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It is going to be interesting, because i have this machine in here for no other reason then over 900 virus's have been detected, and 309 spyware / malware (whatever traking cookies ect... have been detected. The full scan has been running as of right now for 1:15:59 , almost complete.

There are verifiable turds all over the thing, by me ! I get page redirects when trying to access the internet on FF, and IE will not do anything other then start. The system won't allow me to even download AVG free, never seen it. This is by far, the worst, most whatever infected system I have ever come across , so absolutely optimal time to test this new software.

For those who want to know what happens when i click the cnet download button for AVG free, the system redirects to a spoof site that contains the words avgfree, and a couple other keys that randomly change AFTER the roughly "800 Kb" download. That system should be in Guiness for even starting !

If you modify the default settings on some programs....... Less chance of being infected.  

Shoot, if my mums computer can run clean for years, I must have set things up right. Even with the grandkids of hers surfing as well. Other than the time the little basssstard download Kazaa for 2 hours and 30 songs. Then deleted it and I had to remove 7 bits of spywares. Theres nothing more fun than doing maintenance one day and coming back two days later to finish and wondering where all the crap came from. But the file folders were still there  :knuppel2:

I've hit a couple of infected(hacked) sites as of late and they were just an annoyance.  Interesting hacks. a webpage with only one page, had a  page redirect about every 7 page views that went to a webpage with the standard fake scanner scanning you (via JavaScript). And the other one was a tiny bit of hackers code for an I-Frame injection attack(I think it was) that only showed up loading on the first page view, but not if you refreshed the page. But if you went to another site and came back(via address bar), it showed up again.

So..... it IS finding viruses, and malware, right? 

I was gonna put it on my notebook pc too.  I've been using windows defender for a while too.

It is going to be interesting, because i have this machine in here for no other reason then over 900 virus's have been detected, and 309 spyware / malware (whatever traking cookies ect... have been detected. The full scan has been running as of right now for 1:15:59 , almost complete.

There are verifiable turds all over the thing, by me ! I get page redirects when trying to access the internet on FF, and IE will not do anything other then start. The system won't allow me to even download AVG free, never seen it. This is by far, the worst, most whatever infected system I have ever come across , so absolutely optimal time to test this new software.

For those who want to know what happens when i click the cnet download button for AVG free, the system redirects to a spoof site that contains the words avgfree, and a couple other keys that randomly change AFTER the roughly "800 Kb" download. That system should be in Guiness for even starting !

So..... it IS finding viruses, and malware, right?  

I was gonna put it on my notebook pc too.  I've been using windows defender for a while too.

No, it found NOTHING !!!1   I tried to post a screen shot of the results, but there's just too much going on in there to allow that. I'll try again before I zap the thing. I could move the pic somewhere else on the network to post it, but I'm going to create another vlan in the morning to disassociate it from the rest of the network first. I dunno what all is in there, but it's got to be the most infectious machine ever.  :2funny:

Oh yea, for proof, I will also have the other programs that show some of the many virus's that are on there.

No, it found NOTHING !!!1   .

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

But to be serious. Maybe it won't properly install on an infected system?

A review I read gave it the #4 spot out of 10 programs.

There is also the different way of getting a screen shot.... Digital Camera. And turn off the flash.

WOW !!!! Now I wonder how that software really is and I have heard good things about it. Is it possible all the viruses in your system isn't letting it detect them correctly ?  Doesn't sound good anyway  :knuppel2: bad microsoft

Entirely possible. In fact, it's interesting you just said that, because I'm at a point where I'm attempting to install another antivirus, namely AVG free, it took several hours, and some trickers to get the download itself, at this point, the un named, will not allow it's installation.

Edit, ~ running  "sfc /scannow "  see what I can change back to what it should be.

Just an update, I removed enough of the bad guy's to be able to save the many files the owner needed to run there business as they needed to. This one was a challenge, Seems there was "something" and I say something because I never did get rid of everything, just enough for the system to allow me to save / backup to a new server for them.

As for MSSE, I dunno, the jury is left to you guy's, because AVG and MSSE didn't catch anything, NOD32 was the only program made for antivirus that caught 12, or 11, I dunno, it's in the screenie, thus with spybot removing some 309 turds.

As far as I am concerned, Microsoft Security Essentials has a long way to go before it gains my trust. We are all aware, at least I hope we all are, that any free version of anything, could be considered nothing more then sub par. You have to think as to why they re free. I used to think they were free because they were trying to gain respect through volume.

I now feel that they are nothing more then test tube babies for the real thing. Wandering in the wild gathering data to be fully implemented in the paid versions. I make this claim because I have had paid versions for AVG, and to tell it like it is, the free version is like someone handing you the yellow wrapper of the thousand dollar bunch of 100 dollar bills, and keeping the money for themselves. In other words , the two don't compare. Maybe keep this in mind while your so sure programs such as we all use , and "trust" are sitting inside our machines doing whatever it is they do.

I'de still like to hear other peoples experiences with Microsoft's new security "essentials ".

I am not sure if it was Comodo, that actually stated on their site that they make the product for corporations and then the lowly home user gets the benefits of the free product.  Or at least thats what it used to be.

Zone Alarms home version is usually a few minor releases behind the paid version.

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