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Sad news!! I’ve put off posting this…but for those that knew him…please join me in wishing him Peaceful Rest in Paradise. He passed over in December 2021. 😢🙏🏻

It’s been quite awhile now but I realized I hadn’t seen any of his smart mouth responses to my FB posts. He always cracked me up and posed me off at the same time…a special talent only Tommie had. Not many can be a sweetie and a jerk at the same time and pull it off with people coming back for more. 

Please post your “Tommie Stories”

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@mudmanc4 Muddy all I know is that it was sudden and not Covid. I was getting worried about you too cuz you never answer me!! Grrrr. 
Glad you’re still among those still kicking. How are you doing? How’s your family? 😻😽

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Everyone is doing well here still kickin around just no screamin.


Sorry for not answering if you messaged on FB, lost access a couple years ago.


Seems like every week we lose someone else, guess that happens as we get older. 

Hope everyone good on your end !



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Sorry to hear about Tommie.

WE had kept in touch even by email but that slacked off & I guess is had been longer than I thought.


He was always very fond of his daughters.

Loved the USA.


I don't do Facebook or any of that type social media.

So I would never have seem it on those.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha! I remember when Tommie and I would race to get our post counts up 😆


Wasn't too long before there was no way forward for me to catch up to him.

We had our differences , but thats the way it goes sometimes, he’s one that would speak his mind and I liked that about him. 



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