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Wow, that could save alot of lives. In developed countries its easy to forget that clean water is nearly impossible to get in many populated areas around the globe. If you watch the video he gives stats for how many children die, during the filming of the video, from lack of clean water...

Great Idea, but it costs almost $200.00 for one small bottle. Not even close to something as claimed as 1/2 penny a day because who will pay for it ? When world leaders intend on keeping Africa in war, and people dyeing so they can seize the minerals there .

It isn't new technology , it's using activated carbon , most of the UK's drinking water gets that treatment

after the standard sand filtering , or often included in the same process ,

the used carbon is reactivated ,  by heat at  800 c , it's a complex process , 


I took a 1 year plant start up (commissioning ) engineering job there ,

what was new in the vid was the small scale personal filter system ,  I think for a small comunity a larger

system would be more sutible , it could be flown in fast , and up and running within 24 hours ,

the only downside that wasn't mentioned was disposal of spent carbon , thats where all the nasty stuff gets held ,

BTW , activated carbon was an American idea  :icon_thumright:, from Pittsburgh Coke and Chemical ,=Calgon Carbon Corporation., and known in Europe as   Chemviron Carbon ,

Yeah, I have seen that video too, pretty cool, although I agree he was a bit salesman-like.

Roco, I doubt that we are talking about the same thing, I can't recall in the video the presenter saying it was carbon based. Might have missed it though.

I am assuming carbon is similar to charcoal filtering? Like in a fish tank? Yeah, its been around for years. Whether that was what he used or not. Its the inexpensive way to do it.  [nerdly]

Salesman like to me meant it was more of a commercial for profit, instead of just helping.  :wink:

Yeah, I have seen that video too, pretty cool, although I agree he was a bit salesman-like.

Roco, I doubt that we are talking about the same thing, I can't recall in the video the presenter saying it was carbon based. Might have missed it though.

No he never mentioned it, indeed his personal  unit is new , I have never seen it before ,

the only other way to clean up water is to use reverse osmosis ,  it is a membrane filter system

not allowed in Europe as the sole means of filtration , due to possible leakage and membrane burst ,

if that is what he is using it idealy  would have a pre and post Carbon filters included ,

R.O. is used by the mlitary and in some food process ,  but those systems are monitored 27/7

I noticed he used River Thames water in the Demo , it's the same water that I drink ,

it undergoes a lot of treatment first though , some chlorine is added and it is U.V. iradiated , also uses

the standard carbon/sand filter beds , the water is now good since the cut back on the Chlorine ,

sales of bottled spring  water are falling fast , a good thing IMO,  the empty plastic bottles was becoming a problem , and using valuable oil in their manfacture ,

Water ? it's the same water that dinosaurs peed , and we are still drinking it   :evil6:,

Thanks for the Info Coknunk , I just had a look at that system , it looks good ,

where does the citern water originate from ? , 

all of Londons water is piped , same as most of the UK , although some rural folk have wells ,

I have that reverse osmosis also. The water by the time it gets to my house from the city many miles away, tastes like crap and gives a dry throat. That reverse osmosis does the  trick, tastes great. As to membrane burst I'd just pop in another filter set. Just takes a few minutes with the attached wrench.  :smiley:

By the way coknuck, is that the same roof that critters and fowl pee and poop on?  :lol:

Posted on January 15, 2009 by Michelle

If you are a science fiction fan, you will have heard humans referred to as carbon based life forms. In fact, all living creatures on Earth are based on carbon. Carbon is the basic element in our web of life.

Plants are made of carbon and water and assorted other molecules

I disagree Mudmanc in some ways, over population is  puting a strain on the earths resources ,

breathing is not a problem at the moment ,although resportary problems are on the up world wide and should be a concern for us all .in my view we ain't helping the only planet we have ,

The automobile  runs at a ratio of 1 part gas to 14.7 oxengen by weight,on average at cruising speed ,

think of a gallon of pertrol or diesel , then think of the amunt of air that would weigh the same ,

same goes for any power producing plant. there is no thing as a free lunch ,

Aaaargh, I am pissed, I just wrote a really long post and wanted to copy it before I pressed post and I missed the ctrl key and just replaced it with the letter "c" :(

Well I don't feel like typing it again now, I might in a few hours when I have blown off my steam. I do suggest however that we start a different topic for global warming if some people still want to talk about the bottle filter.

Aaaargh, I am pissed, I just wrote a really long post and wanted to copy it before I pressed post and I missed the ctrl key and just replaced it with the letter "c" :(

Well I don't feel like typing it again now, I might in a few hours when I have blown off my steam. I do suggest however that we start a different topic for global warming if some people still want to talk about the bottle filter.

That does suck, and there are several threads on global warming in effect already started.  :grin2:

Aaaargh, I am pissed, I just wrote a really long post and wanted to copy it before I pressed post and I missed the ctrl key and just replaced it with the letter "c" :(

Well I don't feel like typing it again now, I might in a few hours when I have blown off my steam. I do suggest however that we start a different topic for global warming if some people still want to talk about the bottle filter.

WTF has clean drinking water got to do with global warming ?

global warming for what ever reason , and is hotly debated , has no connection with clean drinking water

as far as I can see the same rain never stops, lucky for us , but the way we filter and use it does ,


WTF has clean drinking water got to do with global warming ?

global warming for what ever reason , and is hotly debated , has no connection with clean drinking water

as far as I can see the same rain never stops, lucky for us , but the way we filter and use it does ,


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