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Wow, check out this vid. This little kid is in Frasier rehab here in Louisville for a spine injury. I know this because my friend was in a car wreak a year ago December and broke his neck. He's paralyzed from the neck down and he goes to Frasier every day for therapy. Well he told me about this little boy and what a miracle he is. Supposedly every view of this video helps towards his rehab cost, not sure how that works but bless his heart!!

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courageous Kid , but children allways are , they don't give in to perceived  limits the same way as adults , I wish him well , I loved the bit when he was laughing on the treadmill ,

but he is only one of Thousands damaged, most  by Adult inspired wars , if adults ( and I use that term loosely ) want to argue and fight thats their Biz, but leave the kids out of it IMHO,

OK a rant from me , and yes I have worked with handcapped

children , and still do from time to time , and I had  similar problem as that lad ,way back in the past ,

IMHO , In our cocooned life,  spare a little time , or if your time is short,a little money for the Children of the world ,

after all they didn't ask to be born , we did that and should be  responsible for our actions ,   

Oh LOL rant over,

and best wishes to your friend Stank_Ho , and thanks for the vid ,

I hope it works to help for his rehab cost ,

but my argument is should his rehab depend on charity ,do we not owe him that by right in this caring world , I think we do , but I know it ain't happening ,  :sad:


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