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Could Obama be the antichrist ?  

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  1. 1. Could Obama be the antichrist ?

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I swore on the bible when testifying for a friend in Court! I know I was not telling the truth! As far as I'm concerned the Bible is a guilt trip passed down through the ages. It was written by Man Century's after the fact, so how much truth or fact can be in it anyhow!

My comment was directed at those who continue to quote bible verses, and insinuate that Obama is a muslim...

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My comment was directed at those who continue to quote bible verses, and insinuate that Obama is a muslim...

Obama used to be a Muslim,  my question is, how the hell do you go from one religion like that to another, there so much the opposite, they aren't even close. 

The only thing I can think of is he did it because of his political career.  It might look bad for someone to be in the US senate as a muslim. When the people are already having thoughts due to several things like the Iran hostage situation from the 79 and when the "Shah" came here from Iran it pissed off the Iranian's,  then Ayatollah did many things including calling the US the great satan. Before that we had decent trade with Iran.

That was the beginning of our issues w/ Iran, they didn't want the Shah to be treated for cancer in the US.

  The debate , and reported information on his religion is so messed up, it's really hard to fathom, here's an article about the

<a href=http://www.pr-inside.com/andy-martin-did-the-associated-press-r473145.htm>known facts of Obama's faith</a>

nobody in this forum cares about my beliefs or urs...this is just a discussion

Whether in this forum or in general people should care about each others beliefs.They may agree or disagree but should care.This is even more true for Americans.This country was founded by people that cared about others beliefs.If only the writers & signers of the Declaration of Independence were in the American Revolution & no one else in the colonies cared about others beliefs. It would have been a short war.There wouldn't have been an America.

How do people have a discussion without their beliefs.

Whether a tech question where they believe a solution will fix a problem because it worked for their computer.Or something requiring an opinion like this topic.

People don't leave behind who they are when they log in.If they did there wouldn't be much of a discussion.It certainly wouldn't be very interesting.So what would be the point of even reading the forum ;much less posting.

we are not going to get into a bunch of debating the bible...bible thumping

bible thumping 

You have lots of company in this the media,the government,the schools.It seems it has became alright to silence Christians.Starting when the Supreme court decided on separation of church & state.

There have been cases where a child has been sent home for carrying a Bible.While another child is allowed to wear a head covering because of her religion.The difference is one is Christian.

This started about the mid 1950's.Lets discuss how well it has worked for schools.

There have been several school shootings some with many students killed.We didn't have those when there was more of the Bible taught in school.

Teachers have a hard time controlling classrooms to the point children that want an education have a hard time getting one.

There are drive by shootings by young people mostly.

Suicide is much higher among teens & younger children.

A lot of this can be blamed on not giving them a core belief system.

The reason I put in the examples above is to make this point tdawnaz used "bible thumping" a term definitely aimed at Christains.Usually used to silence them.The ones I listed above do the same.

Quran thumping , Torah scrolling or Veda venting were not used & you don't see those terms.

This is one of the prejudices some people have without realizing it.

they don't need backed by verses from a book...either book :)

Even when this was posted:

The Quran was only vaguely referred to as as "either book".

Using verses is the same as backing up what you post with a link,reference, or quote from any book.This is done in many topics.

seems to me that we have gotten way off topic here...the point of this topic is obama...we're not supposed to be debating religion, the bible, and God

how did it get off on this anyway...

Now for this topic itself:

The very nature of it is a Bible & Christian question.The AntiChrist comes from Bible verse.Anyone that does not know of it from the Bible really wouldn't understand the question.Why would the term AntiChrist be part of any other religion?

Translated a bit for those that don't understand.It means is Obama a wolf in sheep's clothing? Pretending to be a Christian to get votes when he is really a Muslim ?

Could that be because the majority of people in the USA are Christians?

