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I will preface this post by saying that I am a Windows dummy, so I don't have a whole lot to offer to the Microsoft bunch out there.  However, my quick little tips don't apply so much to a particular OS as to general system settings good for almost any OS, so here goes:


1.  Minimize the amount of running services on your system.


I cannot overstress the importance of this one -- the more services & applications you have running simultaneously on your box, the more overhead utilized.  So many people have all kinds of virus scanners, supposed "speed up" apps, unnecessary running services/daemons/etc. which do not need to be running 24/7.  For instance, say you have a virus scanning platform.  **Please note, I am not advocating that you turn off your virus protection -- and only you can determine the level of protection you need, so in the end, use your own judgement and don't hold me responsible (please) **


Anyway, virus scanners are generally not needed constantly.  You're not going to get a virus if you don't have one already and you are not downloading files, visiting malicious sites or running untrusted software.  There are times the preceding statement if false, but rarely enough to cause concern.  So, I suggest that you only have your virus software set to scan files on demand - e.g. when you download something or when you are reading emails.  Use your browser security settings to help minimize the chance you wonder into an insecure site and always make sure the sites you are using for sensitive information (such as bill payment, purchases, sensitive data, etc) are encrypted with trusted encryption (check the pad lock icon and make sure it is a "https" connection).  Using your browser to help with security is a performance sparing method to minimize the processor intensive constant scanning by a virus detection package.


If you have a ton of system services running in the system tray of Windows, take a look at which ones you really need and eliminate the others. Same for system startup -- clear out everything that does NOT need to be started upon startup; this will save memory (RAM) and processor usage...which leads to quicker page response and transfer speeds.  Advanced users should check actual "services" in Windows and turn off those you don't need.  If you're running a linux flavor, I assume you're already pretty versed in modifying your configuration.  If not, PM me.  e.g. . chkconfig --list  to see a list of services or service --status-all to see what's running currently (RH/CentOS/etc.)


2.  Change your MTU (max transmission unit) to 9000 if you're on a high speed cable or ethernet link.  This allows your network interface to send much larger frames than the standard 1500 value.  Basically, this parameter sets how large a single transmission frame may be, minus overhead.  So, if your system includes overhead in the setting, set it to less than 9000 so you don't get an error for exceeding 9000 (e.g. set it to 8900 to be safe).  Just make sure you do this if you know what you're doing only and if you're sure it is appropriate for your set up.  It shouldn't cause any problems, but make sure you know how to get back in there and change it to the previous value in case it breaks your connectivity (which I doubt!)


3.  Try different browsers - not only are some browsers actually much better at speed natively, they save on system resource usage as well.  My suggestion: firefox or opera.  I was never a fan of opera until recently when they made a lot of improvements.  Firefox is always a good choice.  IE would be my last choice, but many people love it.  Chrome is pretty good too but I have noticed some issues with it lately.


4. Stop background file transfer daemons such as online data backup utilities, cloud sync systems (iCloud, etc).  If you have things like that running in the background, they obviously will take a lot of your bandwidth away (unless you specifically configure them not to, they will use as much bandwidth as they can get their hands on).  So, shut down iCloud from syncing while the system is active and if you use something like Carbonite backup, let it work when you are not using your box (e.g. overnight).


5. If you are using wifi, make sure you have a good signal and make sure you are using the faster encryption settings.  You should use 802.11g at a minimum and preferably 802.11n for best connectivity.  Most network connections (note I said most) will not realize much (if any) performance gain by going direct ethernet unless the previous 3 suggestions (signal, encryption, protocol) are not followed.  If you cannot adjust the first 3 settings, then you probably should connect directly to your router's ethernet connection or to your cable modem/DSL/etc.  You can also change the "power" or "energy" saving settings on your wifi box by setting the transmission power to 100% all the time.  Search your manufacturers KB or google for "increasing wifi transmission power" or, more generally, "tutorial to speed up wifi" Note that wifi is going to give you a theoretical maximum of 450Mbits per second in the best and hardly ever realized conditions.  Generally 300Mbits is as fast as you'll see and if you're not using 802.11n, 54Mbits optimum.  These optimal speeds are what the manufacturers tout, but it is nearly impossible to see them. Believe me, wifi can interfere (pardon the pun :thumbsup: ) with even a moderate cable speed of 30-40 Mbits/second.  Summary: wired is always better, but there are ways to maximize your wifi connection.


