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THis might be an obvious one but the time window to edit posts kinda breaks the LIST topics where OP updates whenever...


Possibly allow it to be infinite edits on an OP's post? infinite time window?

and apparently when I edited this post it created a new topic -_(\

soz mods

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yeah but maybe an option to add to the post? maybe not delete what you wrote but like attached posts

Idk it just feels weird and I think some threads could have better organisation

Example: my build thread, I like to update my main OP so people who are new to the topic can see all the updates that happened in 1 post (hence why I added the (in the ups) tags.)


I mean if a topic gets to out of hand with it, lock it? I'm sure most posters here know how to maintain a topic though


idk, just making suggestions :)

Edited by ybnrmalatall
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Yes I hear you. I think as a community wide consensus ( by that I mean to say over the years of developing towards what users of all permission levels have pitched a complaint want or need about )  -- the time restrictions came to play.


I remember back when -- someone would run back and change whgat they said after being called out on it lmao -- uhhm yea, like that, but with every restriction comes , or should i say goes some sort of freedom.


For now , one thing i can suggest is to change your view settings, which can place the latest post at the top , thats if you're not using the 'goto last post' features and such, so not sure how that will work out, likely just the same.


Again , editing posts after a longer period of time is in a sense reasonable, at the same time , terrible for SEO in some instances all the same.


None the less I'll being this up on the backside and see if it grows - fair enough ?

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Fair enough :)

lol changing after being called out on it xD oh gosh the joys of those on forums haha  :2fast:

EDIT: Possibly a section to section restriction, say like off topic and the long lost tech section  :cry:  lol (jk) but that I think would be a good side thing if anything. 

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We have a 'long lost tech' section  -- but it's evading me somehow, and I came across something I should add an image of too -- so when you ( you as in whoever find the flippin' thing)-- post up yes ?

Fair enough :)

lol changing after being called out on it xD oh gosh the joys of those on forums haha  :2fast:

EDIT: Possibly a section to section restriction, say like off topic and the long lost tech section  :cry:  lol (jk) but that I think would be a good side thing if anything. 

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We have a 'long lost tech' section  -- but it's evading me somehow, and I came across something I should add an image of too -- so when you ( you as in whoever find the flippin' thing)-- post up yes ?

lol elaborate 

You can't find the tech section? >.<

Edited by ybnrmalatall
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THis might be an obvious one but the time window to edit posts kinda breaks the LIST topics where OP updates whenever...


Possibly allow it to be infinite edits on an OP's post? infinite time window?

and apparently when I edited this post it created a new topic -_(\

soz mods

Hey man... You're a sophist user, you shouldn't have that restriction... I went in and changed it so you and any other accounts higher than a normal registration have that lifted. Anyone who has a good reason like yours to want the restriction lifted can PM me for special account consideration.

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Hey man... You're a sophist user, you shouldn't have that restriction... I went in and changed it so you and any other accounts higher than a normal registration have that lifted. Anyone who has a good reason like yours to want the restriction lifted can PM me for special account consideration.

:o I... forgot you can do that! 

lol thanks ca3le

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lol - we have an 'old' tech section , made for posting images and such of early tech , DX procs ect -- it's here just hiding

lol elaborate 

You can't find the tech section? >.<


I vision when you wrote that, you had one hand resting on your right hip bone , that at the time was pokin out to the right, and your left finger pointing at the screen :evil6:

I can do anything I want... lol


no problem.

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lol - we have an 'old' tech section , made for posting images and such of early tech , DX procs ect -- it's here just hiding


I vision when you wrote that, you had one hand resting on your right hip bone , that at the time was pokin out to the right, and your left finger pointing at the screen :evil6:

lol so r00d


jk :P

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I"ll have to try that one out. So far so good. :cheesy:



So good to be free again. The fingers are freed. :toothy6:


And to think it only took a fewwwww years to get it back. But then it did get me in a lot of trouble  back then. :evil:


But since shug went into hiding it should not be too much trouble ............ oh yeah, momma T is probably still watching me.  :angel:


Thanks CABLE. :read:

Hey man... You're a sophist user, you shouldn't have that restriction... I went in and changed it so you and any other accounts higher than a normal registration have that lifted. Anyone who has a good reason like yours to want the restriction lifted can PM me for special account consideration.

Edited by tommie gorman
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