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well just wanted to say rogers in ottawa is doing great for me. Have the 250 Mb package and get 330 Mbps substained download on a few things, torrents, certain sites, speedtest.net etc. Max im able to get on here is 256 Mbps. Why dont they just call it 30 MBps? Thats 250 Mbps about. Oh how do i get that pic with my speed in it below?

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They can't make the offer sound nearly ten times worse to the average customer. Everyone expresses bandwidth in Mbit. This way you can know how many streams of video of certain bitrate (also in megabits) it supports.

To get the picture, you click on "Share This Result" after a test.

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Mbps is left over from the early day of dial up modems where the bit rate were in the low Kbps. Keeping things in bits/sec is good. A byte is 8 bits. Digital words have different numbers of bits (8, 16, 32, 64 etc). Regardless of word size the bit/sec rate can be converted to number of words/sec. If they changed to MBytes/sec, to convert to words/sec you'd have to multiply by 8 then divide by 16, 32, 64 etc. as it is now you just divide the bps by the word length (16, 32, 64) to get the word/sec number.

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depends on the bitrate.


guess so, my wife watches netflix in 4k, and my son youtube (1080p), while I download torrents, play ps4 online, streaming to twitch. and it all works flawlessly. torrents still download at around 18 MBps - 144 Mbps while in this scenario.

when i first got this speed hooked up, the modem/router wasn't able to handle the above^ scenario, so i got the asus ac2400 router and works great. on my samsung galaxy s5/new laptop i actually get 1 gb/s link speed through 5g wifi. never had wifi that is just like a 1 gb/s ethernet connection, no interference or anything, plus it works a block away lol.

forgot to say, put my modem into bridge mode before hooking up this router,

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