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which AV for linux...

yeh i know i've asked before...

but i need to get something crackin...

and you are on vacation...so get to vacating...

can't just post something without you unvacating...hahaha...

look^^^^steps :-) ...

oh and damnit...

i still need a printer...for ubuntu

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well get to crackalackin in your package manager and look for "clamav " install it and make sure you set it up to update daily. Far as i know it's been shipped w/ ubuntu for some time :)

I'll have a look for the printer ...............................

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have a lexmark all in one x5470

I have a Lexmark x5075 , nice printer . and I run osx which I have a cups driver for , windows which is a given , and I'm running linux mint , in which I'm in the same situation as yourself, but I'm just about to resolve the issue. I'll install a VM of some version of windows and just pop that open when I need to print from that machine. Vs trying to develop from lexmarks sdk , they claim that these printer OS's were developed for win 3.1 , but i find that hard to believe, because years ago we understood that most printers were running a flash version of basic linux OS .

If you have even a super old windows machine laying around ? , we could make it a print server and we'd be golden.

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