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Or made life incredibly easy or a little less tedious ?

So what software do you guys think has complete change the way you think or do certain stuff? Just wanted to start an interesting conversation here . So what software could you possibly not live without and why. It could be work related or personal. Free , Open Source or $$$$

As for me two pieces of software I could not live wiithout is

Onenote from Microsoft as a college student Onenote has change the way i organize myself and take notes I simply cannot live without this program. It is hard to say that about a microsoft product I know but trust me I can not go back to college on pen and paper anymore. And if you know me well from this forum you know that I love open source software I think that this will be the way in the future not just in software but possibly in other digital works such as movies and music.


another one would be Firefox  (see the open source) I will never surf the web again if it is without FF. I just love how fast it is and how it does everything i need no hassles . I love it I will never go back to IE no matter what

So any1 any others?

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Right now there a 2 programs I couldn't live with out.

First is Photoshop. I use it on a daily basis, and would die with out it, There is nothing close too it in terms of well everything. Yea its expensive but its worth every penny.

The other is TextMate. As someone who looks at a ton of code this is a must for me. Yea a plain text editor works but its not the same. TextMate color codes everything, makes it really easy to find things, and will even tell you when you have a problem with the code. Just another program making my life easier.  :cheesy:

DOS 1.2

Changed my life but maybe not for the better....

:haha: :haha: :haha:

Yeah I Love Photoshop I got Cs3 it is really powerful i just wish i knew more about it

I found some of the filters from gimp very kool and useful too Food for thought

u might want to check out gimpshop

I could see text mate beeing very useful

I am right now a noob coding in HTML C++ Basic PHP

software that changes our live??

well it would be WINDOWS95 and onwards of course.(win3.11 wasn't good for me)

I am one of those guys who OWNED a 8086 pc back in the days and let me tell you this....it sure beats DOS anyday.

what about hardware?how much the mouse has changed the way we work with the pc.

Mine was Aldus (now Adobe) Freehand and Pagemaker. Before (way back in '93), we use to do everything manually (sketch/draw/finalize...revise). but when my boss decided to upgrade the office (an Ad Agency) w/ powermacs, everything went smoother form that point.....

and not soon enough came Photoshop..... the rest is history. [nerdly]

Well got yahoo messenger many years ago. Started hitting chat rooms. Fell for a female. She CLAIMED!! she did not want me. Went to visit and only called her 30 to 40 times a day. Stopped by and said hello to her at work. That silly female decided to give me some new body spay. Most would call it pepper spray, I call it a gift of love. So there I am hanging out in her house, Trying to see what kind of undergarments she likes, and that silly woman comes home, she was so surprised she gave me another fine gift, 50,000 volts from a stun gun. Now I know she was just trying to show me how i really made her feel. All tingly inside.

So you would think that court order to stay away for 5 years was her just playing hard to get. Hey its what I thought. So I went to surprise her in the park. She was so happy to see me, she turned really fast and accidentally hit me up side the head with that baseball bat she was carrying. I know she meant to give it to me as a gift, and after the 4th or 5th blow to my head, She felt bad for being so clumsy. I understood. Hey she was my 300 pound love muffin. I wanted to get her a new set of dentures for her birthday, In fact I was heading over to her trailer to tell her of my plans.  She must of forgot she had that hot pan of grease in her hands. Cause she was so surprised she spilled some of it in my lap. 

Not sure why, but the cops came by, took me to jail, I know it was just her way of saying how much she loved me. And wanted to keep me locked away all for herself.  Now I know after I get done serving my 10 to 20 years, my love muffin will be waiting for me. She wrote me once, wanted to show me the new gun she got. She must really like hunting. She says she can not wait to see me again. So yes software changed my life, I know touching story, feel free to shed a tear.

Wow That was A funny story

:haha: :haha: :haha:

Anyway yeah Photoshop would be a top favarite

makes it easy to hide your ex gf from events you went to

Makinh that nasty breakup a lil easier

Xara is nice too i have used that

Coffeeshop also has a few tools that make life as a webmaster a little easier i just wish there built in Ftp client work good

it drop my speed by half

Wow That was A funny story

:haha: :haha: :haha:

Anyway yeah Photoshop would be a top favarite

makes it easy to hide your ex gf from events you went to

Makinh that nasty breakup a lil easier

Xara is nice too i have used that

Coffeeshop also has a few tools that make life as a webmaster a little easier i just wish there built in Ftp client work good

it drop my speed by half

Yeah, hows that work?  :wink:

He does miss some issues sometimes.  :wink:

Like for instance i went to a cool concert last Nov

I got backstage talk to the band and got one pick with the whole band

and she was in it

But Thx to photoshop i can take her out

and remember the good part of the concert

instead of her and how much she bitch

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