mudmanc4 Posted August 17, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 I think these Kids and I mean Kids that are under age having children shouldn't get welfare Make their parent pay for the child. I don't see why we should have to pay for Little Billy Bastard! I didn't screw the bitch, but I'm getting screwed! :haha: True that, except there parents, ok, maybe i shouldn't say that , because it's not nearly always the case. Hey guy's look, if ya get a girl knocked up, then you marry her, it's that simple, and I tell you what, it's not bad, it's whatever you make of it, you want it to be good, ohhh boy, it will be, it might take a bit of working, and maturity, but most of the time, you two can be just as happy as when you were doin the horizontal hoky poky. So man up. There, now follow that rule, and you'll be fine. Unless of course you happen to get involved with my X wife. Then, your screwed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted August 17, 2008 CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 I'll agree on there being too many regulations.The problem is if "we the people" are going to have less government then we have to be a moral people that doesn't need them.In other words all the people make their best attempt to always do the right thing.Since this isn't the way it is regulations are necessary. Still I'm sure there are a lot we could do without & I probably do violate some laws without even knowing.Probably not by myself there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 17, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 Well it's really unfortunate that " we the people " don't just take care of our own. When someone gets out of line, we take care of them, as a society, not what it's become today. Like in the old nieborhood, you messed up, you knew it, one way or another. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted August 17, 2008 CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 Im with you other than the damn government controlled sterilization . And there's no way anyone will even entertain it. that's why i said it was fantastic...too way out there...fantastic and in a fantasy...not fantastic great... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 17, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 that's why i said it was fantastic...too way out there...fantastic and in a fantasy...not fantastic great... I understand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 17, 2008 CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 If they want on the "free" payroll, and have X number of kids sterilization is in no way forced control. So do not accept the deal then. Tough shit. Get a job. And if on the system, then by all means forced comunity service jobs. Whatever is deemed. Clean streets, toilets at city hall, the highway picking up. And same for [prisoners. Anyone on the "free" ride should be contributing in some way. And then we'd have more reason to elminate the illegals crossing the damned border. Wait all these idea's might get me elected. I'll pass. :haha: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 17, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 Anyone here more familiar then myself on how China handles breeding ? I could be mistaken, but I believe they can only have one child. And I have heard the punishment for the second is severe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted August 17, 2008 CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 I don't there is a punishment per say, but I think you don't get a credit or something..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 17, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 17, 2008 The United Nations Population Fund Helps China Persecute Women and Kill Children By Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) Like the Good Samaritan, she picked up a newborn baby girl who had been abandoned on the side of the road and took her home. Even though she was pregnant with her first child, she could not bring herself to turn her back on this innocent and helpless infant. Then the knock came on her door. The decision had been made; Chinese law only allowed her to have one child and since she had taken a baby girl into her protection she would be required to abort the child in her womb. In China the terrible consequence for her compassionate act was that her unborn child was killed through a forced abortion. This heart-wrenching story, told by the victim during a congressional hearing, is all too common in China. For the last two decades the United Nations Population Fund, with the misfitting acronym UNFPA, has shockingly defended the coercive Chinese population control program. Thankfully, President George Bush has once again put the United States solidly on the side of the victims and against the oppressors by refusing to fund UNFPA. The victims have told me their horrific stories about the Chinese one-child-per-couple policy. At one religious freedom meeting in China, I asked what the participants knew about forced abortion policies. All three women in the group broke down in tears as they shared with me how they all had been forced to have abortions. One woman talked about how she thought God was going to protect her baby, but she was not able to escape the abortion. Other women who have gained asylum in the United States because of China's coercive population control program have told me terrible stories of crippling fines, imprisonment of family members, and destruction of homes and property - - all to force abortion and sterilization upon millions of women. According to the most recent State Department Human Rights Report, one consequence of "the country's birth limitation policies" is that 56% of the world's female suicides occur in China, which is five times the world average and approximately 500 suicides by women per day. Mrs. Gao Xiao Duan, a former administrator of a Chinese Planned Birth Control Office, testified before Congress about China's policies. She explained, "Once I found a woman who was nine months pregnant, but did not have a birth-allowed certificate. According to the policy, she was forced to undergo an abortion surgery. In the operation room I saw how the aborted child's lips were sucking, how its limbs were stretching. A physician injected poison into its skull, and the child died, and it was thrown into the trash can. . . . I was a monster in the daytime, injuring others by the Chinese communist authorities' barbaric planned-birth policy, but in the evening, I was like all other women and mothers, enjoying my life with my children. . . . [T]o all those injured women, to all those children who were killed, I want to repent and say sincerely that I'm sorry!" While Mrs. Gao acknowledged her part in these human rights atrocities and courageously