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I have nothing to say.  :lipsrsealed:Dagnabbit busted again.

Well Bro , I guess we just both had a fright  :wink2: 

but getting back on topic , as a Brit ,choosing your Pres is none of my Biz,

but it does effect the world , so give it some thought , try and keep out of  the Mud slinging,and think on who is best for Americas future  , and not dwell on the  past shit ,

already the internet gossip has been proved wrong on Pallins child ,

negative crap is not the way forward IMNO , 

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The facts are that no one is ever prepared for the whitehouse, and no  ONE person could ever change , or turn the economy around. The people have the power to think good thoughts, pass them on to others, and be happy , and comfortable, thats what turns things around. The economy is NOT bad, people are just scared to spend there money because there watching these idiots say things are bad, so people loose there jobs, then more people loose there jobs. It's not the damn president, people make it look like the president has total control over everything. Those that think this, really need to look further into what , and who actually makes the decisions in this country, because 95% of the decisions, are NOT the presidents. It's the lobbyists and bureaucrats. Damn!

This morning I watched enough TV to make me wanna puke, that blonde puppet on the morning show was speaking to a woman at the

republican convention about people actually going on with there lives and the business of this country , while there was a storm in the south, to insinuate that the whole damn process of elections should be halted. They showed people partying and shunned the fact, hell, I couldn't poop the day that the dems were playin " lets see how many sheeple we can fool into thinking the whole worlds fucked up from the republicans " , why didn't they stop the presses for that?

Lets face it mudd. In general us Americans can be sheep. Yea, lets go kill all the bad guys in the middle east. Just think With Plain and McCain, Could be a Ying, and Yang thing. It would be imho more of a balance, sure McCain wants us to stay in the middle east, With Palin being a mother, I would guess she wants us out Asap. Obama dropped the ball by not tapping Clinton as his V.P. America wants Clinton in the whitehouse.

With all the Clinton supporters, Obama should of listened to America and put her in the number 2 spot. Instead, he went another route. Just says to me obama Really doesn't listen or care what America want. While I am not real crazy about another republican in office, What the democrats what in office is something that does not appeal to me. Its still early, there will be Lots more information to come out. Right now, the way it stands, IMHO McCain is the less of the 2 evils.

I'm not sure were on the same page,just to clear it up, I was going to vote third party, but the Palin decision sealed it for me, I will vote for McCain.

I really don't think that Palin wants to just get up and leave Iraq, we need to finish the job. In fact she stated on the day this was laid out, she was proud of her son for joining.

To me , there's no  " lesser evil " . If our countries politicians are evil, then the whole country is damned, because they are products of generations.

The real  " evil " is the way that many politicians run there precincts, they allow people to sway them by doing  " favors " and taking bribes in more ways then we can imagine. It's deep, and will never change, no matter the person in the big office.

And we only have 60 days, it's not early anymore, it's late, and the only thing that will come out from here on out are slams, mudslinging, and outright lies. The bombardment of ads are about to start.

If anyone hasn't made there decision by now, they are only making there decision based on the lies and deceit that is played out in the final chapter.

As always the media usually runs the show for real. And then if we say we wanna see they say we will not listen to it. I do not believe it for a minute. But what choice do we have. And the Boob tube is our link to the world unfortunately.  :cry:

They say freedom of the press, but at times I gotta wonder if its right.  :undecided:

The media goes where it wants, when it wants. They were all for invading Iraq in the first place.  Thats why Dan Rather went to interview Sadaam in the first place, to make him look like an ass.  (not that he wasn't)  Now they are all against it, because it is a story, and drives the ratings.  They were all pushing for Clinton, until Obama made headway in Iowa.  Then they were all about Obama, because it is a story.  Now he's being punished by skeptics for that.  Is that his fault, or ours?  Had the situation been reversed and , we'd be talking about how great Obama is, and how its a shame we're stuck with Clinton.

10 days ago, Im willing to bet that hardly anyone outside of Alaska even knew who Palin was, and now all of a sudden she's the bee's knees.  You better take a real hard look before makeing any quick descisions.  She is not the hockey mom "real person" you think she is.  That's just what they want you to think.  Just like Obama isn't the vessel of change you think he is.

John McCain was my likely choice BEFORE he picked Palin, now im set to vote for some third party hack like Bob Barr....just to spite the others...

