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As consumers, we each pay for plans that offer "x' Mbps down and "y" Mbps up, and as we know that, for a variety of reasons no one gets those speed 100% of the time.
Now, the speeds available via cable where I am range from 25 Mbps down and 2 Mbps up, all the way to 250 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up.
What I am curious about is, do people who get the more expensive plans ever get speeds so low, that match the low speeds of customers paying for a slower service? Does anyone have a 250 Mbps down package and consistently get less than 25 Mbps download speeds?
I'm not sure I'll get enough replies here to see something worth while statistically, but perhaps someone will point me in the right direction as well as share their story.
Heck! Testmy.net may have this data already and I just don't know how to look it up.


It's possible but probably more to do with the client computer than the host connection.


For example, say you're on an iPad using a 250 Mbps connection.  Unless it's some next gen iPad you aren't going to pull those speeds all at once on that one device.  You'll be limited to the maximum throughput the device can handle.  The additional bandwidth allows for multiple devices to perform up to their potential.


I'm sure that there are people out there with 250 Mbps + who only see a small fraction of the speed in general use.  The difference... those people can have a party of people over... streaming their lives away and nobody's going to interfere with each other (if things are properly installed and the ISP is delivering).


I would love to have those details on people but unless I ask a question there's no way for me to know what people are supposed to get.  TMN tries not to ask people questions... only provide answers.

Thank you Ca3le. I am not sure I posted my question clayey enough. Your reply on the other hand is clear.


I guess what I am really trying to find out is, (assuming all other factors [iSP, equipment, geographic location, etc.] are the same) do people who pay for 250 get only 10, when people that pay for 25 are getting only 10?


If the person paying more get more consistently, the person paying less is subsidizing the bandwidth of the person paying more. If there is enough going around to give 25 or better to the person paying for 250, there should be enough for the person paying for 25 to get 25.


Am I making sense?

That makes total sense, I get what you're saying.


In either case it's unacceptable.  You should get at least 80% of what they quote IMO.  Most ISPs say 60%.


It really all depends on the reason why you'd be getting the degraded (10 Mbps) speed.


In some cases it would affect each client equally... in other cases it wouldn't matter how fast your provider is, your device or network may be the limitation.  We would need more information on why the speed is degraded.


If you were getting less than 40%... you could expect the same with the new package.  Unless they come out to install you an find a reason why you were only getting less than half your quoted speed.  It's entirely possible to upgrade to huge package like that and find out that you're limited by some other factor.  Usually your modem, router or the computer itself is to blame.  But if you have many devices a big package still makes sense even if you can't see the full speed on any ONE device.


I was having issues with one of my Mac's a while back.  Every now and then it would get stuck at 8 Mbps in the download test.  I have 120 Mbps but it doesn't matter if I had 10 Gbps... the issue with the machine wouldn't let that machine go any faster.  (update of OSX resolved the bug)  


If you're being slowed down outside of your control on the ISP end it may or may not affect clients on network equally.  Depends on the situation.  If the router (one of the many your ISP routes you through) is overloaded and it's having a hard time keeping up with processing then I would expect that clients would be affected equally.  Everyone's transactions will be equally delayed.  If it's being intentionally throttled by the ISP to protect clients from overloading then it may affect people by taking a percentage of speed off the top of the clients limit.  


There are a lot of factors. Although, you don't look held back to me right now.  Judging from your results I would expect much faster results from the 250 Mbps package.  Especially if your computer and home network are newer.  


If you upgrade please make sure to update us on your speed and how it went so your experience can help the next guy with the same question.   :wink:





If you upgrade please make sure to update us on your speed and how it went so your experience can help the next guy with the same question.   :wink:


You bet. In the meantime, I'd like to tell the ISP I will pay them *up to* $XX for their *up to* 25/2 service :wink:

  • 5 weeks later...

it's in my signature now. i'm actually "okay" with this speed, since they used to to charge me 10 SGD more per month for 10mbps cable, before i finally got a fiber line. what i'm not okay with, is that they keep doing server maintenance without ever informing their customers and posting the schedule on their website. and the tech support is also never informed about their maintenance timings.

also i got more uptime when i was using an ADSL line back in 2011.

Edited by SWS

I've used testmy.net previously and extensively (for me) recently. I changed some settings in my wireless and improved my download speed appreciably though not to a level I'm paying for. It's all witchcraft to me but having only one provider locally can't be helping. Just wanted to comment that can trust no one playing this game which seems to personify everything nowadays.



2nd day in a roll that mobileone has trouble connecting in the interwebz, during non-peak hours. most annoying part was that both times, the phone operator told me there was "nothing wrong with my connection" when not a single page could load for 40 mintues ++(it only connected after they finally called their techs).  each time i had to tell them to go contact their technicians already, i'm not resetting my modem again and again just to amuse their victim-shaming habits,  and every single time i had to remind them i don't use a router at all. they keep blaming my non-existent imaginary router! fuck ths shit. i'm changing isp when this contract's over. 


unfortunately all the consumer isps on the isle seem to have have agreed on a minimum price for fibre broadband, so i can't find a cheaper deal right now. if this isn't a monopoly, i dunno wtf is.

 tech support told me they'll get back to me on the previous hiccup, but never did. similar problem on the same day. took about 20 minutes before i could load twitter and google, but mobileone's own website couldn't load for some insane reason,and  then it failed to load any more pages for several minutes. now i'm getting a stable enough connection to load test.my.net. apparentally my download speed should be ~5mbps now . doesn't make any sense. pretty sure 10PM GMT+8 in singapore on a weekday is not peak period, and there's no holiday. heck ,we have the fewest holidays in the whole world. this is really pushing my lower than low expectations.



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