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My comments towards Bill Gates was a figure of speach  Confused

But he does run the company, does he not?

Where does the buck stop? Hmmm...

If you want to get techinical.. Steve Ballmer is CEO and he makes all of the "tough" calls nowadays..  billy is just Chairman of the Board and Chief Software Architect  what ever the hell that means..

I think my point is M.S doesn't care about the user.

Look how long it took them to(consider) coming out with I.E 7

Why? because they know it's all over

People are using alternatives

It's all about the dollar BILL  :roll:

That's why I.E's is losing the browser market share.

Also M$ takes forever to come out with patches, sometimes  4-6 months. BTW, from what I've read on Yahoo! news they new about the Xbox power cord fire danger for 6 MONTHS!  I realize, they have to "ramp up production" of new cords, but they could have had a lot more Xbox owners  with fried systems and/or homes (including me) if they waited any longer.

Sorry for my long rant.

As recently as July 2004, Firefox had less than 1 percent market share. Since the browser went out of beta in November, it's been rapidly adopted, sneaking past some of the top browsers of years past. Firefox is officially a "major" Web browser, says M. Victor Janulaitis, Janco's chief executive.

"If you include Apple and Linux, then Mozilla has more market share than all other browsers combined, except for Microsoft," Janulaitis observes in the study. "This is a shift. Users are beginning to see an alternative to Microsoft and are willing to try it."

According to the data, Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) maintains its preeminence among North American browsers, with a combined 84.85 percent market share. Firefox comes in second with a 4.48 percent stake, followed by Netscape (3.03 percent); AOL (2.20 percent); MSN (0.58 percent); and the still-obscure Opera (0.34 percent).

Not all analysts see the same rosy picture for Firefox on the horizon. According to a recent study by Gartner, if and when Microsoft chooses to respond to the threat posed by Mozilla's new browser, it will probably easily regain any market share it lost in recent months. Firefox's recent, impressive growth is consequently "not inherently sustainable," the report concludes.

Article: Browser Wars: Who's Winning, Who's Losing

Here is the bottom line as I see it. Whatever ground other browsers have gained in the last year, Microsoft can get it back whenever they want with IE. Nothing can take the place of internet explorer. It will always be the number 1 browser. No matter how much people hate it, they just have to suck it up. The 84.85% market share that Microsoft holds will easily rise above 90% by this fall. When IE7 drops, everyone will take part in using it. Once again, it will blow all other browsers away.

Another article: What's Next For Internet Explorer 7.0?

-Microsoft officials haven't indicated when IE 7 will be generally available, but Firefox's continuing encroachment presumably will spur the company to move as quickly as possible. In mid-January, IE's market share on Windows PCs had slipped to 92.7% from 96.7% in June, according to WebSideStory Inc., a Web analytics firm that tracks browser usage. WebSideStory is expected to release updated Web browser statistics within the next few days.

Tabbed browsing will more than likely be implemented.

;) Yep I agree with  organ_shifter I like IE I also have FF but I'm not crazy about it and IE is faster on my puter...I'm not only used to using IE but it does a lot more than FF, I know everyone gets wood over those tabs but I don't get it.... so what, FF doesn't allow me to use a Spell checker, when I'm on a page My thumb wheel doesn't work everywhere, and many more things......... I used Opera a long time ago and recently DL a new version and I don't like it with or without Ads....as has been said its a personal preference just like a car. Of course it has security issues... ALL of them do or will , the issues come as it gets more popular and more ppl use it, just like ppl say Mac doesn't get any virus's....well its not true its just not written about that much because only 817 ppl own Mac...and hackers dont go after the little guys that much.... What I think is the most important thing about any browser is that the user is comfortable with it and it does what they want, and 4me IE does it, no matter what others think I like it and will continue to use it whether Billy Boy owns it or Saddam owns it..... its just a matter of choice... IMO.... :)

8) Microwave

In this pic is one of the things I dont like about FF, words being cut off by the lines or missing!!!


you bring some valid points to the table.  :)

And like most I.E user and Opera users for that matter were all stuck in our ways, i guess.

If I.E works for you then that's great, as long as you realize the alternatives and it seems like you have, then hey if it's not broken then why fix it  :lol:

Internet Explore REALLY sucks. If there was a way to take out I.E. from my computer I would love that. By the way I use Opera and Firefox  for internet and I use Thunderbird for my mail (best)) Outlook Express Sucks too.

;) It is possible to remove IE from many OS's and there is actually a freeware pgm that will do this 4u....... I have never tried or used this so use at your own risk....    the name of the pgm is  IERADICATOR...good luck  :)

8) Microwave

Well, i prefer FF. And IMO one of the main reasons IE is #1 in the charts, is rpobaly because there are alot of people who don't know what it is, and are cautious aobtu download things off the net, therefor.. Sttuck with IE.. Allwell, i guess it all depends on personal preferances, and what you use yours for.

CableNoob, i think you are right when you said a lot of people dont know what it is, i have friends and family who dont know what a browser is for, therefore they use the first thing they see that surfs the net, and since IE is already integrated into windows its the firs thing they use. They dont know of any 'better' alternatives.

FF has potential to be my fav; seems too new & incompatible with the MS-soaked internet of today....

IE6 ? a buggy, bloated & top-heavy headache for me; i will have to say IE5 remains my fav browser (followed close by Netscape 3.0)  :lol: :lol:


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