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heads up everyone...Tstillery is heading back to Iraq in a couple of weeks...

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man, i just got home from work and read this....i wish tstillery the best of luck and hope he makes it home safe....that cant be said enough for what he's doing for our country  :wink2:

hope that 12 month tour goes by very quickly for him.

cant wait to see what pics and stories he has to share when he's back.

man, i just got home from work and read this....i wish tstillery the best of luck and hope he makes it home safe....that cant be said enough for what he's doing for our country  :wink2:

hope that 12 month tour goes by very quickly for him.

cant wait to see what pics and stories he has to share when he's back.

  :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

nuther wurd up...tstillery got to kuwait safely...he'll be there for a bit then he moves on to another base in iraq at this point he still has internet...

Hey guy's I'm here in this loving land of Kuwait for about another week before moving up North ..Tommie you are pretty correct ..most of they are taking pop shots with rockets ..but still have the IEDS to look out for  :angry:.. well i will try to keep in touch when i get where I'm going (good song  lol)


out tstillery

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