I think both religions are close , both spew out hate to hold onto power ,

is Obama the Antichrist . well for me you have to be sure there is a Christ first ,

if you believe there is,  the indoctrination has worked ,

as a child both my schools were church schools , and I left those as a born again Friendly Pagan ,

"Religion is like a wasps nest , you don't poke it with a stick unless you can run fast ",

apart from all this religious stuff you are lucky to live in a land of opportunity ,that has a stable Democracy , your vote decides the leader , maybe it won't be  your choice , but being part of a modern free society  you concede to the majority decision , if not you are onto the slippery slope to a brute force dictatorship  with it's thugs :knuppel2: telling folk which way to  vote ,

BTW , Mudmance4 , j/k , dogs aint the only ones that can sense future things ,

and if a dog pees on something ,he sees it a no threat to himself ,I never seen a dog pee on a gator ,

good topic though , I am getting interesest in the outcome ( as a European ) but I am amazed by the hustling and time it takes,

BTW when is it ? , I think I read November , ours in the UK takes 2 weeks , and we have already chosen our next Gov. 1.1/2 years in advance , not that much will change , and I cant vote anyway ,


If you want to blame someone for the rise in juvenile criminal activities, blame the parents of those children for not giving them a core belief system.  I don't want any religion taught to my children in school.  If that's what you want, send them to a Christian school. 

Our government is supposed to represent everyone, not matter what religion.  Thats why church and state are seperated.

If you want to blame someone for the rise in juvenile criminal activities, blame the parents of those children for not giving them a core belief system.  I don't want any religion taught to my children in school.  If that's what you want, send them to a Christian school. 

Our government is supposed to represent everyone, not matter what religion.  Thats why church and state are seperated.

ghostmaster , I can't disagree with your post , the UK government is not where the buck stops , that for us is the Queen or King , but they cannot be catholic ,  just makes me smile how religion has the last say on that ,  :evil2 :juvenile crime is slowing in the UK , at last the kids are saying whats the point , the new  generation are facing hard times,harder than I have ever seen , and they are having fun never the less,

so from me as an old boy to them  enjoy , 

yeah,for me  Christian school was brutal , all the canning  ( birching )  because I would not confirm to their standards ,

my daughter and my grandchildren  have the option in their own time to embrace religion , but they do have home spun respect for all folk ,

BTW, if you think being a Pagan means you shun Christianity , I just did a charity walk for a Christian org , it was 10 miles , and I came in 3 rd at 2.15  hours , it was a long hot day, but it was going for clean drinking water for Africa ,  a thing we take for granted ,

The Muslims have dug a irrigation canal deep into Africa for free,for crop irrigation ,

now that has not been mentioned in the western news  , for me bombing don't help, practical help  will win the day , 

just my thoughts , and feel free etc ,

The Muslims have dug a irrigation canal deep into Africa for free,for crop irrigation ,

now that has not been mentioned in the western news  , for me bombing don't help, practical help  will win the day , 

just my thoughts , and feel free etc ,

Thats a pleasant surprise, who was leading this operation, I mean , someone always starts with a group, or such. Who takes credit.   I mean the water canal.

If we all just did a little !!!!!   I know, thats what grandma says, but it's true.  So what if we don't agree, who fuckin cares, I don't expect everyone to agree with me, or to change there mind, just to understand how I feel, and the same for me understanding them.

edit: , yea, your right, the media never said anything about that over here, if so , just a few seconds, it sucks, people get biased about things because thats all they hear, what someone else wants them to hear. And something like this is big , big news, it's something good, instead of all the bad being pronounced.

I guess cholla shouldn't post any more .Whoever cholla is.

I would like someone to define AntiChrist to me without any reference to the Bible or Christianity.

I am not able to do that so I would like to see if anyone can do it.

There;'s a difference between having a discussion, telling thoughts, and maybe a few words from your knowledge of the books, and the hostility towards others and a half a page of quotes from scriptures that no one understands unless they have studied all the history behind it because it has been interlaced with so many references it's ridiculous. And I consider myself to be a believer.  :?

Either way, say your piece man. 


mudmanc4 ; Check this whole topic & you will only find one scripture cited & the scripture quoted in the same post by me.It was 3 verses but not long ones.Actually 3 sentences comprised of 64 words & not all long words.

I have made 11 posts & one had a wiki quote.

Most of what I posted was from my personal knowlege about my religion & the Bible then a small amount about other religions.Some was political.

But no half page of quotes by me or interlace of references.

If any hostility was perceived from me it was only defending my position & I thought I was polite but to the point.

mudmanc4 ; Check this whole topic & you will only find one scripture cited & the scripture quoted in the same post by me.It was 3 verses but not long ones.Actually 3 sentences comprised of 64 words & not all long words.

I have made 11 posts & one had a wiki quote.

Most of what I posted was from my personal knowlege about my religion & the Bible then a small amount about other religions.Some was political.

But no half page of quotes by me or interlace of references.

If any hostility was perceived from me it was only defending my position & I thought I was polite but to the point.

Iv'e read every post, we don't need to go here, the topic stands. Lets get back on it.

