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well I'm still here in this holey land of Iraq hope you all have not missed me to much ..i have got some pretty good pics to try to  up load when i get home on R&R ..we have lost 6 great Soldiers so far 5 to IEDS and one to a sniper .. its pretty rough going out side the wire .. i use to worry a lot about it but  now i just get geared up and roll out. don't roll the tanks  very much- to big to fit down the city streets .. hey i did run over a guy in the my Tank ..i really did ..we rolling back from a mission and going through a check point i was the second tank and i guess he was trying to get out of the way and he missed judged  and I'm sorry to say 72 tons just don't stop on a dime ..he didn't make it. man that wasn't pretty  .other then that no more confirm kills  been in a few fire fights and we have found a lot of the IEDS the hard way and not the easy way ..

please give a prayer out for those great soldiers ..let me know if i shouldn't post any news like this. sorry if i offended anyone


out tstillery

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Hey man, I'm glad to hear your all well. Sorry for the loss of the 6 men  :cry: .

Just have to ask...the guy you rolled over in your tank was an "enemy" correct?

my prayers are with you all and hope you dont lose any more soldiers  :angel:

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yeh i think about u often...

feel free to post what u can...u know we want to

know the skinny on what's really going on over there...

yeh like sst said that guy was on the other team...huh?

woohoo...how fab is that...dude's away fighting in a war and he still can't fight his tmn addiction...actually i think it's just me he misses...he luvs us...and we miss him...

i will kneel and bow my head in prayer for u and all ur fellow soldiers at 6:30 am...anyone wanna join me??...

know that our hearts r with u...and all our men and women over there...


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Hey soldier , hows it goin? Damn glad to hear from you!  Man , that was just to long in between posts .

No I can say that you should feel free to post anything you want to here, I aint the boss, but I'll back up anything you want to post!

Were with you tstillery          all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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well I'm still here in this holey land of Iraq hope you all have not missed me to much ..i have got some pretty good pics to try to  up load when i get home on R&R ..we have lost 6 great Soldiers so far 5 to IEDS and one to a sniper .. its pretty rough going out side the wire .. i use to worry a lot about it but  now i just get geared up and roll out. don't roll the tanks  very much- to big to fit down the city streets .. hey i did run over a guy in the my Tank ..i really did ..we rolling back from a mission and going through a check point i was the second tank and i guess he was trying to get out of the way and he missed judged  and I'm sorry to say 72 tons just don't stop on a dime ..he didn't make it. man that wasn't pretty  .other then that no more confirm kills  been in a few fire fights and we have found a lot of the IEDS the hard way and not the easy way ..

please give a prayer out for those great soldiers ..let me know if i shouldn't post any news like this. sorry if i offended anyone


out tstillery

I'm with you tstillery, I'm not a soldier by any means (unless FedEx counts) and my ole man was a Navy tailgunner in WWII. I want you and your fellow comrades home on US soil NOW!

Me like those in this forum wish you and your brothern safety and look forward to hearing from you soon when your here on US soil

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TST:  Good to know that you are OK.  My prayers are with you and all the GI'S over there.

        We have a Granddaughter at Balad Air Base. She is a S/Sgt in the Air Force.

        Be safe and don't volunteer for anything.

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well I'm still here in this holey land of Iraq hope you all have not missed me to much ..i have got some pretty good pics to try to  up load when i get home on R&R ..we have lost 6 great Soldiers so far 5 to IEDS and one to a sniper .. its pretty rough going out side the wire .. i use to worry a lot about it but  now i just get geared up and roll out. don't roll the tanks  very much- to big to fit down the city streets .. hey i did run over a guy in the my Tank ..i really did ..we rolling back from a mission and going through a check point i was the second tank and i guess he was trying to get out of the way and he missed judged  and I'm sorry to say 72 tons just don't stop on a dime ..he didn't make it. man that wasn't pretty  .other then that no more confirm kills  been in a few fire fights and we have found a lot of the IEDS the hard way and not the easy way ..

please give a prayer out for those great soldiers ..let me know if i shouldn't post any news like this. sorry if i offended anyone


out tstillery

glad to hear you're still ok. keep your head down when you're out in your LPCs.

as for posting stuff here, hell i would like to see some stuff as much as the next guy, but remember to check with the S-2 before you do. i don't know what the rules are but you should. loose lips sink ships.

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  • 6 months later...


I just got an E-mail from tstillery!  He is kickin ass over there, and in good spirits, he says he's gonna be flyin out in a few day's, and should be on soon. He say's to give his best to all .

Hell yeah! Are Testmy.net soldier at his best !!!!!!!!!!!

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