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Will someone please help interpret my speed test, I need to know if is up to standard for Hughes.net or if it reads slow and inconsistent. When using it, it's pretty bad...but does the test read that way also?? I need to send it to Hughes for proof. Thank you!! Here is the link for my test.   https://testmy.net/compID/23130954733370

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You get 25 Mbps with HughesNet right now.  Your average of 17.6 is about 70% of what they quote.  I don't think it's alarming, especially for satellite.


Satellite has a slow response time, you can see this reflected in that part of your testing here.  https://testmy.net/rt/Zanild ... about 800 milliseconds, we'll call it 1 second for the example.  Might as well be 1 second at that point anyway.


When your computer says, "Hey TestMy.net!" ... it takes 1 second for TestMy.net to get that response, it then takes 1 second for TestMy.net's response, "Hey Zanild!" to get back to your computer.  This is what makes a 25 Mbps satellite connection lame compared to a 25 Mbps cable internet or dsl connection.  The latency of the ground based connections crush satellite internet connections because satellite has to travel all the way into space and make a much longer round trip.


I would love to order up some HughesNet for testing but they want to lock in a 2 year contract.  I just want to get it and test with it so I can better help their customers so I don't want to commit to a contract.  HughesNet, send me a dish without a commitment!


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2 year price lock, sorry HughesNet... that's a joke.  You better lock the price in when you put someone under a contract. :rolleyes:


I was curious what the speeds are after the data cap is hit.  Been told before but I had forgotten.  Did a quick google search and found 




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So it looks like you'll see a max of 1 Mbps if/when you hit your data cap.  At least they don't just start charging you.  And side note, the TestMy.net score was the correct one, even the author of that post hinted that he felt that way by saying "we are actually at a whopping..."  :wink2:  ... basically saying "in reality"  :evil6:


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Looking at the test...would you say the service is inadequate?? I don't want to send the test to Hughes if it looks okay. I'm trying to get out of my contract with them because the service to me is substandard...way too slow. My daughter cannot even use the wireless in her room 20 feet away.

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From a HughesNet user.  One single test is not enough to approach HughesNet.  Try several tests, several times a day and several days apart.  We had the same problem and we put the info out on the HughesNet community board.  After a few days, and  after reviewing the tests my speeds suddenly jumped to about 20mbs download.

The problem your daughter is having with WiFi is not related to HughesNet unless they supplied the router.  I have an ASUS router and can receive several hundred feet from the router.

The router is attached to the H9000 modem supplied from HughesNet.

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We have a wireless with Hughes, nothing is ever wired. My laptop sits 10 feet away from from the modem. That test I did was wireless, from my laptop.  This has been the issue the whole time. They upgraded once and that did not help. It was continually dropping connection and slooooow. I was getting nowhere with them and ordered internet through Cable One because I had work to do. To do all this testing with Hughes means I don't get work done. What blows my mind is this is so simple.  I am getting inadequate service! Day after day, week after week, month after month goes by....with nothing done. This is bad business practice. It's just a matter of time before they go under.

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Hughesnet the have the satellite internet service market all to them self their is no other system out their. So what ever they want to do the can do it I just paid a bill 226.00 for 50 gig which I didn't get to used because the gen 5 system was running so slow they told me that I had 7 items on WiFi that why I was running slow so I shut every thing down except for one item running and still ran slow then I talk to one of their rocket sciencects tell me that they were trying speed up.  are internet that why it was running slow ...  which tell me that they can control everything which I have all of my doc to prove that they are cheating us good paying people and the FCC will hear about this.......

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HN is overloading the beam, too many systems on 1 beam. My speedtest tell the story of how it just gets slower each month since the Gen5 Echostar XIX aka Jupiter 2 was put into service. I was truly tickled to be one of the first to get Gen5  and the speeds were awesome compared to the less than 1 Mbps I was getting. I have as of late been really upset with Hughes/ Echostar and I was really irritated New Years day, the day of the outage. I was dead in the water with no communications since I also have HN Voice, I was hot and it was 2° outside. Since that day my speeds have fallen back to where they were before GEN5 during peak hours and actually from around 4PM CST & past midnight.  If someone had thrown water on me there would have been steam generated. I told them life is too short and I'm too d*mn old to be dealing with this and if you cannot get it right there will be no honoring any commitment and I would see them in court. They definitely are having some issues right now and are having to send techs out to change the polarization of the dish  for lots of customers. My Gen5 will be a year old March 29, 2018 and my cost increases $30. Needless to say there's not much left of a $200 bill after that. I want what I pay for and if I cannot get it because they cannot provide it, It's not my fault, it's theirs. By the way, this is not my 1st rodeo with HN & I wish it were my last but I'm not going to hold my breath, too much jitter / middle variance yo-yo. Want a decent sped test result for download stay away from Dallas, I use NY. ~ SpaceHead, In The Cloud

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On 2/3/2018 at 4:30 AM, Marc A said:

Hughesnet the have the satellite internet service market all to them self their is no other system out their. So what ever they want to do the can do it I just paid a bill 226.00 for 50 gig which I didn't get to used because the gen 5 system was running so slow they told me that I had 7 items on WiFi that why I was running slow so I shut every thing down except for one item running and still ran slow then I talk to one of their rocket sciencects tell me that they were trying speed up.  are internet that why it was running slow ...  which tell me that they can control everything which I have all of my doc to prove that they are cheating us good paying people and the FCC will hear about this.......

HughesNet has direct competition from Exede.  I don't know why you would pay $226 for the 50GB plan, as that's not the price.  The maximum price for the 50GB plan is $129.99.  With the $14.99 lease fee and taxes, that's maybe $150 total.  

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