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Would you by a Mac now?  

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  1. 1. Would you by a Mac now?

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I own two right now, and I can't for the life of me, see myself buying anything else.  Reasons being if nothing else, the stability, I haven't had a " crash " of any sort since using a mac. Other than a  bad pci card in the iBook G4. The depth of OS use is amazing, deleting something, anything is as simple as dragging it to the trash, and it's gone, thats it.  The open source software is endless, you can change filet ypes to any ( at least I haven't found any extensions that i couldn't simply change ) . And security, we don't even have to go there, nothing less then trying to dig though the fort knox walls w/ nothing but your bare hands. Reasons for this are most likely, people that want or own a mac , have no need to cause trouble, and those that aren't familiar w/ unix, have no clue how to cause trouble. Don't forget about the OS itself being a brick shit house in terms.

Networking is a dream come true, yes , a few things changed in Leopard, but thats just progress. Running a windows OS either in parallels , or on another partition for gaming is a breeze as well, flawless.

I could go on about my reasons, but I'll end w/ I plan on purchasing an iMac soon, but not soon enough. 

The marriage of intel and apple is the future of computing, at least for the foreseeable future.

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I like having control over my things

so no

i like hey i need so and so part

going to the store and having several options

something that Mac doesnt offer since it is so close up in its licensing

anyway I will stick to Pcs running linux and windows

if u know how to operat them u wont run into troubles

a lil common sense goes a long way in the internet and computing

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No.  I have Vista running on two computer right now with no problems and no crashes. I run the Vista firewall / Avg Free  anti-virus 8.0 /  Spybot Search &Destroy that it  and have not had any virus or spyware on either computer. There is also  open source program for Windows too.. As for deleting something I use a program call Eraser. All I have to do is right click the folder, than click on Eraser.  As for security,If I get real paranoid about a web site I am going to I just use my laptop which is dual booted with Linux and buy the way all of the software program I use are free.  Just like Dark06 said I to like to have some control over my computer and I also agree with Tommy, I can not see were Mac are worth the extra money if all I do is surf the web and play games with the computer. If I want something that look good I will buy a Car, Truck or MC , not a computer.               

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You really shouldn't talk about price because they really don't cost more.

If you do a apples to apples comparison you will see that they are in fact cheaper most of the time.

Take the iMac for example, compare it too the gateway one and dell xps one. The iMac has a much faster processor bigger screen looks a hell of a lot better doesn't come with a whole bunch of crap on it, and costs less.

Lets go for raw power. Put the mac pro up against any other comparable desktop and the mac pro is far cheaper. To get something close from dell you have to go for there performance workstation desktop to get the dual processors, and matching the processors speed too the mac pro, and going for 2GB of ram you will drop close to $4000. its $2800 from apple, and you get the best looking and functioning case you can buy.

If you where to try and build a computer your self that was close you would spend around $710 per processor, and anywhere from around $400 - $700 for a motherboard, then you gotta find a case the motherboard can fit into, and can cool dual quad core processors. for just the 2 processors and motherboard your looking at $1800 - $2100 depending on what motherboard you get.

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I should of said that I was talking about notebooks when i was talking about price. Sorry about that.  As for the Mac Pro I do not even use half of the power my Quad has to offer, why would I want a eight core computer for. Remember I am like most of the people that use computer ,I surf the web and play games ,I do not even need the Quad I have but I let my E-Penis :haha: get the best of me when I built this computer. The only time I use all four cores is when I am Folding.

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... and going for 2GB of ram you will drop close to $4000. its $2800 from apple, and you get the best looking and functioning case you can buy.

Man brand new with a quad and 4 gigs of ram I have only $750 in it. Not sure how that compares with a MAC, but I say I saved enough for the next few computers on down the road. And I do not remember ever having a crash on my el cheapo emachines (or the even weaker emachines before that one. And also like Buntz said, I have way more than I need now.  :azn:  Actually I am tickled with what I got.
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No I'd have to have the few extra thousands to spend just to spend.  :wink2:

You have to look at it this way, for what you just bought, you could easyly build the same exact system , w/ much higher quality parts for three to four times as much money. Just like you can buy a graphics card w/ Nvida chipset, that will get you around, or you could buy a genuine Nvidia card for twice as much, which one is better? You be the judge. You get what you pay for, and the  "extra thousands "  ????? 

