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I've been with WildBlue for 5 years, so my equipment (and my computers) need upgraded. Should I enter a new contract with them OR go with HughesNet OR is there a better option? Cable and DSL aren't available. I work from home and have reached my boiling point with this crappy service. :(

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Man thats a tough situation, these guy's know your pinned down to one means of connection. If it were myself , I would not sign any contracts . I do everything i can to avoid any contracts with anyone i don't have to. SOme times it's unavoidable.

I'm sure there'll be users from both companies that'll give you hints though.

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My first WB contract was only for a year---maybe two (?)---during which time I paid for their highest package. Sometime after that, they ran a promo and since then (about 3 years) I've been paying $49 for that same *highest* package. It's "okay" when it works, but I've just had some issues lately. :( I know my computers are old, too, and that compounds the situation. I was just hoping by now there would be some other options for those of us in the boonies. *sigh*

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Using the Verizon data coverage map, I am in the Extended 1X Data area. I will assume that ranks right down at the bottom with NO COVERAGE. :(

Am I missing something? Besides high-speed Internet, I mean. :)

Yeah, what Triran said is correct.

What I would recommend, is clearing any debris that may be in the way of your satellite. (I assume that is what Wildblue uses by your description.)



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at 1x (edge) your looking at dial up speeds lol

Thanks for pointing that out. :(

Do you think a new dish and a new modem would be any help? Or am I dreaming?

Guess I can always stick with what I have (*sigh*) until I absolutely positively can't take it another minute. I was almost there this morning when I spent four hours trying to get online.

Yeah, what Triran said is correct.

What I would recommend, is clearing any debris that may be in the way of your satellite. (I assume that is what Wildblue uses by your description.)



It's pointed the same way our DishTV satellite is (they are next to each other), and we don't have a problem with that. But yes, there is one tree we could hack on. :)

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Thanks, Tommie. ;)

I don't know what EVDO is, but Cricket service is not available here according to their site.

I'm still trying to decipher what is/isn't available from Sprint for my location.

I'm in a funky little area in north central Oklahoma. If memory serves, this region's communication was tied up for years by a company called Dobson. I don't know if that has anything to do with the current lack of service providers or not.

I'll keep checking...and will check with US Cellular, too. They are pretty big around here, and I used them for cell service before smart phones got so smart. I quit using them and went with a GoPhone. :)

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I feel your pain! Until a couple of months ago, expensive Wildblue and Hughes satellite were the only available options here, besides dial-up. If you are not in a hurry to change internet providers, you could check with your local phone company to find out if or when DSL will be likely available in your area, to decide if it is worth waiting for. In VT, they told me 2 or 3 years, and then surprise! a few month later it was here.

I have not personally used either Wildblue or Hughes, but I have tried to find out a few things about them. From what I understand, Wildblue uses 2 satellites and Hughes uses 13. The Hughes satellite used here sits higher on the horizon, and so is less suceptible to obstruction from trees, buildings, hills, etc., so it should be a more reliable choice for me.

Where you are, the situation is probably different. I found a neat little tool online at http://www.groundcon..._Calculator.htm It uses the DishPointer app and Google Maps to show you where your dish should be pointing, in case it somehow got jarred from its original position. You select the satellite from a drop-down menu and type in the address where you live to get the correct orientation. I think Wildblue uses 111.1W ANIK F2 as one of its satellites.

Anyway, you should be able to get that information from your local internet providers, and then compare the line of sight from your location for both Wildblue and Hughes to see if there is a significant difference between the two, regarding possible obstructions to the signal.

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Thanks, Tommie. wink.gif

I don't know what EVDO is, but Cricket service is not available here according to their site.

I'm still trying to decipher what is/isn't available from Sprint for my location.

I'm in a funky little area in north central Oklahoma. If memory serves, this region's communication was tied up for years by a company called Dobson. I don't know if that has anything to do with the current lack of service providers or not.

I'll keep checking...and will check with US Cellular, too. They are pretty big around here, and I used them for cell service before smart phones got so smart. I quit using them and went with a GoPhone. smile.gif

EVDO is essientially 3G service you'd see speeds like 3-4Mbit down at max

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Most have gone to 4G now. They say its much faster. I am still on 3G though. Might switch one day, but my 3G is still unlimited. :azn:

who is your provider? most providers will grandfather your unlimited 3G into unlimited 4G when you upgrade, as far as they are concerned there is no difference

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I had no idea that you had to enable / re-enable 4 g coverage on out phones.. I thought it would just auto-grab the signal ... i had no idea you had to enable and disable it like wifi.. thats kinda gay.. i thought when you hit an area of 4g coverage it would just switch, like it does with 1x - 3g

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who is your provider? most providers will grandfather your unlimited 3G into unlimited 4G when you upgrade, as far as they are concerned there is no difference

Sprint. And if they offered I'd jump. But I was also warned by an employ not to give up and just jump.

I had no idea that you had to enable / re-enable 4 g coverage on out phones.. I thought it would just auto-grab the signal ... i had no idea you had to enable and disable it like wifi.. thats kinda gay.. i thought when you hit an area of 4g coverage it would just switch, like it does with 1x - 3g

You even have to get a new modem as far as I know. Which would be ok, but I don't mind it slower really. Its worth it. There is no way I could live with a 5GB limit per month.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Why do people say only WildBlue and Hughes? Why doesn't anyone mention Starband?

I had SB for 6 years or so and rarely had a problem. I was on the $49/mo plan until I finally had other options thanks to the Rural Broadband Initiative. I had to watch bandwidth to avoid the 1Gb per rolling 7 day cap and could stream, but it was better than nothing. Large files could be downloaded overnight during the non-metered period.

"couldn't stream"

Won't let me edit.

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Why do people say only WildBlue and Hughes? Why doesn't anyone mention Starband? I had SB for 6 years or so and rarely had a problem. I was on the $49/mo plan until I finally had other options thanks to the Rural Broadband Initiative. I had to watch bandwidth to avoid the 1Gb per rolling 7 day cap and could stream, but it was better than nothing. Large files could be downloaded overnight during the non-metered period. "couldn't stream" Won't let me edit.

Am I reading their site correctly? Starband isn't compatible with Windows Vista? ??? Guess that won't work, either... :(

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