I will put the last 5 of my first 10 tips online over the next few days ... but, please feel free to reply to this post or PM me if you need help doing these things. 


I hope some of this helped!




President & Lead Network Engineer

SIETECserverNet :: sietecFASTcom :: sietecMATRIXcom


Coming soon, I will be launching a hosting service unlike anything you have ever seen -- take a look at my test results here:



My clients will be able to achieve similar, depending on the service chosen, and it is my goal to help them do so.  Interested in pre-sales information? Drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know what you are looking for ... deep discounts to the first 25 people!  My website is being re done right now, but I basically offer anything most hosting companines offer, just in a virtual box.  (which, believe it or not, that is how I achieved most of these results, through one of my virtual machines).  You still get to pick how many processors, RAM, type of HD and space on disk, NIC speeds, etc. You can even choose a free virtual appliance that suits what you are doing and launch it on my platform.  Or, I can assist you in installing your OS and let you take it from there .. full root/administrator access!  Again, if interested, email or PM me!

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Your definitely going to have a high quality VPS service from what you and I have discussed in PM and emails. You've invested in some powerful hardware bro... It also helps that you know your $h!t.

This paragraph is mostly for my Mods... Normally I wouldn't allow someone to post about their business like that after such a small number of posts. But you've done it the right way by contributing and asking me first. Just a heads up to the mods, this post is okay. As long as your posting helpful, unique content I'm okay with promotion like that. Usually with posts like this, I go out and check the content to see if it's on other sites... I more often than not find that the content is t unique. Spammers often cut and paste over and over posting the same thing to 100 sites. I don't want content like that... so it gets rejected usually before anyone reads it. You've taken the time to do it right. I respect that, so in this case your fine. Just keep posting helpful, quality threads and don't take advantage of the situation.

I look forward to reading the next 5 tips you have for the community. I also look forward to seeing those domains and what you have to offer once you go live.

Good tips. Seriously an MTU of just below 9k? Wouldn't that actually slow down certain connection types? I'll have to give that a try, I've never set it that high before... well, I probably have but it was so long ago I forgot the outcome... I usually stick to 1500. Maybe if I play with that I'll be able to pull more performance out of my single thread transactions. Larger MTU definitely helps over long distance. Users outside of the US that visit many sites within the US should definitely look into adjusting that. It can make your speeds do a 360 in some cases.

Is true here as well, at the same time, I love start-up companies, and if i can I jump in. 

Been looking for the right setup myself, tired of the limited resources that are offered by most if not all VPS hosts. Images chew through memory like cookie monster. 

I would look into renting from you but I am not going to be using vps's anymore I've gotten to the point where I was needing resources such as you only find in a dedicated machine

No I agree entirely, virtual instances seem to be very much memory dependent. It amazed me when I first started using them , compared to a box even ten years old, you need 5X + resource for a VPS to obtain the same performance. 

Indeed! I was using 4 2GB vps's to support the network I had going now I only have the one dedicated server filling the same role of all the vps's with about half the amount of resources used

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again,


My apologies for the long time away...it's been crazy!  I was reading comments on the MTU and maybe I should have given a little more information before just spitting it out there!  there are few reasons "normal" systems need an MTU above 1500, but like FiberGuy said..in general it is an auto adjusting thing.  If the OS is old, or jumbo frames not supported, it can cause problems.  However, I seem to notice more problems when I have the MTU set at 1500 than up at 9000 .. mostly because one of my second obessions is VPN with IPSEC and/or L2TP over IPSEC and anyone who plays around with these things know that you actually have to use fragmentation in order to keep the packet overhead from putting the overall packet size over 1500.  Or set the packet size to 1436 in the host server and use an autoconfig for the client (e.g. during the phase 1 negotiation). 