Don't get me wrong, people get what they want and they are happy w/ it. And I wont knock it.  Myself, nearly daily I have so many things going on on my mac, that the same apps running on my hardware comparable machine right next to it will lag like Donald Trump does before leaving the house w/o having 1/2 dozen people work on his hair. 

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you cant do half the things you can do on windows, wow maybe its a little more secure, but thats nothing avg or some other virus program can cure, i have had absolutly 0 crashes with the vista operating system with all six of my systems at my house. i tryed a mac for a couple weeks and it blew, sure it was stable but you cant do jack shit on it besides messing around in the terminal and looking at it's gui. i also tried using the program that allows you to run windows applications.. not bad but also not stable at the same time. i think the problem is, people are so used to windows and really do not want to switch over to mac just yet... is there a reason to? i know dlewis is obsessed with mac thats just because he knows how to use it and doesnt do things besides make websites and screw around with stuff (which isnt a bad thing, just saying) try to go to a store and buy a game.. is it for mac? nope.. its for PC because its the more advanced and graphic "advanced" system if you have vista and have problems, try checking the operator =) cause you gotta have the right requirements and the last time i checked, the macosx leopard has high requirements too.

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Donald Trump does before leaving the house w/o having 1/2 dozen people work on his hair. 

can someone please tell me...with all his money...why on earth does his hair look like that...couldn't he get a good set of plugs or something or maybe a whole scalp transplant...seriously...he can't possibly think the worlds worst comb over looks good...can he??

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Man brand new with a quad and 4 gigs of ram I have only $750 in it. Not sure how that compares with a MAC, but I say I saved enough for the next few computers on down the road. And I do not remember ever having a crash on my el cheapo emachines (or the even weaker emachines before that one. And also like Buntz said, I have way more than I need now.  :azn:  Actually I am tickled with what I got.

Thats el cheapo quad core. if you shop around you get that for around $200 bucks. These are top end harpertown quad cores and they are about twice as fast. thats why they are so much http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117143

you cant do half the things you can do on windows, wow maybe its a little more secure, but thats nothing avg or some other virus program can cure, i have had absolutly 0 crashes with the vista operating system with all six of my systems at my house. i tryed a mac for a couple weeks and it blew, sure it was stable but you cant do jack shit on it besides messing around in the terminal and looking at it's gui. i also tried using the program that allows you to run windows applications.. not bad but also not stable at the same time. i think the problem is, people are so used to windows and really do not want to switch over to mac just yet... is there a reason to? i know dlewis is obsessed with mac thats just because he knows how to use it and doesnt do things besides make websites and screw around with stuff (which isnt a bad thing, just saying) try to go to a store and buy a game.. is it for mac? nope.. its for PC because its the more advanced and graphic "advanced" system if you have vista and have problems, try checking the operator =) cause you gotta have the right requirements and the last time i checked, the macosx leopard has high requirements too.

Name one thing you can do on windows that you can't do on a mac. And don't cop out and say gaming because thats a total BS argument, you can all games on a mac through several ways. And its real easy for all new games to come to the mac with cider.

There isn't one thing you can do on windows that you can't do on a mac. But there are so many things you can do on a mac that you can't do on windows....

and please tell me how these requirements for leopard are high?

Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor

512MB of physical RAM

DVD drive for installation

And even on a 867 G4 with a good amount of ram it fly's.

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can someone please tell me...with all his money...why on earth does his hair look like that...couldn't he get a good set of plugs or something or maybe a whole scalp transplant...seriously...he can't possibly think the worlds worst comb over looks good...can he??

Thats cause he's a tight ass. Yes it looks horrible................maybe thats his M.O. now.  :idiot2:

When Macs become more popular than the others I may go the other way. But for now the general John Q. Public has his money on the other.  :angel: And if I want help it is more readily available to find. How many on here know anything about macs? That should be the next poll.

