets to me is people behind there computers believing that just because Im black i chose to be born in poverty, that I chose to live in a lawless  country. I was born in Somalia and in the sixty's my country was doing fine it had it's own government and army everything, the resources were good, around 1964 Italy decided, that my peoples beliefs were backwards, so what  did they do,they  tryed to force there religion on us, destroyed our government, raped all our resources such as iron and minerals, and once there was nothing left when virtually all our resources were gone they just up and left and left behind all  of there weapons, even if the government was a oppressor, it was still a government,  so u can imagine what happened when they left. Whoever had more guns took power. Lots of somalians came to united states now im destroying ur country not really, im just getting a education and the only thing im destroying is the innocence of ur young collage girls(JOKE OR IM I :twisted:) {IM 19}.       

Hi afrokenshin , thankls for the insight into Somalia and the reason for it's problems , I am ashamed to admit I had to google Somalia , Duh, I never was the brightest on places,  and I can see why your angst , I was suprised to see it was Italy that was involved , I didn't realise that they had much  power outside of there own country !,

Good luck on the education ,and glad to see you are having a goods time in the USA,  :wink2: , no problem for me , as I am in the UK  :wink2::

BTW I hope Somalia gets sorted out soon , I see it is still having ongoing  problems 2007

I just been reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somalia

also  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/country_profiles/1072592.stm

both make sad reading , and damm I see Britain was also involved ...................again  :evil2:

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