told her story, UNFPA continues to side with the Chinese government. Since 1979, UNFPA has been the chief apologist and cheerleader for China's coercive one-child-per-couple policy. Despite numerous credible forced abortion reports from impeccable sources, including human rights organizations like Amnesty International, journalists, former Chinese population control officials, and, above all, from the women victims themselves, high officials at UNFPA always dismiss and explain it all away. UNFPA has funded, provided crucial technical support, and, most importantly, provided cover for massive crimes of forced abortion and involuntary sterilization. Time and again, high officials of UNFPA have defended the indefensible and called voluntary that which is anything but. The former executive director of UNFPA, Nafis Sadik, said, "China has every reason to feel proud of and pleased with its remarkable achievements made in its family planning policy. The country could offer its experiences and special expertise to help other countries." On CBS Nightwatch she said, "The UNFPA firmly believes, and so does the government of the People's Republic of China, that their program is a totally voluntary program." And Sven Burmester: UNFPA's man in Beijing, gushed over China's achievements, "In strictly quantitative terms, it was the most successful family-planning policy ever developed." Make no mistake that China covets UNFPA financial and verbal support of their program as a "Good-Housekeeping seal of approval" to whitewash its human rights violations. I traveled to China and met with the head of its population control program, Peng Peiyun. In our lengthy conversation, Madame Peng Peiyun told me over and over again that there was no coercion in China, and then she cited UNFPA's participation in the program and UNFPA's public statements where UNFPA leaders have defended it. The United States should not help UNFPA cover up China's crimes against women and children. A 19-year-old law called "the Kemp-Kasten amendment" gives the President authority to disqualify an organization from receiving U.S. funding if that organization "supports or participates in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization." Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush used this law to prevent UNFPA from receiving U.S. funding because UNFPA operated in China. President Bush even vetoed the 1989 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill to prevent government funding from going to UNFPA. When Bill Clinton became president, he unilaterally determined that UNFPA did not violate the law and U.S. funding began to flow to UNFPA. But UNFPA's activities were so egregious that even during one year of the Clinton presidency, Congress successfully withheld all funding from UNFPA. The George W. Bush Administration reexamined the UNFPA issue in 2001, and through the Department of State determined that UNFPA's activities in China violated Kemp-Kasten, thereby making them ineligible for U.S. funding. On July 21, 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell wrote, "Regrettably, the PRC has in place a regime of severe penalties on women who have unapproved births. This regime plainly operates to coerce pregnant women to have abortions in order to avoid the penalties and therefore amounts to a 'program of coercive abortion.'" "... UNFPA's support of, and involvement in, China's population-planning activities allows the Chinese government to implement more effectively its program of coercive abortion. Therefore, it is not permissible to continue funding UNFPA at this time." The funds that would have gone to UNFPA were instead given to assist other organizations. After the Bush Administration determined that UNFPA violated the law, three members of the House attempted to change the law so that UNFPA can receive funding even if it continues to support China's program. Reps. Maloney, Crowley, and Lowey have all offered amendments and supported bills to force funding to UNFPA. But each of those attempts to change human rights law has been defeated. UNFPA and its friends on Capitol Hill continue to make outrageous claims that tens of thousands of women die if other organizations besides UNFPA receive U.S. funding, but their claims are unsubstantiated and illogical, especially since the funding is not cut but is instead given to other organizations. In 2002, China explicitly stated its Draconian population control program in law, but UNFPA still continues to support the Chinese program. The Bush Administration has consistently found UNFPA ineligible to receive funding, most recently releasing a July 15, 2004, letter where Secretary Powell said, "China continues to employ coercion in its birth planning program, including through severe penalties for 'out of plan births'. . . . UNFPA continues its support and involvement in China's coercive birth limitation program in counties where China's restrictive law and penalties are enforced by government officials." UNFPA remains guilty of shamelessly supporting and whitewashing terrible crimes against humanity, and the United States will have no part in subsidizing them. In refusing to fund UNFPA, President Bush has taken the side of the oppressed and has refused to cooperate with the oppressor. UNFPA has aggressively defended a barbaric policy that makes brothers and sisters illegal, and makes women the pawns of the population control cadres. If UNFPA lobbied the Chinese government to stop forced abortion as aggressively as it lobbies the United States to overturn human rights policy, there would be less suffering in China today. Wow, interesting read people. To say the least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 More truth that humor! My name be Eboneesha Li Herenandez, an African Hispanic Asiatic-American Girl who just got an award for being the bess speler in class. I got 67% on the speling test and 30 points being black, 5 points for not bringin drugs into class, 5 points for not bringin guns into class, and 5 points for not gettin pregnut during the cemester. It be hard to beat a score of 120%. White dude who sit nex to me is McGee from Ocala He got a 94% on the test but no extra points on acount of he have the same skin color as the opressirs of 150 years ago. Granny ax me to thank all Dimocrafts and Liberuls for suportin Afermative action. You be showin da way to true eqwallity. I be gittin in medical skool nex an mabe I be yo doctor wh en Barrac Osbama take over da healtcare in dis cu ntry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 That ain't no lie. It won.d be long either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 i read an article once about a woman that had one child and got preg with a she came to the us with her huby...well they chased her down bout the time she was like 7 months pregnant and demanded that she return for a late term abortion...or none of her family would ever work again. that's what happens...u abort...or ur whole family pays...and for some reason (i forget) the US couldn't protect her...and yes she came in thru legal means...but she had broken a major law in china... