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Maybe I'm messed up, ( likely ) none the less I use the 15" MBP and two 17" flats on either side, one is connected to a KVM for those moments when you simply cannot connect to something locally any other way. And the second is an extension of the notebook.

My issue is windows piling up, really becomes an issue. I could use several different desktops, that alone does not solve anything , in fact it screws me up in more then one way, more then I care to deal with. If you've used it regular you already know the issues when working with 6+ apps and several desktops.

I've watched different external monitor systems starting around 2008 run anywhere from 800- 1200$ , dumb, unless your loose with your change. Now averaging 50 bones for a USB to DVI , still too much.

Suggestions ? I'm not beyond hacking something up to make it work.

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So I take it your display ports are all used up?

... Do you have more monitors lying around or something? Are you insinuating hooking up a 3rd external monitor?

I know what you mean with multiple desktops. I prefer using more monitors or larger displays over extra desktops. I'm always out of space no matter what. As I type this I hit command+tab and 13 applications are running. I personally get around by using that often, command tab to the application with my keyboard, command+shift+tab to move backwards in the list. Just became second nature. Part of my display is taken up by 4 SSH windows that I always have on top so I can at a glance monitor all my servers. So about a hand width of my display on the left side is used up... I'm about to hook up my other monitor and use it just for those windows and pandora... and other crap that I'm not really working with. Then leave my main monitor for what I'm focused on.

I've had up to three monitors running before but being different models it pissed me off that the whiteness and contract didn't match exactly. My OCD kicked in and it bugged the sh*t out of me. The just need to come out with mind displays already! So the image is visualized in your head, that would be siiiiiiick. Screw input devices too, they only slow us down. :evil6:

I think if you made some adjustments to the way you get around you'll find that you can make it work the way that you're setup right now... maybe you already work that way.

Sheese , I did not know about cmd+tab , dam.......

I used to use silver something or something silver , don't remember , but it was more a pain in the ass then anything. This will help until I find a solution to screen real estate.

Far as the display ports, the 15" 07' MBP only came with the DVI out , no mini DVI, nothing. So I can only use the main screen and one external. Which is always been a serious issue, no matter what shortcuts, since at times it's much faster to drag and drop a file here to wherever , that kicks any shortcut i know is the ass.

Yes , I HATE << when is the last time I said that word ? Have to search some time I think, the way any other screen just does not match up to the superior color contrast or white balance to an Apple display. Although it comes in handy while running images, develop on the apple display and compare to what everyone else will see on the old dells. I keep the backgrounds black now for some sort of mental stability, before was grey, but these three new to me 17's are better then the last I kept for myself as far as this all goes.

I'de like to keep my shells open on one ( easier to move files around that way), run images on another and CS5 / illustrator ect on the main, and The rest of the BS on the third. Since I've finally got it all worked out where i can control everything here and elsewhere from two keyboards whats left is to get that third monitor going.

There used to be a few solutions as far as the expresscard 34, never used it for anything, everything costed a fortune compared to an alternative.

So you're basically looking for more monitors, probably ones with a higher resolution as well correct? If this is for a Mac, what model Mac do you have and what GPU(s) are in it?

Actually I have the monitors, I need to find a solution , to get the signal to them.

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro3,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 4 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Bus Speed: 800 MHz
NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT:
Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT
Type: GPU
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x16
VRAM (Total): 256 MB
Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID: 0x0407
Revision ID: 0x00a1
ROM Revision: 3175
Color LCD:
Resolution: 1440 x 900
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Built-In: Yes
Resolution: 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Display Serial Number: M1609461205S
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Rotation: Supported


How 'bout a high def projector and a very white wall. Hah. I don't really have a good suggestion. Seems like anything USB (even of the price comes down) would eat up a lot of your processor throughput handling high def video. FireWire would be better, but I took a quick look and didn't see anything.

So I take it your display ports are all used up?

... Do you have more monitors lying around or something? Are you insinuating hooking up a 3rd external monitor?

I know what you mean with multiple desktops. I prefer using more monitors or larger displays over extra desktops. I'm always out of space no matter what. As I type this I hit command+tab and 13 applications are running. I personally get around by using that often, command tab to the application with my keyboard, command+shift+tab to move backwards in the list. Just became second nature. Part of my display is taken up by 4 SSH windows that I always have on top so I can at a glance monitor all my servers. So about a hand width of my display on the left side is used up... I'm about to hook up my other monitor and use it just for those windows and pandora... and other crap that I'm not really working with. Then leave my main monitor for what I'm focused on.

I've had up to three monitors running before but being different models it pissed me off that the whiteness and contract didn't match exactly. My OCD kicked in and it bugged the sh*t out of me. The just need to come out with mind displays already! So the image is visualized in your head, that would be siiiiiiick. Screw input devices too, they only slow us down. :evil6:

I think if you made some adjustments to the way you get around you'll find that you can make it work the way that you're setup right now... maybe you already work that way.

what program do you monitor them with? htop, ntop?

Maybe I'm messed up, ( likely ) none the less I use the 15" MBP and two 17" flats on either side, one is connected to a KVM for those moments when you simply cannot connect to something locally any other way. And the second is an extension of the notebook.

My issue is windows piling up, really becomes an issue. I could use several different desktops, that alone does not solve anything , in fact it screws me up in more then one way, more then I care to deal with. If you've used it regular you already know the issues when working with 6+ apps and several desktops.

I've watched different external monitor systems starting around 2008 run anywhere from 800- 1200$ , dumb, unless your loose with your change. Now averaging 50 bones for a USB to DVI , still too much.

Suggestions ? I'm not beyond hacking something up to make it work.



or you could always just get the old soder out and try to make your own! after all you are pretty resourceful

i haven't ever really seen any other options

Yea i could likely find a way to box up a video card , power it up and make the proper connections through USB, or even firewire possibly. Transfer rates would be choked severely though. So a cheap card would be suffice, have to look into that.

And that price is why I have not bought one, they have not gone down in price for years. 50 bucks is malarky and not close to worth it to me.

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