And again price. I don't care if that mac is a hair faster at doing what I do. Or that it will live past its usefullness really. I intend to replace it every so many years anyway. For now I will lay in my comfy little bed I am used to and sleep on the pillow I have a soft spot wallowed out in.  :angel:

Thats el cheapo quad core.
What quad core are we talking about? And insults are not necessary bro.  :wink2:
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What quad core are we talking about? And insults are not necessary bro.  :wink2:

I'm talking about the one you got, the 9550, or 9750 which ever one it was. I wasn't saying it as a insult i was saying it as its the cheapest quad core around right now, even cheaper then the intel QX6600 because of that its even becoming more of a norm then AMD's dual and triple core processors. Its only drawl back is its low level L2 cache.

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It was inexpensive, but thats what drew me to it. And it should not slow down for anything I will ever do. No matter how much I got going on at one time. I don't game. So in effect it was the best for the money for me. A mac most likely would not havwe dome me any better. Like some foks do not need much pickup in fact a standard F150 is more than many need, but then again a few will even need a 350 long bed, crew cab 4X4 super duty twin turbo charged diesel just to get by.  :grin2:

And it was the 9600 AMD.

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Just trying to learn here,  not trying to start a flame.

#1   What can a Mac do that windows can't. There is alot of software programs out there for windows.

# 2  I have a X3350 in my desktop with 12 MB of L2 cache the same as the cpu you link to . What is the different between the two .

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Just trying to learn here,  not trying to start a flame.

#1   What can a Mac do that windows can't. There is alot of software programs out there for windows.

ok. quick example, OS X has this super simple programing language called apple script (and before you bite my head off saying i don't want to learn how to program read the full thing first  :haha:) and a program called automator which writes apple script for you. So lets say you wanted to take a screen shot of your desktop ever 30 seconds for whatever, it would take you 3 clicks of your mouse to do that.

Something a little more complex, if you had a blog and you wanted to take one of your photos from iPhoto off your computer and put it on your blog, but you want it to change every few hours or once a day, you could make a simple program in automator that would grab a random photo and upload it to your blog all on its own in under 10 clicks.

Even with the stock libraries there are 1000's of things you could make it do in just a few mouse clicks. And thats one thing you can't do on windows, write a custom program that does exactly what you want in just a few clicks.

# 2  I have a X3350 in my desktop with 12 MB of L2 cache the same as the cpu you link to . What is the different between the two .

The difference is the core, that one if the Yorkfield which is used in some xeon processors the 775 socket, and in the consumer core 2. the one I posted, harpertown is the server version in socket 771

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I've never used any of the newer macs. I've used some of the older ones and they would always lock up for me. I bet if i would use a new mac more often i may like it, but I'm not sure where i could buy one, except for on line. I've never seen one in a store.

I don't believe you can run windows media player on a mac, because you need a genuine copy of windows. i use window media player for my music and I'm happy with it. I tried itunes and i didn't like it.

Another things is using media center to connect an xbox 360 to your computer. A mac my recognize a xbox, but then i would wonder why microsoft would allow a competetor to use its products.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I can't see myself switching to a mac anytime soon.

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I've never used any of the newer macs. I've used some of the older ones and they would always lock up for me. I bet if i would use a new mac more often i may like it, but I'm not sure where i could buy one, except for on line. I've never seen one in a store.

I don't believe you can run windows media player on a mac, because you need a genuine copy of windows. i use window media player for my music and I'm happy with it. I tried itunes and i didn't like it.

Another things is using media center to connect an xbox 360 to your computer. A mac my recognize a xbox, but then i would wonder why microsoft would allow a competetor to use its products.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I can't see myself switching to a mac anytime soon.

If you have a bestbuy near you most of them have a mini apple store in them.

And you can run windows media player on a mac, you could use all the windows programs inside OS X with parallels, and remove the windows desktop and just have the apps. I'm installing windows on my mac now ill take a screen once its finished.

And there is 2 ways to do windows media center connect. You can do it through parallels, or there is a 3rd party program that will do it as well.

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