Personally I'd been bashing either democrat. I never liked the wicked witch or Obama. So you could count me as no, I would not be saying we lost a good nominee with either of them dropping out.  [nerdly]

I still say Palin will make a good difference. And again at least she is not the underexperienced one trying to take charge, only to assist which way different.  :smiley:

I'll tell you what makes me so angry with our current situation.

The Patriot Act.  (or Super Liberal give it to them raw act,( edited by gmaster for accuracy))

I blame everyone in Washington, AND the media for it.

The media made it out to be something that will protect us from the "terrorists", which forced the Democrats, and a lot of republicans to support it to save face.  Instead of standing up for our individual rights, they caved.

And to the inevitable arguement that it wasn't passed to spy on Americans, or to deny Habeas Corpus, the fact is, it does give them the right to break down your door when they want, or search all of your records when they want, without your permission.  And when we give up freedoms like that, it is really hard to get them back.

Then again, thats what the terrorists wanted....

Tommie, i've often wondered, why is it that you hate Hillary Clinton?  (or the witch, as you say)

everything  have read about her and the way she is so coniving. You did not forget white water in Ark. Or the other things that happened while Bill was in office. The stock finangle. She was in as deep as Bill if not like some women in charge while he played around. And now to think a bout having her back for a second round? She is dangerous. And it was Bill who left so much crap for GW to clean up in the beginning. And yes it was Bill who whole heartedly left the AlQueda for GW tohave to deal with. Bill only sidestepped well around cow patties. And was very good a it too.

That is a good start. I never forgot. To me the Blow job was a ruse to hide attention from other things. I have no doubt Hilary actually seit all up with Lewinsky for real. Too perfect and meaninless for real.

That is a good start. I never forgot. To me the Blow job was a ruse to hide attention from other things. I have no doubt Hilary actually seit all up with Lewinsky for real. Too perfect and meaninless for real.

Yes, to make her look like a strong woman in front of America , so she could then have a chance in 08'.

I agreed with everything until you started blaming Bill Clinton for Al Quaeda.  I've heard so many people talk about the "crap' that Bush had to clean up.  What crap?  A balanced budget, strong economy, decent congress?

No matter who was president, 9/11 would have happend.  Both administrations were briefed with the same information.  Both had about the same amount of time to act, and neither did.

Clinton's had enough scandals to count on 2 hands.  It would take one of those 8 armed kids from India to count the ones from the Bush administration.

I'll tell you what makes me so angry with our current situation.

The Patriot Act.  (or Super Liberal give it to them raw act,( edited by gmaster for accuracy))

I blame everyone in Washington, AND the media for it.

The media made it out to be something that will protect us from the "terrorists", which forced the Democrats, and a lot of republicans to support it to save face.  Instead of standing up for our individual rights, they caved.

And to the inevitable arguement that it wasn't passed to spy on Americans, or to deny Habeas Corpus, the fact is, it does give them the right to break down your door when they want, or search all of your records when they want, without your permission.  And when we give up freedoms like that, it is really hard to get them back.

Then again, thats what the terrorists wanted....

Tommie, i've often wondered, why is it that you hate Hillary Clinton?  (or the witch, as you say)

So right ghostmaster , the old golden rule , if you can't win by force , take it slow and destablize the enemy , and you will eventualy win , that was the true reason for 9/11, and it is working , it never fails ,

So right ghostmaster , the old golden rule , if you can't win by force , take it slow and destablize the enemy , and you will eventualy win , that was the true reason for 9/11, and it is working , it never fails ,

So assure me that you arent suggesting that you think USA is not stable.  Because that s not the case at all. 

For a couple of years after 9/11, when we had those dumbass "terror alerts", I would say it was somewhat true, but not right now.

I don't think he meant we aren't stable, but was commenting on the strategy that the terrorists are using.  But you have to admit, it doesn't take much to send shockwaves through the stock market right now....

  But you have to admit, it doesn't take much to send shockwaves through the stock market right now....

It never did, for one people pay more attention to the markets now, they play a much bigger part in there finacial life then they used to.

The media bloats it out like if the DOW falls a couple hundred points in a day, then all hell;s gonna break loose, which is entirely a falsehood. It wasn't even ten years ago, that "they  " said , that  " all we need to do is keep the markets above 10,000 " . It's simply a gage of many markets, and an equation of the volume of stocks bought and sold.

The terror alerts thing I'm sure , was more high level testing, and implementation of devices of control.  Yea, did we all get that " control thing ".

Knowing just these two things , we would think that people would begin to realize the level of manipulation in our daily lives.

