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new guy on the block !!!! torrent downloads ??

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Hi new on here so be genlte?

Ok heres my my prob regarding torrent downloading

I run vista and went to download a film this had 3643 seeds, Im using utorrent at the moment now this was gonna take 6 days to download !! wow I said this is S#!t!!! my brother runs xp and downloaded this in 2 hours and he only recieves 2 Mb from his cable company. Now i use vista and have 20 Mb service but I don't understand why it would take me so long to get this film? Any ideas please

Thanks in advance lads

Russell :sad:

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out of the 3643 seeds, how many were actually connected? and what was the availability of the torrent you were after? if the availability is below 1.0 you will not be able to download, and if you put a limit on your upload speed, it will in turn effect your download speeds in a negative way. make sure you have your upload and download set to unlimited, and make sure you actually have seeds that are connected, downloading from just peers will get you nowhere, you will all be sharing partial downloads and it will never finish.

oh and be careful downloading copyrighted material, use common sense with torrents.

illegal....call it what you want...doesnt stop me though, just thought i would add that part in there.....can you guess where i got my copy of windows xp pro? lmao.......i am in no way condoning the acts of piracy, so dont take it the wrong way....

Yeah well piracy Mmm yep I guess its illegal but i suspect that majority of people do it. Not like im selling anything on,  just want to watch a movie  vista my copy is legal  lol but i think I might go bck to xp media slow so slow even copying on vista slow what a waste of

a bring back xp campaign...not a bad idea...but windows 7 is coming soon and from what ive seen of it, it looks well worth switching to when it does arrive, ive played around a bit with the release candidates and they are pretty slick.

Discussing how to obtain copyrighted material illegally is not acceptable here. Be careful with this thread please, this is for everyone and not directed at any one person..

Welcome Russell.  :grin2: :grin2: :grin2:

Ok so if there are that many seeds you are doing ok there unless you got a bunch of fakes. If you let it run for a few hours and it is still that slow I would try changing the port utorrent uses and then forward your new port through your router/firewall. Utorrent should do most of this for you.

I have Vista and use Utorrent and generally download at about 200-800kB. I doubt Vista has anything to do with it. I would guess either a port is not forwarded properly or the port your using is a suspected BT port and throttled back. Other than that I would suggest finding a new torrent/tracker for the file you want. There are usually multiple different files to choose from.

www.btjunkie.com does a good job of finding dup files.  :grin2:

Ah well I have never said I was downloading copywright material ?

Ok back to what i said in the very begining  my brother uses virgin media 2mb I use the same server but 20mb I tried to download the same tracker as he did he got it in a few hours mine days and days. So I guess if its not vista then maybe the ports utorrent is using ? So how do i know what to change it too the ports i mean.

And is utorrent better than bitcomet and azureus I thought lightweight was better maybe I am wrong?

Just wish I could get the best out of my 20 Mb connection aybe i shoud just cancel my broadband  :cry:


And is utorrent better than bitcomet and azureus I thought lightweight was better maybe I am wrong?

it all depends on the person you ask. i personally use utorrent, never tried bitcomet, tried azureus for about 10 minutes before i decided it sucked, too many flashing ads and stuff i dont need on it, i like bittorrent and utorrent the best. and about the ports, if you go to the options tab, click on speed guide there is an option to change the port number and also an icon to click that will check to see if your port is forwarded properly. you might need to also tell your firewall what port number its using so the firewall doesnt block that port. and i was the one that said something about downloading copyrighted material, but again, in no way do i condone software piracy or piracy of any kind, its just not cool.

dont cancel your broadband service over this, your problem can be solved. just have some patience, also find the utorrent forum, there is alot of ppl that have had similar problems and post fixes there.

Using encryption does help some people. Helps to hide a little bit from the DPI, but some ISP's do throttle encryption, since the user must be up to no good to actually think of keeping their Internet communications private from the prying eyes of the ISP Government.  :lipsrsealed:

EDIT: And hows your hard drive? Can it keep up with the multiple torrents?

i never tried using encryption...my brother tried an encrypting program, it killed his download speeds tho, so i guess its hit or miss when it comes to that? and yeah, ive read that frequent torrent downloading can be real hard on a harddrive....me personally, im using a 7 year old computer and harddrive with no problems...

I have been using torrents for about 5 years, when there are that many seeds listed at one site on one torrent I dont waste my time as a rule there are seldom more than maby 100 or so seeds more than that I'll bet you 10 to 1 the speed will be crap regardless of what torrent client you use. i use utorrent myself as it is small,uses little memory and resources so it dosent bog down my pc and i can watch a movie or whatever without it having to be stopped till im done.

Ah well I have never said I was downloading copywright material ?

Ok back to what i said in the very begining  my brother uses virgin media 2mb I use the same server but 20mb I tried to download the same tracker as he did he got it in a few hours mine days and days. So I guess if its not vista then maybe the ports utorrent is using ? So how do i know what to change it too the ports i mean.

And is utorrent better than bitcomet and azureus I thought lightweight was better maybe I am wrong?

Just wish I could get the best out of my 20 Mb connection aybe i shoud just cancel my broadband  :cry:


I know you didnt. If you had I would have locked the thread and issued a warning. I was simply giving everyone a heads up.  :grin2: :grin2:

:grin2:  Well as it happens I have found that it is not vista that is slowing my downloads biut as stated peers!!!!

I managed to test my download with a 600 mb file that utorrent use to test my connection,and I downloaded that file in 7 minutes so its all ok


:grin2:  Well as it happens I have found that it is not vista that is slowing my downloads biut as stated peers!!!!

I managed to test my download with a 600 mb file that utorrent use to test my connection,and I downloaded that file in 7 minutes so its all ok


  • 2 weeks later...

you with virgin media by any chance buddy?

if so im having the same problems and look at my speed!

yet in utorrent health and connected seeds are high yet my download speed rarely goes above 1mb now usually i get like 300kbs but i think this is virgin EVEN tho they still say the 50 is not subject to fair usage and it really went like that over night 1st week i had 50 i got fifa09 or 360 (7.30GB) in under 2h 45m then woke one morning and band slow torrents!! internet and xbox live are quick as like just torrents that are slow

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