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NB for those of us here, for whom English might not be a first language and might find it a little difficult to understand the commentary, the following video is shot in Bruxelles the capital of Belgium not in an Arab country.


Best and Warm Regards

Adrian Wainer

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The spread of a religion is one thing, and thats how people have done things for thousands of years, but the spread of hatred, and violence is absurd. No matter the label .

And beyond that, how is it that a people can leave their "homeland" behind for whatever reason, move to a completely different country and then expect to be able, and allowed, to turn that country into the one they left?  :shock:

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the problem with closing our door and turning our backs is while wer're repairing ourselves...the rest of the world is being bullied and "reformatted" then what for us?? what is the answer...everyone... the entire world need to stand up to these people...behead them all :evil6:

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