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My father passed away afew years ago..... I have been cleaning it up for a long time now.... The biggest problem i have is the fact that he fixed everything so he has parts for everything and schemadics. The ossiliscopes and such I can use but I have little use for the parts or shcemadics. Does anyone have any ideas what I should do with them. I HATE to throghw out information but I do not have the room or the know how to use them. Input would be great.

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I hope someone comes up with a sugestion , I also dont like information getting lost ,

parts and drawings I guess relate to Electrical stuff as oscilloscopes were mentioned ,? my first thoughts are , are there any local hobby groups

that would wellcome the items , or a colledge , if some of the items go back many years maybe the manufacturers may be interested ,

or did your father know somebody with a simiular outlook ?, is there a magazine that carries adverts ( for sale or free) , ?

I have inherited a lot of old car spares and books that way , and I have made sure they will be passed on to the right people when I am done with them ,( living will )

As for local hobby groups I live in the boonies! And as for other people with his intrests He was the only one of his type thatI know of. I have had to buy my own electronics scinse his passing. Other wise they were alway what would be called refurbished

As for local hobby groups I live in the boonies! And as for other people with his intrests He was the only one of his type thatI know of. I have had to buy my own electronics scinse his passing. Other wise they were alway what would be called refurbished

I like the sound of your dad , I think we had a lot in common , Refurbished ? , every thing I own is home built or refurb ,

including the G/F , well I live in London city , no different to the boonies in some ways ,

I am surounded by smart asses that can't even tie their own shoe laces ,so they beat a trail to my door ,

anyway good luck ., I hope you find a home for the stuff ,

i would go with coknuck...because...same with my dad...so much stuff and so little time...i've ebay'd so much of his stuff...unbelievable...wait...bigw...just a minute...are you sure we didn't have the same dad...maybe we better split everything 50/50

ebay is so easy...just spend a few days reading before you start and set up how you want to ship...when you say schematics...if it tells what it goes to...it's sold soon as you put it up...

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