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 i read an article once about a woman that had one child and got preg with a she came to the us with her huby...well they chased her down bout the time she was like 7 months pregnant and demanded that she return for a late term abortion...or none of her family would ever work again. that's what happens...u abort...or ur whole family pays...and for some reason (i forget) the US couldn't protect her...and yes she came in thru legal means...but she had broken a major law in china... Cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 18, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 I remember that tdawn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 I'm surprised China doesn't just sterilize after the first child.Then no need for an abortion of a second child.Problem solved. Does anyone know why China doesn't sterilize after the first child? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 I'm surprised China doesn't just sterilize after the first child.Then no need for an abortion of a second child.Problem solved. Does anyone know why China doesn't sterilize after the first child? Ethics? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 I'm surprised China doesn't just sterilize after the first child.Then no need for an abortion of a second child.Problem solved. Does anyone know why China doesn't sterilize after the first child? Its cheaper to cut the head off the baby! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 Hmm......might have a point...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 Ethics? They already have laws for only one child.If it is ethics then murder by abortion is certainly less ethical than sterilization .All China has to do is make sterilization after the first child law.That would be sterilization of both parents. Its cheaper to cut the head off the baby! While it might be cheaper for one child how about the next ten?At some point it becomes cheaper to sterilize. It's not like the world is suddenly going to run out of Chinese. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 they were jokes Sequoia But no there is no shortage. We found that out in too many wars already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adrian Wainer Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 More truth that humor! My name be Eboneesha Li Herenandez, an African Hispanic Asiatic-American Girl who just got an award for being the bess speler in class. I got 67% on the speling test and 30 points being black, 5 points for not bringin drugs into class, 5 points for not bringin guns into class, and 5 points for not gettin pregnut during the cemester. It be hard to beat a score of 120%. White dude who sit nex to me is McGee from Ocala He got a 94% on the test but no extra points on acount of he have the same skin color as the opressirs of 150 years ago. Granny ax me to thank all Dimocrafts and Liberuls for suportin Afermative action. You be showin da way to true eqwallity. I be gittin in medical skool nex an mabe I be yo doctor wh en Barrac Osbama take over da healtcare in dis cu ntry. Yep the whole affirmative action idea is bonkers, there can be a place for such a thing when people have been oppressed for years and they need a help but to keep the thing going for a decades is just nuts, in that it must lead to situations like where are e.g. a poor white kid whose parents are druggies or something like that, is working 3 jobs to put himself through college and getting no help from the Government and a black guy whose parents are lawyers or doctors and who have promised him a Porsche for his 18th Birthday is also getting preferential treatment as an oppressed minority by the College authorities, Best and Warm Regards Adrian Wainer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adrian Wainer Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 they were jokes Sequoia But no there is no shortage. We found that out in too many wars already. Hi Tommie. I thought China [ well apart from Mao's outfit who were only a bunch of Communist bandits ] were on our side during World War 2? And it is useful to remember that if it was wasn't for the Chinese bogging the Japanese forces down in China all those troops would have been available to fight against the US in the pacific Islands and elsewhere, on the other hand I know you weren't being 100 per cent serious so no offence taken and none given on my part I hope, just thought I should put down a marker that there is a lot more to China than its rather nasty Government. Really Enjoying the forum lots of Good old fashioned fun Best and Warm Regards Adrian Wainer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 Cool. cool??? how can u say that's cool???...late term abortion consists of turning the fetus so it's feet down pulling all but the head out taking a pair of scissors and punching a hold at the base of the skull and taking a suction defice inserting in that hole and sucking the brains of that baby out... that baby was over 8 months gestated when it was finally aborted...babies nowadays have a good chance of survival at 20 32's pretty much a fully baked muffin... WOW!! could u say "cool" to that...??????????? i feel sad for u Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adrian Wainer Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 cool??? how can u say that's cool???...late term abortion consists of turning the fetus so it's feet down pulling all but the head out taking a pair of scissors and punching a hold at the base of the skull and taking a suction defice inserting in that hole and sucking the brains of that baby out... that baby was over 8 months gestated when it was finally aborted...babies nowadays have a good chance of survival at 20 32's pretty much a fully baked muffin... WOW!! could u say "cool" to that...??????????? i feel sad for u I am only pretty new here, and I am sure Tommy can speak for himself.............but I rather suspect he was being ironic..........and I am genuinely sorry if you were upset. Hi didn't realize you were a Mod, would have PMed you instead I had, the status logos are a bit hard to read so I hope that explains why I did not pick up on you being a Mod. Best and Warm Regards Adrian Wainer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted August 18, 2008 CID Share Posted August 18, 2008 As far as I am concerned if it don't suck air it ain't alive! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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