So, in order to maximize the bandwidth and minimize latency, I always make sure (even my home boxes) are set at jumbo frames and I have noticed an increase of about 40% overall performance when operating under encrypted VPN.   Again, in most cases, adjusting the MTU will do no harm, but I would stress that anyone changing these settings, who isn't comfortable in doing so, check with someone who can help first.  You don't want to completely lose your internet connectivity! 


Since I've been back in town, I've been scouring resources on what to put in my next post here and I plan on updating it over the next day or so.  The first one was just quick, off the top of my head stuff, but I have tried to come up with some more generic, applicable to everyone suggestions for the next go.  That is, suggestions that aren't redundant, and with what a great job of thoroughness the TMN team has done, it's hard to come up with unique ideas that will actually help.


Lastly, I didn't want to come off as just an advertisement for my web services -- my main source of income has nothing to do with networking/etc.  I just have always wanted to put together an extremely reliable and FAST, SECURE, platform for advanced users who need a platform that is completely customizable to do with what they want.


I will be offering completely customizable systems on any operating system you like, with full admin/root access with up to 48Ghz processor resources and 24GB RAM per system with a 2GB/s public port.  You will have full control of what you do on it (within the law, of course!)


Essentially, I have completed my initial testing and security analysis and should be ready to go very shortly.  PM me if you have interest, but I definitely want to keep the topic here on improving speeds, not on the services I have to offer!!


Hope all is well with everyone here...I'll talk to you later!



Hello again,


My apologies for the long time away...it's been crazy!  I was reading comments on the MTU and maybe I should have given a little more information before just spitting it out there!  there are few reasons "normal" systems need an MTU above 1500, but like FiberGuy said..in general it is an auto adjusting thing.  If the OS is old, or jumbo frames not supported, it can cause problems.  However, I seem to notice more problems when I have the MTU set at 1500 than up at 9000 .. mostly because one of my second obessions is VPN with IPSEC and/or L2TP over IPSEC and anyone who plays around with these things know that you actually have to use fragmentation in order to keep the packet overhead from putting the overall packet size over 1500.  Or set the packet size to 1436 in the host server and use an autoconfig for the client (e.g. during the phase 1 negotiation). 


So, in order to maximize the bandwidth and minimize latency, I always make sure (even my home boxes) are set at jumbo frames and I have noticed an increase of about 40% overall performance when operating under encrypted VPN.   Again, in most cases, adjusting the MTU will do no harm, but I would stress that anyone changing these settings, who isn't comfortable in doing so, check with someone who can help first.  You don't want to completely lose your internet connectivity! 


Since I've been back in town, I've been scouring resources on what to put in my next post here and I plan on updating it over the next day or so.  The first one was just quick, off the top of my head stuff, but I have tried to come up with some more generic, applicable to everyone suggestions for the next go.  That is, suggestions that aren't redundant, and with what a great job of thoroughness the TMN team has done, it's hard to come up with unique ideas that will actually help.


Lastly, I didn't want to come off as just an advertisement for my web services -- my main source of income has nothing to do with networking/etc.  I just have always wanted to put together an extremely reliable and FAST, SECURE, platform for advanced users who need a platform that is completely customizable to do with what they want.


I will be offering completely customizable systems on any operating system you like, with full admin/root access with up to 48Ghz processor resources and 24GB RAM per system with a 2GB/s public port.  You will have full control of what you do on it (within the law, of course!)


Essentially, I have completed my initial testing and security analysis and should be ready to go very shortly.  PM me if you have interest, but I definitely want to keep the topic here on improving speeds, not on the services I have to offer!!


Hope all is well with everyone here...I'll talk to you later!




as far as the hosting your talking about they are VPS's right? or are you referring to offering full customized dedicated servers?

  • 1 year later...

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