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What do you think of Microsoft?

Does Microsoft Suck or Blow?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Microsoft Suck or Blow?

    • Microsoft Sucks
    • Microsoft Blows

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Is it just me, or is Microsoft really pathetic?  They are so stinkin' proud of their new 'improved' firewall and brand new antispyware, but they are way behind the times with it.  Other companies with far less money have been producing similar pieces of software for a long time, and Super-rich Microsoft FINALLY comes out with protection that should have been included with Windows years ago; and from what I hear, their antispyware program came from a company they BOUGHT OUT.  (Giant, I think)  It just goes to show you that the biggest and the baddest got that way buy bullying everyone else, stealing their ideas and making them crappy.

But that's just my 2 Cents.

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I have a love-hate relationship with M$. I love when Windows works, and hate when is gets "tired and crashes" :haha:

They have gotten a little better since XP though. I've been using Windows since 3.0 with DOS!

I may have decided to switch a while ago, but as I said in another thread, there aren't as many compatible games for Linux, etc. Also, there is the learning a whole new OS thing...

I'd have to say I'm the same way.  I love certain things about XP, but it likes to give me crap, too.  SP2 seems to have helped; I haven't had any spyware for almost a month now (Amazing!)  my PC is running better.  Everything microsoft makes is a HUGE resource hog, though.  I use firefox, and I can have twice as many firefox windows open as I could w/ IE before my computer slows down.  I tried linux- it runs really fast on the internet and never crashes, but it's hard to install software and there isn't much software for linux anyway.  I guess I'm stuck with XP.  At least there are no more illegal operations like with 95/98 (remember those?).

I've been using Microsoft since before windows.  My family's first pc was an IBM 8088, monochrome monitor, 4mhz, 640k of ram, 32 meg HDD, 4800baud modem and DOS3.0.  The only program we had was Works, and it SUCKED.  It took 5 minutes for the thing to boot to the C prompt.  We've come a long way!

I dont understand.......if it wasn't for microsoft or Bill Gates at that matter, we wouldnt be talking on this awesome forum!!

Come on people, I undrestand Microsoft makes some shitty mistakes but seriously........I dont hate Microsoft, I think they are a savior.......sorry.

Nah, Linux is the way man. Most people use windows because it the only thing easy enough for them. and its the only thing that is compatable with most the programs that are on the market today. All the good game servers and websites you see are hosted on a linux machine because they are much more reliable and they don't crash as much, Redhat right now is the only real linux that gives people a chance to learn it. I think once more people start to see how much better it is people will start to use it more.

I dont understand.......if it wasn't for microsoft or Bill Gates at that matter, we wouldnt be talking on this awesome forum!!

Come on people, I undrestand Microsoft makes some shitty mistakes but seriously........I dont hate Microsoft, I think they are a savior.......sorry.

Yes, but most internet server's are pc's running Linux or Unix.  Microsoft has the most money, but they still can't seem to come up with the most stable OS.  Linux, Unix, and Apple all create more stable and secure Os's than MS.  All i'm saying is, ms should be able to do alot better considering the amount of money they have to throw around.  By the way, if it wasn't for MS, we'd all be surfing the internet on Mac's, and complaining about Apple.

Uhh your poll doesnt make sense,u have 2 negative choices against Microsoft,I know everyone has different opinions with this OS,but a poll should consist also of a choice that people like it ;)

It's a joke, man.  I was pissed because my computer was screwing up, and instead of breaking something, I made that poll.  If you don't like it you can make your own- You could even put two positive answers for how beautiful and rosy Windows is if you want, I don't care.

First of all I dont think windows is all Rosey and beautiful,so I dont know why your getting all upset at my post because we all have our fair share of problems with Windows sometimes,and all I was doing was commenting on how u didnt give an option for those who actually might like it,thats all :roll:

First of all I dont think windows is all Rosey and beautiful,so I dont know why your getting all upset at my post because we all have our fair share of problems with Windows sometimes,and all I was doing was commenting on how u didnt give an option for those who actually might like it,thats all :roll:

Sorry to upset you bro...


First of all theres no need to be using those words in this site, so stop acting like a prick and second of all who do u think u r coming to this site acting like a big shot

Just STF^

II closed this thread PLEASE stop flaming we will not tolerate it...


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