So what, a girls pregnant, thats how we all got here. Funny though, the majority claims to feel the need to keep God out of schools, and separate church and state, yet all of a sudden it's a bad thing to be pregnant , and not married at 17 frickin years old ? What a joke. :haha:

I'll tell you what makes me so angry with our current situation.

The Patriot Act.  (or Super Liberal give it to them raw act

And to the inevitable arguement that it wasn't passed to spy on Americans, or to deny Habeas Corpus, the fact is, it does give them the right to break down your door when they want, or search all of your records when they want, without your permission. 

I would have to believe that  " they " would have to be dead on track, or so damn close to knowing that something is goig on such as large scale threats before  " they " would literally bust in.  Because they bust in real Americans homes, there going to get a little more than they want, not to exclude a huge law suit. There's no way they would get the public to go for that. You know ?

I would have to believe that  " they " would have to be dead on track, or so damn close to knowing that something is goig on such as large scale threats before  " they " would literally bust in. 

That isn't the point.  All it takes is one person, or one group to abuse the system, and they have been given permission to do it.  They shouldn't have the right to do it, period.

That isn't the point.  All it takes is one person, or one group to abuse the system, and they have been given permission to do it.  They shouldn't have the right to do it, period.

I'm not condoning it,  but don't you find it peculiar that the supreme court ruled the 2nd amendment while people sat getting worked up about this ? To me, this ensures the fact we will take care of our own, although there are many that would see things controlled to no limit, there's only so much rope.

So assure me that you arent suggesting that you think USA is not stable.  Because that s not the case at all. 

Well, lets talk it straight  as we seem to clash often , indeed I am not sure why you think I have a down on America , OK I am not American , I don

It is not Americans fault that is all they leave us to vote by. If it was up to me, I'd say a truthful campaign. All I have is an inexperienced candidate with a no good vice in tow, or one who has experience and likes war. Not much choice in my opinion. The inexperienced will be eaten alive by congress, and lobbyist groups. And I do not want them leading my country.  :uglystupid2:

I'm not sure were on the same page,just to clear it up, I was going to vote third party, but the Palin decision sealed it for me, I will vote for McCain.

I really don't think that Palin wants to just get up and leave Iraq, we need to finish the job. In fact she stated on the day this was laid out, she was proud of her son for joining.

To me , there's no  " lesser evil " . If our countries politicians are evil, then the whole country is damned, because they are products of generations.

The real  " evil " is the way that many politicians run there precincts, they allow people to sway them by doing  " favors " and taking bribes in more ways then we can imagine. It's deep, and will never change, no matter the person in the big office.

And we only have 60 days, it's not early anymore, it's late, and the only thing that will come out from here on out are slams, mudslinging, and outright lies. The bombardment of ads are about to start.

If anyone hasn't made there decision by now, they are only making there decision based on the lies and deceit that is played out in the final chapter.

Mud: Please listen to me. Sarah Palin would (if she got the chance) outlaw sex-ed in schools and allow only teching of abstinance. She would (if allowed) allow NO woman's right to choose. She is the farthest to the right that you can get and that is a huge issue. And one that I know that YOU do care about.

Let's talk later, but the media have not provided the truth about her at all, and I am afraid of it!

Mud: Please listen to me. Sarah Palin would (if she got the chance) outlaw sex-ed in schools and allow only teching of abstinance. She would (if allowed) allow NO woman's right to choose. She is the farthest to the right that you can get and that is a huge issue. And one that I know that YOU do care about.

Any links water? So new and all.

Any links water? So new and all.

You bet:


look at the "Sarah Palin on Abortion" and "Sarah Palin on Families and Children"

Opposes explicit sex-education programs. (Jul 2006)

before her site was changed, she stated explicitly that abstinance was the only teaching she would support.

I am serious about this, she scares me, and should scare you! My main issue is that she governs based on her religious beliefs. That is NOT a seperation of church and state!

Mud: Please listen to me. Sarah Palin would (if she got the chance) outlaw sex-ed in schools and allow only teching of abstinance. She would (if allowed) allow NO woman's right to choose. She is the farthest to the right that you can get and that is a huge issue. And one that I know that YOU do care about.

Let's talk later, but the media have not provided the truth about her at all, and I am afraid of it!

I live 25% if not more informing myself, and the rest living it, and a vice president for one doesn't make the laws like that, the supreme court does. And i would hope that she would be pro life.

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