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My brother-in-law is looking for a laptop and doesn't mind spending the money, he just doesn't like to piss it away. Considering it costs $900 more, has a smaller hard drive, 1/2 the memory and a slightly smaller display, where is the advantage in buying the Mac over the Dell? We would really appreciate educated opinions on this.



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My brother-in-law is looking for a laptop and doesn't mind spending the money, he just doesn't like to piss it away. Considering it costs $900 more, has a smaller hard drive, 1/2 the memory and a slightly smaller display, where is the advantage in buying the Mac over the Dell? We would really appreciate educated opinions on this.



The mac doesn't have a smaller display, they are both 15.4in. The macbook pro has a higher resolution display 1440x900 vs 1280x800, and its LED backlit, you have to upgrade to one of the higher end displays to get that on the dell. The macbook pro has a much faster processor the the dell, as well it has faster DDR3 1066mhz ram vs ddr2 667 in the dell, depending on what he is doing, more ram, or faster ram may benefit him. The dell has a single 8600GT, the macbook pro has a 9400m intergraded graphics card and a 9600GT graphics card is it, so when he is not in need of high performance graphics for a game he can turn off the 9600gt for better battery life.

The macbook also has a multi-touch trackpad, and a backlit keyboard. The trackpad is just awesome, and if he will use it with the lights off a lot he will actually be able to see the keyboard. I like the way the dell looks, but I personally think the macbook pro is in a entirely different league in the looks department. It's also made completely out of aluminium.

Dell Pros:


More Ram (Depending on what you do, this may be better)

Bigger Hard Drive

Finger Print Reader


Macbook Pros:

Faster Processor

Better Screen

Faster Ram (Depending on what you do, this may be better)

Better Graphics Card

Multi-touch Tackpad, backlit Keyboard

Display Port

Can run both OS X and Windows at the same time.

Which ever one he buys he is getting a really good notebook, but if he doesn't mind paying a little bit more, and making the switch to OS X you really can't beat the macbook pro, you get multi-touch trackpad, and the screen is a hell of a lot better then the one on the dell.

I won't go into why I think the OS is better, because some idiot will come in and say you can't even right click. And I really don't even feel like dealing with that.  :haha:

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I pretty much have to agree with dlewis here.  Once you go mac, you never go back!  Im a PC guy, but I love my MacBook Pro.  It just feels like an entirely differnt machine than a normal laptop.  Subtleties like the LED screen, and the LED lit keboard just make it that much more awesome.  You can even run Dolby 5.1 out of the headphone jack, since it duals as a 3.5mm headphone jack, AND a mini-toslink port!  Windows and Linux both work mostly flawlessly on them as well.

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I won't go into why I think the OS is better, because some idiot will come in and say you can't even right click. And I really don't even feel like dealing with that.  :haha:

OMFG......... thanks allot, now I have wasted a perfectly good time of silence by LMAO.  :haha: You know, it never fails, that almost always comes up in a conversation when talking with someone that has never touched a mac, but read it somewhere, or someone told them that you can't right click. Even if you couldn't , so what !  :haha:
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OMFG......... thanks allot, now I have wasted a perfectly good time of silence by LMAO.  :haha: You know, it never fails, that almost always comes up in a conversation when talking with someone that has never touched a mac, but read it somewhere, or someone told them that you can't right click. Even if you couldn't , so what !  :haha:

It just shows that people will believe anything they hear no matter how stupid it sounds.

Lately the best one I've gotten from people is "you can't do anything on a mac, they suck"  :haha: I say what ever, and pull up expose, spaces, or a windows program in vmware fusion and they are like "WTF is that"? Then they are curious but come up with some stupid excuse as to why they still suck.

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The mac doesn't have a smaller display, they are both 15.4in. The macbook pro has a higher resolution display 1440x900 vs 1280x800, and its LED backlit, you have to upgrade to one of the higher end displays to get that on the dell. The macbook pro has a much faster processor the the dell, as well it has faster DDR3 1066mhz ram vs ddr2 667 in the dell, depending on what he is doing, more ram, or faster ram may benefit him. The dell has a single 8600GT, the macbook pro has a 9400m intergraded graphics card and a 9600GT graphics card is it, so when he is not in need of high performance graphics for a game he can turn off the 9600gt for better battery life.

The macbook also has a multi-touch trackpad, and a backlit keyboard. The trackpad is just awesome, and if he will use it with the lights off a lot he will actually be able to see the keyboard. I like the way the dell looks, but I personally think the macbook pro is in a entirely different league in the looks department. It's also made completely out of aluminium.

For an extra $100 you can upgrade the Dell to the same processor and upgrade the display to 1440x900. And as far as RAM goes, Apple states "More memory (RAM) increases overall performance and enables your computer to run more applications at the same time. All MacBook Pro models support up to 4 gigabytes of RAM." Bus speed is not that big a deal. But they also charge an extra $150 to upgrade to 4 gigs. And if you wanted the same 320 GB harddrive, it brings the total to $2249 which is $1100 more than the Dell. That's twice the price.  :shock:

I can't argue the OS debate because we have no experience with Mac, but we have both used Vista. So I will concede there.  :lol:

Is there anything else? I mean, we really can't justify $1100 for a backlit keyboard, an extra video card and an aluminum case. Kinda reminds me of the Kia vs Land Rover commercial a couple of years back where all the Land Rover could offer was more cupholders.  :haha:   :haha:

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Why don't you take him to the nearest apple store, and have him at least play with an apple before doing anything, he already knows what to expect from windows, they'll let you mess around as long as you want with any machine they have there. He would then see if an apple is right for him.

My argument would be , you just have to use one, you can't just assume.