Did any one watch the video I posted on post number 74 ?

i never can understand that music...i gotta go find the lyrics...hehe...whaddya an ol fogie???

edit: here they r...

Ludacris "Obama's Here" Lyrics

I'm back on it like I just signed my record deal

Yeah the best is here, the Bentley Coup paint is dripping wet, it got sex appeal

Never should have hated, You never should've doubted him

With a slot in the president's iPod Obama shouted 'em

Said I handle my biz and I'm one of his favorite rappers

Well give Luda a special pardon if I'm ever in the slammer

Better yet put me in office, make me your vice president

Hillary hated on you, so that bitch is irrelevant

Jesse talking slick and apologizing for what?

If you said it then you meant it how you want it head or gut?

And all you other politicians trying to hate on my man,

watch us win majority vote in every state on my man

You can't stop what's bout to happen, we bout to make history

The first black president is destined and it's meant to be

The threats ain't fazing us, the nooses or the jokes

So get off your ass, black people, it's time to get out and vote!

Paint the White House black and I'm sure that's got 'em terrified

McCain don't belong in any chair unless he's paralyzed

Yeah I said it cause Bush is mentally handicapped

Ball up all of his speeches and just throw 'em like candy wrap

'cause what you talking I hear nothing even relevant

and you the worst of all 43 presidents

Get out and vote or the end'll be near

The world is ready for change because Obama is here

'cause Obama is here

The world is ready for change because Obama is here, yeah

cuz Obama is here

mudmanc4 ; I watched the one on post 54 & 74.I DLed it but then I went to YouTube So I posted it that way.If you want it as video just backspace watch back next to .com

If anyone wants to know VLC player played ithe DL with no problem.

http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ulcGldJlKiA

In my post 46 & 53 I purposely posted some incorrect information.I thought someone might catch it & call me on it.No one did.

In my post 46 & 53 I purposely posted some incorrect information.I thought someone might catch it & call me on it.No one did.

  :haha: :haha: Like i said, there's few people that can truly decipher all that stuff, even if you think you know it, someone will come along and tell you all your life you thought you knew something that you didn't .  Stick to the basics man, be good to people, and the tree's.

mudmanc4 ; I worked on the .wmv to see if I could post it in Additional Options.

It can now be opened here.The quality didn't suffer too much.Still easier for most as a flash YouTube.

I reccommend the VLC media player to a lot of people because it will play almost anything.

It won't autoplay a Quicktime on a site that requires it though.

The error was to see if ghostmaster would catch it since he was posting about the Abrahamic decedent line.

It wasn't something hard to decipher like post #62 may have been to some people.

I thought you had it up as a flash too but I didn't see it so here's the flash:


this is tmn...where nobody's superior to anyone else...cuz nobody knows it all...so we discuss...no need to trick and fool...who's the winner in that...maybe he just laughed to himself at ur lack of facts :) so u made a mistake in ur facts and found out that u were wrong...no need to say u did it on purpose...we all make mistakes...we understand

and we're wondering if obama knows it all...is he gonna be king of the world??...we don't know...but what do u think?? i think the dude is walking internet (he can be whoever and whatever he wants for any given moment...cuz nobody on the other end know for sure)...he has enough money back his changes (true politician) and has changed his face so many times in just this campaign that he's confused most...where they forget what he looked like last week or the week before...like a magician...the hand is quicker than the eye...and we're all under a mass delusion...thinking we see something that's not really what we're actually seeing...but now some r questioning the view and lack of rythmn to the dance he's doing...oh so charming but missing a beat

too shady...the whole family too shady...how did he get this far...what pact did he make...with whom

this is tmn...where nobody's superior to anyone else...cuz nobody knows it all...so we discuss...no need to trick and fool...who's the winner in that...maybe he just laughed to himself at ur lack of facts :) so u made a mistake in ur facts and found out that u were wrong...no need to say u did it on purpose...we all make mistakes...we understand

too shady...the whole family too shady...how did he get this far...what pact did he make...with whom

  My sentiments exactly , on both.

it's all just too much

It is a lot to handle, and just as much to think about.

There's something in this idealism that everyone has in common because it concerns everyone, and everyone has there own thoughts about it.

The question were at now, is why is this even in the news, why must we worry about things like this, where did this all come from, and where is it going.

No matter what we believe , it doesn't change the fact that we are in the middle of something very big, weather we believe that someone might be taking over the country that isn't anywhere near what they seem to be, or what they would have us believe.

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