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Hello to all. My first post here.

Was on the phone with ATT DSLtech support... nice gal... for about 50 minutes this morning.

My DSL was running slow (again). Could not get anything to come up. CNN took forever to load a single page.

They did their various tests... could not find anything wrong at their end. The best download I could get from DLS reports, the tester I used for years, was around 350kbps download. I'm paying for 1.5 to 3mbps download. The best I've ever seen was around 1.6 to 1.8.

"What modem to you have?

"I have the Speedstream 5100. The same one you gave me when I signed up for DLS Pro

some 10 years or so ago"

"That's too old. It has to be our modem. You need to buy a new one (from us if you

want us to give you tech suport in the future".

Using testmy.net since around 1:00 today and letting it run for the 12 hours I have already gone from around .485mbps to now 1.5mbps (download) in around 4.5 hours. It just keeps getting better over time.

Will let it keep running all night to see what I end up with tomorrow... but what gives?

Does this sound like a my modem is toast or is ATT causing this and just not admitting it?

Thanks for the help.

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Honestly off hand it sounds s if this is a combination of older hardware and aging lines.

Sorry I've not looked, but have you tested from the three available servers at testmy.net ?

I understand you are running the auto test ? Which uses the central server, some of us have poor peering or another mid level network flow issue , due to our ISP or their relationships with other providers.

Also , running a ping test back to testmy.net would help .

To ping a host...

  • Windows Start > Run > type CMD [enter] > from the command prompt type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net
  • Linux / Mac Under Applications/Utilities open 'Terminal' > type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net

Paste those results here.

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Thanks for the help.

First off, the auto tests must have stopped after around 5pm as I see nothing after that. Not sure what happened. It was up to 1.5mbps by then.

OK. I pinged testmy.net and got an average of 82ms. Did it four times all the same. This done at 10:30AM eastern time.

I also did a series of download tests. Results as follows. Again all around 10:30 AM.

256k from Central = 207kbps

512k from West Coast = 132kbps

512k from East Coast = 266kbps

512k from East Coast (#2) = 167kbps

Also tried doing 3meg from West Coast. Got to 82% and never completed after several minutes.

I'll be interested in seeing if the dowload rate goes up again during the afternoon. If it does, what can this mean? I was u nder the impression DSL was not affected by how many users were on the line... unlike cable for instance. Anyway, this would seem to work contrary to that theory since you can assume the kids are all on line in the afternoon and if anything it would run slower... not faster.

Your comment about aging hardware and lines. Do you mean my hardware (modem) or that of ATT? I can tell you my office is less than a mile from the head end building here in town and I'm on a busy commercial street. If anything I should be getting the best possible signal but, obviously, I'm not.

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This gal from ATT DSL tech support called me this morning. She's pressing me to get a new modem or she will not

offer any more tech help. Obviously, she want me to go to the local ATT store and buy one of theirs. Checking the ATT web site I see they offer this Motorola 3360 for $75. Walmart, across the street from the ATT store has it for $49.

First off, are they the same modem? Will i have installation issues if I do not buy one from ATT?

Second, does anyone have one and does it work well for them?


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I bought the Motorola 3360 modem today at Walmart. Would only work connected direct to my computer... not through my router & switch.

As it turned out they have this modem set to the same network address as the Lynksys. With the help of a friend we changed the settings in the modem so that the router could use PPOE... same as I had been doing with the old Speedstream... and then it all worked.

My download speeds have been testing anywhere from 1.91mbps to 2.3mbps. Have the tester running for 20 hours so hope it might improve in the next day or so.

Anyway, much improved over what I was getting prior so I'm pleased. If it holds like this fine. I can live with it.

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I bought the Motorola 3360 modem today at Walmart. Would only work connected direct to my computer... not through my router & switch.

As it turned out they have this modem set to the same network address as the Lynksys. With the help of a friend we changed the settings in the modem so that the router could use PPOE... same as I had been doing with the old Speedstream... and then it all worked.

My download speeds have been testing anywhere from 1.91mbps to 2.3mbps. Have the tester running for 20 hours so hope it might improve in the next day or so.

Anyway, much improved over what I was getting prior so I'm pleased. If it holds like this fine. I can live with it.

very good! sometimes a new modem can be just what the doctor ordered... it has fixed internet problems with my connection more then once

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Run a tracert to see if you have any slow spots!

Start > Run > type CMD [enter] > from the command prompt type tracert testmy.net > enter

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]

© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

E:\Users\Richard>tracert testmy.net

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms

2 * * * Request timed out.

3 12 ms 12 ms 10 ms 74-139-3-57.dhcp.insightbb.com []

4 14 ms 15 ms 14 ms

5 17 ms 22 ms 21 ms

6 28 ms 29 ms 32 ms network-065-189-140-166.mwrtn.rr.com []

7 38 ms 38 ms 37 ms ae-3-0.cr0.dca20.tbone.rr.com []

8 36 ms 33 ms 34 ms

9 33 ms 33 ms 35 ms te1-2.bbr01.eq01.wdc01.networklayer.com []

10 35 ms 34 ms 34 ms ae7.bbr01.eq01.wdc02.networklayer.com []

11 47 ms 49 ms 62 ms ae0.bbr01.tl01.atl01.networklayer.com []

12 61 ms 62 ms 60 ms ae13.bbr02.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com []

13 60 ms 61 ms 61 ms po32.dsr01.dllstx3.networklayer.com []

14 62 ms 61 ms 61 ms po31.dsr01.dllstx2.networklayer.com []

15 60 ms 61 ms 61 ms po11.car15.dllstx6.networklayer.com []

16 61 ms 60 ms 60 ms 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com []

Trace complete.

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My experience with ATT was not too good when I tried their DSL a couple years ago. I was told I would get 6 Mbps and I never got over 1.5 Mbps. They gave all kinds of excuses from syncing to provisioning of the lines and nothing helped, I found out that I was lied to about the speed and the best I could hope for was 2 Mbps at my location which was a few miles from the dslam, much to long a distance. If your dslam is not close to your location, you will never get acceptable speeds. I finally connected to cable with a bundle package and been mostly happy for the past two years.

Just my thoughts...

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