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I would hope that most of you are aware that even though net nuetrality was blocked in our government , the FCC is taking action ( sure , no one else influencing ) to moderate not only what you see , what you are able to access , where and when and who is able to do what on the internet.

This is nothing new, but the actions being taken now are. Please become involved as you can , no matter how little you think your involvement to stop what is being done, it is the collective that will help our way of life survive.

This is not just internet there going for , but all public airwaves in every and any kind. Here is a great place to start. I'll try and update this thread as much as i can , and hope that you do as well.

. . Save the Internet

This is a petition , please sign it , if this is all you do to help voice your opinion. Petition to voice opinion of REAL net nuetrality

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Muddy , I admit Net neutrality thing kinda passed me by , as I guess it did most folk that just use the internet for mail and " book a cheap holiday" stuff ,

sure I can read up on it , but all I get is hotheads from both sides ,

I dont do p2p or download ilegal stuff , Just the average Joe ? , well maybe whiter than white ,I dont do Porn either ,:laugh: ,

( past my teens and have a great g/f )

anyone got a full easy to read in plain English , why net neutrality affects me ? ,

and why net neutrality maybe needed or not , I aint had any problems for the past 14 years ,

Here's what I sent to Congress and the FCC

Net Neutrality is the cornerstone of what the internet is about. Don't take the freedom of the internet away.

Our founding fathers wanted a Democratic society not a Marxist, Socialist or Communist society. Do the democratic thing and listen to the over 2 million people asking you to keep our information free.


A little longer than the normal politician's 140 character attention span... :2funny:(twitter joke)

Muddy , I admit Net neutrality thing kinda passed me by , as I guess it did most folk that just use the internet for mail and " book a cheap holiday" stuff ,

sure I can read up on it , but all I get is hotheads from both sides ,

I dont do p2p or download ilegal stuff , Just the average Joe ? , well maybe whiter than white ,I dont do Porn either ,:laugh: ,

( past my teens and have a great g/f )

anyone got a full easy to read in plain English , why net neutrality affects me ? ,

and why net neutrality maybe needed or not , I aint had any problems for the past 14 years ,

Roco please don't be fooled by a few key words such as p2p and porn ok , this is about serious sensorship , this is not about trying to stop "illegal" activity .

This is about the FCC in the states , as well as around the entire net , choosing who can have a website , yes , you read that correct. This is about who can see what website. Who can say what in twitter , yup and who can read twitter. Who can read testmy.net , and if there should be a testmy.net.

Look , this has been going on for some time , the people of course want to do and see more and new news as well as anything else there mouse desires , but in the name of politics , this very well will change , just to what extent is the cause here.

This is actually about all media, TV ( I know you dont care roco about TV lol I'm really with you there ) but others do. This is about who can say what on TV and who can see it. Radio the same , who can say what on radio. This is not good for the future.

People will lose there free will to do as they please. If you like something , go there and listen or look , if you do not , then leave , right ? Well no , thats what this thing is about , it is about choosing for you what you are even able to hear or read. Putting the control of advertisers and politicians in your face.

They are deeming certain peoples opinions as hate speech , since when is an opinion hate ? Thats right , it's not .

I'm thinking of generations to come. Thats what this life is all about , right ? Maybe about doing something for those that come after us as we go through this short life , instead of restricting general human freedoms in the name of one persons opinion against another.

Here's what I sent to Congress and the FCC

A little longer than the normal politician's 140 character attention span... :2funny:(twitter joke)

I like that quote of your words , and it rings true , wait , what did you say lol

I fear not nearly enough people understand the scope of what is going on , why , and by whom. It's called gradualism, little by little , changes so slight until life has literally physically changed every aspect until one day we wake up and say , hey , what about ............. Thats whats going on. Learn why.

Thanks Mudmanc 4 for the explanation , or may I say Muddy ? ,

sure I am just a average Joe on the internet , and indeed I have asked around with friends ( email and google search folk )

none have heard of the Net neut thing ,or sadly bothered to read up,

sure I have a interest in ileagle Music downloads , I never hid my view on that , my view is Blah de Blah and not in this topic ,

but I agrree, I have freedom of the net , to read what I want to read , and wish the same for my grandchildren ,

BUT ,I do now see much disinformation on the web ,Does the Internet need policing ? , I trully don't know the answer ,

is the disinformation just going agasinst my veiw, ? maybe , I am easy on that that

, either way as I see it the net has opened up,, (ex win 3.1 ) I have heard a rumor even cell phones can connect ? ,

My vote? ,,,,,,,still undecided

, hell I am never sure if I take 1 or 2 spoons of sugar in my coffee ,



a member of the undecided , still siiting on the fence

and still plucking splinters , and no that dont read as F**king sphilnters , ,:haha:

Well I don't think music has anything to do with what the FCC has in mind. But they are also attacking sites that pirate , but it is most definitively coming in secondary.

It has more to do with deciding who is allowed to use public airwaves and internet. And what they are allowed to say.

Say you and I have a disagreement on a subject , one of our opinions will be allowed , the other will be considered hate speech. Decided by a commission.

Say I would like to have a website that reports and discusses my countries government , it will not be allowed , unless it is there opinion. And i am sure more restrictions then this.

From what I have heard so far , there will be a point system , once you reach a certain level , your " license " will be revoked.

So this limits information as well as opinion. What kind of world will it be to not be allowed to voice your opinion.

Didn't we go through that already in history ? And millions died ?

Who would be the ones to decide what needs policing ? And why would this even be necessary , so no one is offended ? Or so only one opinion can be spoken ? One lie so that everyone is to believe it as the truth ? How will history be written , and by who , ? those that have decided that certain information should be told and only that ?

Just sad that everyone everywhere isnt standing up against this, because it is most definitely not just in the US. By far.

In my opinion , no one anywhere should be stricken from speaking there mind. Noe should anyone anywhere be held back by a panel somewhere that purportedly makes the news for the people to take as fact.

Pretty much like it is in China. Everything is monitored that is written, and what is accessed is only what those in gov't see fit. :knuppel2:

Lets say Gordon Brown or Blair were in charge of what you were allowed to do on the internet. Woud that be acceptable to the UK? :rolleyes:

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