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Do you think we should bomb Iran ?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think we should bomb Iran ?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Wait for Obama, he'll make peace with them.
    • Wait for MCcain, he'll take care of it

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Too many times things happen that the people of the US should have a chance to voice there opinions on, so here's your chance.  Things are in fact going to change, but i really don't think that it's going to be all that some make it out to be, at least not in the direction that some would like to see it go.  We are the people.

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Change mine from yes to that if you would.

If you want my guess he will do similar to Bush and yet with tons more  knowledge in doing it right this time. I'd hope he just turns it to a glass sheet. And makes a USAF base out of it with fueling stations there. (you know nuke and sand )  :wink:

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Change mine from yes to that if you would.

If you want my guess he will do similar to Bush and yet with tons more  knowledge in doing it right this time. I'd hope he just turns it to a glass sheet. And makes a USAF base out of it with fueling stations there. (you know nuke and sand )  :wink:

I made it so you could change it, go ahead, then I'll switch it back.

I don't wish they would do that, I would like to see free trade with them, but that will never happen, because of the major role russia ( and others ) play in keeping the heat turned up between the US and the middle east.

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I made it so you could change it, go ahead, then I'll switch it back.

I don't wish they would do that, I would like to see free trade with them, but that will never happen, because of the major role russia ( and others ) play in keeping the heat turned up between the US and the middle east.

IMHO that is total crap ( as I said IMHO ) Russia ( BTW , Russia begins with a capital "R" same as the Usa ) ,  it's your best friend Israel; that is keeping the pressure up ,and  the unstable midle East country with nuclear capability, 

I still can't figure out the American interest in the middle East , apart from cheap oil ,

Russia has enough of it's own , to care about the middle east , but I agree it does  not wellcome the USA 's interference, 

BTW , Mudamce , Iran is a Muslim  country , are you sure you want free trade,?

Just my European view , and as always feel free to disagree ,

so I am asking what is the reason for thinking of bombing  Iran ? , and why does it need a Poll ? ,  do you feel under threat  from Iran ?  , just asking , and curious ,

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IMHO that is total crap ( as I said IMHO ) Russia ( BTW , Russia begins with a capital "R" same as the Usa ) ,  it's your best friend Israel; that is keeping the pressure up ,and  the unstable midle East country with nuclear capability, 

I still can't figure out the American interest in the middle East , apart from cheap oil ,

Russia has enough of it's own , to care about the middle east , but I agree it does  not wellcome the USA 's interference, 

BTW , Mudamce , Iran is a Muslim  country , are you sure you want free trade,?

Just my European view , and as always feel free to disagree ,

so I am asking what is the reason for thinking of bombing  Iran ? , and why does it need a Poll ? ,  do you feel under threat  from Iran ?  , just asking , and curious ,

First, it's mudmanc4 , not mudmance. Just like Roco   :haha:

russia, (just in case you never noticed my subtleness in capitalization) ,  while we waited for this, assisted  the movement of the weapons from Iraq to russia.

Our interest in Iraq have several aspects, if you don't know, then I won't start an argument , because there will be no way you could understand democracy, and everything that goes with it.  Not to mention that there were, and are several people there that the world needs to eliminate. And for some reason, the US has to be the leaders every time something goes sour. But when we don't we are ridiculed for it. But no one else will do the job while they try and shame us.

  The poll was not to decide, or instigate, bombing Iraq, but being aware of world issues, and what leaders are discussing, as well as the peoples of free nations,  the issue is very relevant.

A poll is created to determine the general thoughts, of the reader, and to discuss there feeling , thoughts, and knowledge on any given subject.

The US is not the only nation that is discussing the possibility of military action against Iran.

ONce more, if there is anyone that reads something that does not like it, or want to read it, or have anything do with it, then may I suggest  don't.  :grin2:

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Hey Bro( madmanc4 , (what happened to the other 3 :evil6:) the normal "SIR Roco " I have noted that when we disagre  :lol:,

In my view , no doubt incorrect in you view  , and as I have always said feel free to disagre, 

Not sure I follow your comment, are you saying if you disagre don't post ?

"ONce more, if there is anyone that reads something that does not like it, or want to read it, or have anything do with it, then may I suggest  don't."   

:lol: that is a red rag to a bull  in the UK , maybe we think differently , so are  my comments ain't acceptable , being I am a humble European , and not worthy to post on TMN ?

Peace and regards

Roco UK

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Hey Bro( madmanc4 , (what happened to the other 3 :evil6:) the normal "SIR Roco " I have noted that when we disagre  :lol:,

In my view , no doubt incorrect in you view  , and as I have always said feel free to disagre, 

Not sure I follow your comment, are you saying if you disagre don't post ?

"ONce more, if there is anyone that reads something that does not like it, or want to read it, or have anything do with it, then may I suggest  don't."   

:lol: that is a red rag to a bull  in the UK , maybe we think differently , so are  my comments ain't acceptable , being I am a humble European , and not worthy to post on TMN ?

Peace and regards

Roco UK

Instead of shifting the topic, maybe we should discuss, the topic. 

I'll consider your name calling a compliment.

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:grin2: me 2 , but I was not aware we had strayed that far off topic , you had asked for comments ,and I gave my view ,

so fully back on topic , WTF should america ( your view on Russia )

so why is america thinking  of bombing Iran ? my vote was No , but maybe it don't count on a international forum ? ,

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so why is america thinking  of bombing Iran ?

You should not say such things,( of international status ) this is a UN issue, no one, no where, that I can see, is saying anything of the such, and i resent that remark. 

