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FireFox 3.5 to be released Tuesday. Or about Monday 9pm Pacific time as usual.  :wink2:


  Mozilla Confirms Tuesday Release for Firefox 3.5


by Chloe Albanesius

Mozilla is scheduled to release Firefox 3.5 on Tuesday morning.

"The Mozilla team is mobilizing to ship Firefox 3.5 and it's looking like Tuesday morning," a Mozilla spokeswoman said in an e-mail.

Tuesday's unveiling will come after three Firefox 3.5 release candidates in three weeks.

The first RC was made available in mid-June to about 800,000 beta users. The June 22 RC2 then incorporated feedback from the RC1 beta users, as did the final June 25 RC3.

Firefox 3.5 will include a private browsing mode that hides browser activity, a sped-up JavaScript engine known as TraceMonkey, new location services, and support for several emerging HTML 5 features.

HTML 5 support will allow the browser to natively play video encoded in the open source Ogg Theora format and Ogg Vorbis audio, which provides for manipulation and editing of video without the use of an external program.

Firefox 3.0 made its debut in June 2008, and heavy demand for the updated browser prompted Mozilla to delay its release for several hours. When it finally went live, the company reported an estimated 14,000 downloads per minute, and a total of 8 million downloads in 24 hours.

Firefox is now used by 300 million people, up from 175 million last year, Mike Beltzner, Mozilla's director of Firefox, told PCMag.com last week. Global market share is now at 22 percent, and in some countries that number is closing in on 50 percent, he said.

Beltzner said he expects the cumulative number of Firefox downloads from its Web site to surpass 1 billion shortly after Firefox 3.5 ships.

And MozBackup to help backup your settings, Bookmarks, etc.


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i just got the other version....sweet lord too many updates to handle....  :shocked:  guess im still used to IE where you only get a crappy update every few months thats worth installing....which i guess i'll live with the firefox updates as it is my main browser  :haha:

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I installed the new fire fox and it says Fire Fox could not install this item because of an error in Chrome registration please contact the author about this problem....Any ideas?

A non-compatible extension maybe?


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I really like the final build of firefox 3.5. It really is a bit smoother loading pages. I can't wait till firefox 4, which will probably utilize multiple processes just as google chrome does. Here is my addon collection. Only a few aren't compatible with ffx 3.5 but i use mr tech toolkit to enable them.


ditch chrome, install firefox, reinstall chrome?

So, you're sticking with chrome? I really think chrome and Firefox are evenly matched. It's pretty annoying how i switch back and forth from chrome to firefox about every two weeks. I am sure tho, that when firefox gets multiple processes and speeds up a bit more even when it comes to multiple tabs, i will stay with firefox more consistently.

Also, Mozilla should steal the omnibar from chrome and revamp the awesome bar. I don't like the firefox inline autocomplete (enable browser.urlbar.autoFill). You have to type in http://www. everytime instead of being able to type "test" to get to testmy.net and the rest fill in automatically. The drop down autocomplete menu is favorable over the omnibar in some cases since it take visitation frequency among other things into consideration. Here the enter selects add on saves a click. Only thing is, enter selects ruins having the urlbar in ffx used as a google search, which forces you to either press esc, create a keyword and type in "g" or "goog" before every search, or use the search bar. I installed the "peers" add on so that i can use keywords for seaches in the search bar instead of only the urlbar which i don't understand isn't possible by default.

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So far FireFox is a bit snappier. And most all my Add-Ons, except one, have updated to work with it.

The only change the new version made to my customized settings is it changed to "open new windows on external links". I have the browser to not open any new windows(re-use same window), as I just right click if I want to keep the original page. So I fixed it in about:config .   



settings are.....

Put in number 1 or 2 or 3 for link opens in.....


2:new window


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