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Well I had to switch browsers again. Back to using firefox, Seems about the fastest compared to opera and chrome on my set up. Just installed firefox 6. Moves right along,But I do keep all 3 on my computer, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

What happened to chrome ? Started getting Blank web pages, had to reload a few times before it came up. Same way with Break.com. Reload it 4 or so times to get the video to show up. I googled it. Seems like a Known Bug. Maybe they will fix it soon. But for now, It just got way to frustration, Reloading chrome all the time to get the web pages to show up. I even did a reinstall, No luck.

Another odd thing I noticed. When Backing up Firefox or Opera, The Backkup is pretty small. With Chrome ITS HUGE!! Unless I am doing something wrong. The backup is over 200mb! Wow. I back it up the same way I do the others, Find the settings in windows 7 in the app data file, And Back it up. I always clear the history before I do it. No idea why its so flipping big.

The way I back up is a bit different but works pretty sweet for me. I use install creator, Its free, It creates a exe file, So I hit the exe file I made and my settings for the browser are restored. Do the same with winamp. Works NICE, Saves time.

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Well FUDGE, I dont see a way to edit my post? Anyway, Ignore the HUGE backup thing with Chrome. After I posted that, It really did make me wonder why was it so huge. I mean I used it to restore, Worked fine. So......I decided to Read the Directions!! Yes I know, Im a Guy and reading directions is something I tend not to do,

So It turns out I was simply using the wrong path. Its amazing what you can find on Google, Who would of thunk it. Feel free to Make fun, Give me Crap on that one. I deserve it. Massive Brain Fart. Just gotta remember. If it looks wrong, USE GOOGLE SEARCH!! Read the directions. Of course I wont, But pretty good Lie dont ya think? LOL

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Dude, I'm right with you on that. Firefox is kicking butt right now but Chrome seems to be buggy. I'm like you, I have no brand loyalty. ... it's all about performance. I switch back and fourth... you're TOTALLY right, Firefox is the CLEAR winner right now. Six months from now, who knows who will be on top then.

... and yes, it has become quite heavy.

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Yea I keep all three browsers, Keep them Updated and such just to see which works better. . Like you said. In 6 months who knows which browser works best ? I dont remember how long I have been using install creator to back up data files for browsers, winamp, But it sure has worked out good. If your reading this and thinking of doing the same. ALWAYS manually back up your settings first. Then try the new exe you made. Make sure it works. I just had to do a fresh install of windows 7 had a bad driver I could not track down and it kept throwing the blue screen at me. I used a free program "whocrashed". It was one of 2 things. Software driver or Keyboard. I went with software, Reloaded windows, Think I was right. Seems fine now. Guess my backup was bad to. O well it happens. Thank Goodness I am a Backup freak. Windows XP taught me that one.

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Weird.. for me chrome is 20x faster than firefox, thats why i stopped using it, undecided.gif

Are you using the latest of both? Don't get me wrong, chrome still runs awesome for me. But right now, I find that Firefox is more reliable. Lately I find myself reaching for Firefox and chrome was my default for the longest time.

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