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This really is getting twisted, the damned RIAA gets paid by the radio station, and again as people listento it? That in its self is double indimnity or double dipping. And thats illegal. That only happens in taxation, which again should be illegal. Once the assholes get paid that should be it. And again the only reason its illegal is the RIAA has enough money to say so.

Let's say you're an employee in a store, and put the radio on. The RIAA (through sub organisations) now earn money from the radio station and your boss. At least, that's how it is here. And don't think they aren't interested in charging individual people listening to the same radio as well. It's just that the technology is not advanced enough yet to demand such a thing. And in case someone wants to ask who they are, it's the people in charge (the very top) and various shareholders. They seem to be so far away from reality, and see only money.

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But one day file sharing will be perfectly legal.  :roll:  Or legal in a sense, as long as the Fat Cats are living it up in the South Pacific on their own Islands. The recording Industry that is. Only the oldest Artists have any money to do that. And they bought while the prices were still cheap.


Music industry calls for filesharing tax

Everyone will have to pay them.

THE LATEST CUNNING PLAN of the music industry is to get the government to bring in a tax to pay what it claims to have lost to 'pirates'.

The idea has been gaining some traction in Canada, where since 1997 a small fee has been levied on blank media such as audio cassettes, mini-discs and CD-Rs as a way to compensate artists for copies made of their works.

Since the Canadian Private Copying Collective was established to collect the levy it has given more than $160 million to more than 100,000 songwriters, recording artists, music publishers and record companies. The Canadian experience might have been successful as many small bands have depended on the cash from the CPCC to make a living.

Story continues.............

Note that in the story, is that Artists are 'living off of the tax' on recordable media.  Well after all it is Canada.  We subsidize the crap out of Canadian content makers.  Which we already pay for with a tax on our TV service. O look. Another dollar a month on our TV bill starts this month. AWESOME.

The Tax number that is thrown around is $1 a month(but could go higher to about $10 a month). Even if you don't fileshare.

 It's an unfair tax.  :protest:  But as Canadians, we have to take it up the wazoo, cause it's good for us as a country and for our Heritage.

The story also notes that it would open the door for other companies to put their hand out and also impose a tax. So if you resell that laptop, well there will be a resell tax for that. If you resell your older car, another tax. Put your possessions in a consignment shop to pay all these taxes, well another tax on the sale of your stuff.

On a side note. In BC we are going to be getting a Harmonized tax. Which is the combination of two taxes that exist(provincial and GST). But doing this will cause a lot of products and services that did not have taxes, to now be taxed.  And what does our BC Government get to do this? O about 1 billion dollars from the Feds, which is probably money that is still owed to us from all  the years that we sent money back east and hardly got out fair share back.

Some countries have a 50% personal type tax. But everything is paid for like healthcare and jail time,etc.......

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But one day file sharing will be perfectly legal.  :roll:  Or legal in a sense, as long as the Fat Cats are living it up in the South Pacific on their own Islands. The recording Industry that is. Only the oldest Artists have any money to do that. And they bought while the prices were still cheap.


Note that in the story, is that Artists are 'living off of the tax' on recordable media.  Well after all it is Canada.  We subsidize the crap out of Canadian content makers.  Which we already pay for with a tax on our TV service. O look. Another dollar a month on our TV bill starts this month. AWESOME.

The Tax number that is thrown around is $1 a month(but could go higher to about $10 a month). Even if you don't fileshare.

 It's an unfair tax.  :protest:  But as Canadians, we have to take it up the wazoo, cause it's good for us as a country and for our Heritage.

The story also notes that it would open the door for other companies to put their hand out and also impose a tax. So if you resell that laptop, well there will be a resell tax for that. If you resell your older car, another tax. Put your possessions in a consignment shop to pay all these taxes, well another tax on the sale of your stuff.

On a side note. In BC we are going to be getting a Harmonized tax. Which is the combination of two taxes that exist(provincial and GST). But doing this will cause a lot of products and services that did not have taxes, to now be taxed.  And what does our BC Government get to do this? O about 1 billion dollars from the Feds, which is probably money that is still owed to us from all  the years that we sent money back east and hardly got out fair share back.

Some countries have a 50% personal type tax. But everything is paid for like healthcare and jail time,etc.......

yeah yeah as far as i could remember i read something in the TIME mag, hollywood suggested to techies to invent CD/DVDs something like "disposables". you know, play it then pufff goes the CD/DVD into smoke, but the techies replied something "go f***k urself stupid moron"

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I remember hearing about those DVD's. Good for so many plays or a week/month, and then kiss it goodbye.