The powers of the world are very concerned about nuclear enrichment in line with the possible future development of

nuclear weapons in Tehran. The UN has enacted two separate trade restrictions against Iran for not complying with there act.  Russia, and Iran since the breakup of the USSR have been a bit at odds on the oil and gas in the sea's , yet Putin met with Ahmadinjad last year ( not sure of the current events ) to discuss the issues. Putin was the first to visit since a war summit in 1943 from the USSR. Russia has also held back on finishing the nuclear plant that they are, or were building in Iran, when Ahmadinjad explained he would like them to build two more.  Point is , Russia is as best of allies w/ Iran as anyone could be. This is both good, and bad, for similar reasons.

There are very high tensions in the world concerning Iran, it is a huge issue, we need to stay focused , and clear and is no joking matter.  The world cannot afford such major complications from this, it would most definitely cause a full blown world war.

edit......I don't really understand the rest of your last post roco, "WTF should america ( your view on Russia ) "  I would address it if i did.

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I voted no the same way I wouldn't have ever gone to Iraq.This time or the first time .

The USA would have been better off to stay out of everybodies business.

If we had done that since WW2 the USA would be a lot better off & the Twin Towers would still be standing.& at least 8000 more Americans would be alive.As well as other causualties of the war.

The Bush family has many business ties to Saudi Arabia.The Saudis didn't want other Muslims mad at them for attacking Iraq & Sadam.So Bush did it for them.No telling what the payoff to his family oil business has been & will be.

My personal beleif is Bush & Saudi Arabia was in on the whole plan to hit the Towers .They knew that would make most Americans mad enough to go along with the war against Iraq.

Or does anyone beleive Bush could have went to war with Iraq if 911 had not happened?

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  I kind of have to side with you Sequoia, on this one. The US keeps going into wars with the likeness of the "Big Brother", stepping in to resolve conflict between its spatting siblings. Unfortunately many times the siblings don't even want us to intervene, but we do it anyway.

  And you have heard it said, "to the victor goes the spoils". Where is the spoils? Maybe enough to pump W's pockets full of oil, maybe not. But if we are suppose to get the spoils, we are having a hel*uva time with it, seeing as how our deficit is $482-billion!! We step in to "help" out, but see no return of favor when needed, at least I don't think.

  It is going to continue and the US will no longer be the super power it once was. Heck even now we are not the super power we once were - the dollar exchange rates falling rapidly as we speak. Iran and North Korea could have the technology in the future to aim the barrel straight at us. And all is not well on the western front!!

  Over and out.

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Sequoia, we may not agree on religion, but we do agree on this.

We have been fighting pointless proxy wars since WW2, and its time to stop.  It isn't our job, or right to enforce our beliefs on any other country.  If they want freedom, let them do it the way we did, or wait until they ask for help, like we did with the French.

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Sequoia, we may not agree on religion, but we do agree on this.

We have been fighting pointless proxy wars since WW2, and its time to stop.  It isn't our job, or right to enforce our beliefs on any other country.  If they want freedom, let them do it the way we did, or wait until they ask for help, like we did with the French.

So the Korean war was pointless? What about vietnam, Afghanistan, The fist gulf war. These were all wars to get invaders out of another country, that couldn't defend them selves.

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So the Korean war was pointless? What about vietnam, Afghanistan, The fist gulf war. These were all wars to get invaders out of another country, that couldn't defend them selves.

Ok I didn't think that arguement through.  Im letting my feeling towards Iraq and Iran cloud my judgement.

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Sequoia, we may not agree on religion, but we do agree on this.

We have been fighting pointless proxy wars since WW2, and its time to stop.  It isn't our job, or right to enforce our beliefs on any other country.  If they want freedom, let them do it the way we did, or wait until they ask for help, like we did with the French.

Glad we agree on something.

So the Korean war was pointless? What about vietnam, Afghanistan, The fist gulf war. These were all wars to get invaders out of another country, that couldn't defend them selves.

This requires an answer that will seem to contradict itself.

The loss of life & limb of American soldiers is never pointless.Neither is the loyalty to the USA that got them to be willing to do that.

The point is they should never have been sent in the first place.The US Constitution has nothing in it about being responsible to defend other countries whether they can defend themselves or not.We are only supposed to defend ourselves if attacked.That would be what we did in WW2.The wars since the USA was not attacked.

Of course the USA was attacked on 911 but :

Are we at war with those who did the attack?I have not seen proof that Iraq under Saddam planned the attack.

There were more Saudi Arabians among the terrorists of 911 .Why didn't the USA go to war with them?

I bet there are alqada in the USA should we hold ourselves responsible & attack ourselves?

The point is it is only the responsibility of the USA to take care of itself.Butting into other countries business has only worked against us & weakened our country.

The only way the people in the countries that are too weak to defend themselves will ever have freedom is when they win it for themselves.That way they have paid the price in lives & blood.This helps them remember.

Think about all the lives & blood Americans gave to make this country what it was & could be again.

I think maybe it has been too long since blood has been spilled on our soil in the fight for freedom.

I don't know how much farther it will have to go before an army of angry Americans marches on Washington takes out Congress & most of the rest of the government.Then elects a new group with the warning We did this once & we can do it again.

If you think this is only what I beleive here is something from the Texas Constitution & attributed to Sam Houston:

When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty, and property of the people ... and ... becomes an instrument in the hands of evil rulers for their oppression ... it is a ... sacred obligation to their posterity to abolish such government and create another in its stead.

here is another quote by someone I will leave unnamed:

"here in western lands men were fighting ,again the age-old struggle for freedom and for civilization, which is one that always must fought for. The weak, and those unwilling to make the struggle, soon resign their liberties for the protection of poweful men or paid armies; they begin by being protected, they end by being subjected."
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