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Why don't you take him to the nearest apple store, and have him at least play with an apple before doing anything, he already knows what to expect from windows, they'll let you mess around as long as you want with any machine they have there. He would then see if an apple is right for him.

My argument would be , you just have to use one, you can't just assume.

Hell of an idea!! Take it for a test drive! Thanks, mudmanc4! I'll let you know what he decides. :icon_thumleft:

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For an extra $100 you can upgrade the Dell to the same processor and upgrade the display to 1440x900. And as far as RAM goes, Apple states "More memory (RAM) increases overall performance and enables your computer to run more applications at the same time. All MacBook Pro models support up to 4 gigabytes of RAM." Bus speed is not that big a deal. But they also charge an extra $150 to upgrade to 4 gigs. And if you wanted the same 320 GB harddrive, it brings the total to $2249 which is $1100 more than the Dell. That's twice the price.  :shock:

I can't argue the OS debate because we have no experience with Mac, but we have both used Vista. So I will concede there.  :lol:

Is there anything else? I mean, we really can't justify $1100 for a backlit keyboard, an extra video card and an aluminum case. Kinda reminds me of the Kia vs Land Rover commercial a couple of years back where all the Land Rover could offer was more cupholders.  :haha:   :haha:

I don't have a ton of time right this second, but you can not upgrade the dell to the processor in the macbook pro. The macbook uses a new processor from intel with a 1066Mhz FSB, and the dell uses a older processor. $150 bucks for 4GB of ram is about right, its 125 at newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148191 DDR3 ram is still expensive.

And the screen is not the same even if you upgrade to 1440 x 900. The screen on the Macbook is a real high quality display significantly better then the screen on the dell.

As mudmanc said the best thing to do would be go to check them both out. If you have a bestbuy near you they have both dell and apple now, so you can check them out in the same store.

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Looks like Dell is the winner for a few reasons:

1) Apparently the trackpad wasn't designed for guys with large fingers. He couldn't get it to cooperate and said "this must have been designed by a woman".

2) Twice the standard warranty. Two years vs Mac's one. Even making it a 3 year warranty was only an additional $100 vs Mac's $349.

3) Having 2 video cards is really a waste of time, money and space. Why not just install the better of the 2 and be done with it?

4) Could not justify the price.

The Macbook is very pretty, though.

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I won't go into why I think the OS is better, because some idiot will come in and say you can't even right click. And I really don't even feel like dealing with that.

You cant even right click...  :cool:

Personally I would go with the Mac..  There are a few reasons.. 

A) The build quality is going to be better..   Dont get me started..  If you are remotely interested in a machine that lasts longer than 2 years go with a business class laptop.  You might pay a bit more and most likely wont get the bells and whistles like you would on a consumer laptop.. but they are built to last!  The nice thing about Apple is that their consumer laptops are business class.. So you dont have to worry about that and you get some pretty nice hardware for the price.

B) Dont have to deal with the crap ware, at least not yet.

C)  Vista.. next

that is just IMO

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm going to enjoy my new iMac here in a couple months.

  You are going to love the machine,  I really like mine.  One thing is get the wireless keyboard and mouse.  The wireless keyboard is really thin and light and that makes it so you can comfortably set the keyboard on your lap and type messages here and elsewhere.  I bought my iMac in August after 20 years of PC's that never really were up to snuff and this one amazed me from the first day and even continues to today. 

This is the first computer that I have ever had that I have ever had that has never crashed in the first 4 months of ownership.  I remember every time the reason I like this computer when I get to work and have work on those old clunky windows machines.  Alt Control Delete is such a annoyance.

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You cant even right click...  :cool:

Jack Ass!!!  :2funny:jk

You are going to love the machine,  I really like mine.  One thing is get the wireless keyboard and mouse.  The wireless keyboard is really thin and light and that makes it so you can comfortably set the keyboard on your lap and type messages here and elsewhere.  I bought my iMac in August after 20 years of PC's that never really were up to snuff and this one amazed me from the first day and even continues to today. 

This is the first computer that I have ever had that I have ever had that has never crashed in the first 4 months of ownership.  I remember every time the reason I like this computer when I get to work and have work on those old clunky windows machines.  Alt Control Delete is such a annoyance.

The iMac really is an amazing computer. The screen is incredible, I have yet to see another computer with a better screen. I went from a old 2 Ghz white iMac to one of the new 24" 2.8GHz iMac's and its significantly faster, and the 45nm processor is so much cooler. No more 50c idle temp.

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  You are going to love the machine,  I really like mine.  One thing is get the wireless keyboard and mouse.  The wireless keyboard is really thin and light and that makes it so you can comfortably set the keyboard on your lap and type messages here and elsewhere.  I bought my iMac in August after 20 years of PC's that never really were up to snuff and this one amazed me from the first day and even continues to today. 

This is the first computer that I have ever had that I have ever had that has never crashed in the first 4 months of ownership.  I remember every time the reason I like this computer when I get to work and have work on those old clunky windows machines.  Alt Control Delete is such a annoyance.

I have one of the new aluminum KB's, but I opted out of the wireless because there is no number pad, I use the pad every day, allot !  I love the KB, when I use standard machines now, I can't stand it.  My typing rate has increased tenfold.

Yea, ctrl/alt/del is a pain in the tukus, there are so many things like that , that make a mac work seamlessly over any other machine. Like expose' , I always forget when using a windows machine, and the I have to use the mouse, click here, click there lol Vs. a simple keystroke to show all applications.

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I had this same problem when i bought my laptop for school.  I couldnt justify the price difference especially when i fond out you could install OSX on the Dell XPS 1530.  So thats what i did.  Bought the Dell and dual boot OSX and Vista.  It works great.

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