Why anyone would want to buy(like a disposable rental) them is a mystery. Especially if the airtight package has an air leak and oxidizes the DVD before you have a chance to play it.


Microsoft eyes disposable, play-once DVDs

Better for MS' DRM dreams than the environment

By Tony Smith

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anyone got a photo of his future groom...i think he has a right to see his future husband...see what he has to look forward to on his wedding night :) ...see i'm stickin up for ya...i got ur back...oh wait...no that's bubba's...

all joking aside...it's all ur choice...and that's what everything is about...right...so that's it...

now what were we talking about...oh yeh...night at the museum...just went to the super saver cinema and saw it...great kids movie...wait...am i in the wrong topic again...damnit made a wrong turn again...:)

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I liked Tommy Chongs version of jail myself.

Went in and then hung around with the guys talking and shiat like that. He's wrote a book on it to.

The I Chong: Meditations from the Joint


What were some good stories that didn't make it into the book?

TC: Oh, so many. There were some pretty sad ones that never made it. There was a 78-year-old doctor named Bob. He was the head of orthopedics in UCLA and he was a team doctor for the Dallas Cowboys for years. His accountant got him involved in a tax shelter that the government deemed illegal. Because he tried to fight them, he was sentenced to two years in jail. It was one of the saddest stories I'd ever seen. He was such a beautiful man. He was in the Second World War, Korean War and Vietnam. He was a decorated man. They should have given him a medal, but instead, they put him in jail for two years. Very sad. Also, the scariest people in jail, weren't the bikers or murderers, it was the Republicans. And there were quite a few.

War on drugs. War on file sharing. War on how many trees are cut down for your extra soft toilet paper.


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War on how many trees are cut down for your extra soft toilet paper.

hey...now that's where i draw the line...we ain't goin there...i'm delicate u know...i need the soft stuff...so back off...

someone should come up with an alternative...whoa...now hey there could be some money in that one...

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hey...now that's where i draw the line...we ain't goin there...i'm delicate u know...i need the soft stuff...so back off...

someone should come up with an alternative...whoa...now hey there could be some money in that one...

Well there is the '3 shells' method.


Oh heres a new avatar for smuth...

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Oh look. You can download Pirated pr0n, but not upload it.


In July many adult movie studios filed a copyright complaint against 10,000 alleged porn uploaders. The producers wanted a large number of convictions but were disappointed when prosecutors went after just 10 individuals. The studios have responded by reporting another 65,000 file-sharers and demanding action.

story continues.....................

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So that company called DigiProtect may be operating illegally(at least in Germany). There is something called a 'cap on lawyers fee's'. So if the company is saying their lawyers 'share' in the profits from each successful notice they send out. There would have to be a cap on the amount the lawyer could make in each extortion letter that is successful, in collecting funds..

One comment on the site says the IRS of whichever country, may be really interested in DigiProtects lawyers 'detailed' Tax Returns.

Meanwhile. Who is really responsible for leaking unreleased content online? Is it the CopyRight Industry to generate money via user notices? Or is it a company employee, who works at the CD/DVD content burning company.


Anti-Piracy Outfit and Lawyers May Operate Illegally

Written by enigmax on September 19, 2009

Last month TorrentFreak reported on DigiProtect, the anti-piracy company with the tagline

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thats too low, why not go being a traffic violation officer  :police:than being a lawyer. :knuppel2: once its on the internet it impossible to stop spreading. ex. bluetooth, infrared, wifi, internet, anyone who owns a cd/dvd writer could produce 100000000 of it, oh hell till the writer broke.

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i was following these since the three founders got nabbed. http://www.gmanews.tv/story/169472/pirate-bay-challenging-dutch-court-ruling

We sent our support and videos of encouragement/protests in the forum. lol.  :2funny:

It is inhuman you know, its a crime against humanity. If these lawyers will send 1,000,000,000 children very very unhappy. :evil6:

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Global Gaming Factory. Ha Ha Ha.

What a mess. Bankruptcy to be declared soon. Seems one of the executives that quit, wants to get paid and gaming Factory is broke. Especially since that stock market scam trying to raise their worth. Or is it good for a company to get de-listed from the stock market?


So the moral of the story? Host your site in Russia. And have a very trustworthy shill person there as CEO and owner.  Many companies the world over do it in some form like this or another.

With some of the big companies out there..... Who is the actual owner? Other than a bunch of suits steering the company. And the derelict owner claims ignorance when the executives do illegal shiat.

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Host your site in Russia. And have a very trustworthy shill person there as CEO and owner.  Many companies the world over do it in some form like this or another.

Especially the way Obama is  :binkybaby:  up to Russia's  :booty: these days. It would be safe for a few years anyway.

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