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I agree,  and people can't take it, there so ill effected that something that they actually are , offends them. Why ? Because they don't want to be who they are. They have been made to feel the only way is what is recorded in there minds.

People are literally brainwashed. SERIOUSLY ! So much so, they will defend there warped thoughts to the nth degree. These thoughts have been implanted so deep in there subconscious that some will tell stories about what they believe is the truth. When someone with a strong mental capabilities, and hasn't been effected can listen closely and hear the repetition of rhythms of deception that has been planted. For the most part with no rhyme or reason.

Political correctness is a tool that is used for manipulation purposes to gain control and commit mass persuasion.

For example, someone close to me has always been very racist, a comment was made, and they defended a person of black skin color until they worked themselves over. Now what sense does this make ? None. Just more concrete proof to myself of the seriousness of what is being done to the people who sit and slurp up the TV , and or certain medias.

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:2funny: :2funny: Great thread, and its called inadequacy, so they have to try to make it up. Instead of just flowing. And we are considered the racist. If the anti racists would let it drop, I believe it would then maybe disappear. But thats not gonna happen while Jesse Jackson and Sharpton can make huge bucks off of keeping their people down. No money in smart rich folks.  :twisted:
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I'm so tired of being politically correct it makes me want to puke. Lets call a spade a spade. If minority's don't like it that's to bad!!!!!

never had a problem calling a spade a spade , ? , you guys got some hang up on digging ?   :shocked:

BTW you guys want to talk white supremacy ?  just bring it on bro , 

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BTW you guys want to talk white supremacy ?  just bring it on bro , 

You know, what the hell is with all this white supremacy bullshit ? This is precisely what I mean when i say mass dilution and persuasion, you people are being used to the fullest extent, they say that if you don't vote for this obama character, that your a racist, now that is the worst , most awful playing card ever used in any election, and there are not many that even see it.

Weak minded , nothing more.

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You know, what the hell is with all this white supremacy bullshit ? This is precisely what I mean when i say mass dilution and persuasion, you people are being used to the fullest extent, they say that if you don't vote for this obama character, that your a racist, now that is the worst , most awful playing card ever used in any election, and there are not many that even see it.

Weak minded , nothing more.

cut the rhetoric Mudmance4 if you don't vote for who your heart tells you who is right to lead the USA , IMHO  you are a Pratt , cut the bullshit , vote with your heart , but don't try and influence other folk ,

for me I have no interest who is your new Pres , black , coffee or white , as long as the guy can do the job right ,  I don't even give a F**ck if he is a Muslim , I think times have proved that irevelent ., any one noticed the Muslim world is as stunned as we are in the west on our aparent collapse ? 


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cut the rhetoric Mudmance4 if you don't vote for who your heart tells you who is right to lead the USA , IMHO  you are a Pratt , cut the bullshit , vote with your heart , but don't try and influence other folk ,

for me I have no interest who is your new Pres , black , coffee or white , as long as the guy can do the job right ,  I don't even give a F**ck if he is a Muslim , I think times have proved that irevelent ., any one noticed the Muslim world is as stunned as we are in the west on our aparent collapse ?


At first glance , you seem to be more open minded. But rhetoric ?  Apperently there are many with no clue whatsoever.

And as far as influence, what the hell do people think this is all about  ?  Hello, is there anybody in there ? At all ? People would actually have to pay attention to see what is going on, and i see there are people that don't.

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At first glance , you seem to be more open minded. But rhetoric ?  Apperently there are many with no clue whatsoever.

And as far as influence, what the hell do people think this is all about  ?  Hello, is there anybody in there ? At all ? People would actually have to pay attention to see what is going on, and i see there are people that don't.

while I am sure you are more aware than most Mudmanc 4,, I am sure many others ,indeed the majority of American folk also think deeply and will come to the right conclusion when the vote counts ,  why am I so sure ? , if they where not capable of doing that , America would not have reached it's rightful  place that it deserves in the world , and as a Brit from a former superpower , I was happy to see that baton handed

over to America, and indeed my trust still is with you on that ,  carry it well my friends ,

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Things are not as they seem Roco, this place has been hijacked  more or less by the very people that supply us with our daily needs.

It's all about deception. We are strong ! We are proud, and that is exactly what makes us vulnerable to influences such as frontal lobe incarceration, because we feel, and we should NOT mix our feelings from the heart in a place that is run by business. They do not mix. I can say this by past experience of my own, as well as the fault and defaults of others.

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while I am sure you are more aware than most Mudmanc 4,, I am sure many others ,indeed the majority of American folk also think deeply and will come to the right conclusion when the vote counts ,  why am I so sure ? , if they where not capable of doing that , America would not have reached it's rightful  place that it deserves in the world , and as a Brit from a former superpower , I was happy to see that baton handed

over to America, and indeed my trust still is with you on that ,  carry it well my friends ,

Maybe if our votes counted it would seem more worth it. But thats not the way the election goes for real. If it did then I would tend to agree with you ROCO. Maybe we could hand it back then?  :wink:

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Things are not as they seem Roco, this place has been hijacked  more or less by the very people that supply us with our daily needs.

It's all about deception. We are strong ! We are proud, and that is exactly what makes us vulnerable to influences such as frontal lobe incarceration, because we feel, and we should NOT mix our feelings from the heart in a place that is run by business. They do not mix. I can say this by past experience of my own, as well as the fault and defaults of others.

all I read in your reply is you have been Hijacked , but you are strong and proud ?

kinda seems a bit contra to me, ,sure the shit has hit the fan ,with or without Pres Bush ,

all the financial blame has been put on subprime stuff , and sure many false mortgages were applied for ,  hasn't everyone tried exagerating their aplication ,?

the real blame is within the system of bonuses paid for  deals completed ,

Maybe if our votes counted it would seem more worth it. But thats not the way the election goes for real. If it did then I would tend to agree with you ROCO. Maybe we could hand it back then?  :wink:

at the last min. our Queen has declined to grasp it . it might dirty her gloves , :lol:,

looks like you are on your on own,  on  that Bro , we are too busy fighting Iceland again ,all 300.000 of them , they stole our money , and we are threatening to pull their plug out, and let them sink , :lol:( when 2 Islands go to war ) F**k they may win ,


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the real blame is within the system of bonuses paid for  deals completed ,

That aint no shit either. Thats where the real money was made, and why it went on so much and poorly too. I seen it every day. Yes I was doing a lot of borrowing too. And yes my broker made me nervous with his dealings a bit. But it always worked. No I do not cotton to shady deals. But I am sure I've seen a few too.  [nerdly]
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