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can you guys help or teach what can i do for speeding up dsl, because i have a playmate in a online game, and he is a programmer and he said to me that from 1 mbps he can make it to 2 mbps and he said he used his owned program

WOW i actually cant believe that but now i know maybe nothing is impossible..

is there any tweak or program to do things like that?


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Um, need a bit more info then that.  If his internet cap was 2Mbps and he was at 50% of advertised, then through tweeking he might get closer to 100% of advertised. BUT If your internet cap is at 1Mbps and your running at 980Kbps your not going to get much better.  Trying to remove your ISP's cap on the other had is blatantly against every law in the book!  So chrisfake1, its only possable if your running in a state of under efficiently.  [nerdly] (Below potential)

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you can remove the cap on it and set it to your isp next level so no eyebrows are raised

but if u get caught we are talking some major fees /imprisonment or banishment from the internet

depending on where u live

That doesn't work anymore. In fact it never really worked on DSL because your speed profile is not set in the modem like cable, its set on the dslam it self.

So unless you are suppose to be getting 2mbps, your never going to go from 1mbps to 2mbps. Your friend is lying too ya.

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