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Wow, that's sounds a little f'd up imo. You would actually sit on it and "pretend" you never saw it? Glad you're not my neighbor.

"Yah Stank, I saw smoke billowing from your windows, but cmon, you expected me to get off my lawn chair and call 911? I figured someone else would do it".

:haha: :haha: :haha: Did you really expect more from cholla after reading all his other posts? Did you? I didnt think so.

How much time does it take to send paypal and email saying "hey morons, you screwed up on transaction number 69640305k"

I guess its because cholla is on dial up (36kbps) he thinks it would consume a great deal of time to report the mistake and help somebody out?

Shug7272 : What more do you expect from me?I would probably even turn on my hose & put water on the fire too if you were a neighbor I liked.  Cholla

rofl...if it was a neighbor you liked...wow...sad...I would turn on my hose even if it was that asshole that shot my gf's dog...

The amount of time is not the point it is I don't owe any time to a corperation that is not paying for it.I have already explained about if it was an individual. fikester  check out this old topic to show you the speed my 56k was getting before my ISP did something to slow me down  https://testmy.net/forum/index.php/topic,1739.msg17434.html#msg17434  I'm still using the same PC,modem,location & ISP.

As far as the "if it was a

Stank_Ho : No my mantra is more like "get it done ".But let the other people do their job since I don't have time to do mine & theirs & still "get it done". Helping an individual as a good Samaritan is another matter I just don't feel this way about big corporations like paypal&ebay which is what the topic is about.

I don't try to "screw "anyone at least like you mean. I'm sure I have "screwed" people in my life most of us have but I try not to.

I'm not a beleiver in karma this is Hindu philosophy if I 'm correct( not my religion). As for what comes around goes around

I have known good helpful people who were always getting craped on by the people they were trying to help & bad people who seem to have everything go their way. I don't really fall into either category.  Cholla

Dude. I'm anti "corporate America"too, but the only person you're screwing, is the poor dude that nearly lost his 1400 bucks. That's my only point. You'd let that gut sweat it out just because you think it's not your job? How about some empathy? Whatever. Like I said, what comes around goes around.

What comes around goes around, ya know? You take care of me, I got your back. You screw me, fine, but you'll only screw me once.

Now im not on anyones side on this debate. ( DEBATE, not arguement ;) )  But i had to quote this one. I feel this quote is absolute BS, just from previous experence :( I ALWAYS help people out, and give a hand when i can just because thats my nature unfortinatly... and i get nothing in return. Every day is a new problem, new expense, and a new hassle. Iv' had 1 very generous soul help me out recently, and i couldnt thank him enough, but thats a score of 1/49675957.

- When it comes to life and free/found/accidental money im with the folks saying " its not my fault he sent ME The money" .  I agree... its wrong... id lose a few "zzz" over it, but then id remember " that dumb bastard just sent me $1400" and id feel much better. :shrug: 

Just my 2 cents.

[me=.s1]takes back 2 cents [/me]

Stank_Ho: I guess this is where our wires are crossed.I veiw the problem as paypals.Their mistake their loss if they don't correct it.You veiw it as either the ebay buyer or sellers loss whichever lost the money or item because of paypal's mistake.

If I was the buyer who expected paypal to pay for the item I instructed them to & they did not get the money to the seller I would ask them why should

rofl...if it was a neighbor you liked...wow...sad...I would turn on my hose even if it was that asshole that shot my gf's dog...

If cholla was my neighbor I would light my own house on fire so I could collect the insurance and move to a neighborhood with a little class.

.s1 I cant believe you took back your two cents your greedy lil punk. :haha: :haha:

Now im not on anyones side on this debate. ( DEBATE, not arguement ;) )  But i had to quote this one. I feel this quote is absolute BS, just from previous experence :( I ALWAYS help people out, and give a hand when i can just because thats my nature unfortinatly... and i get nothing in return.Remind me to get a medal for you one of these days.  Every day is a new problem, new expense, and a new hassle. Iv' had 1 very generous soul help me out recently,cha-ching! and i couldnt thank him enough, but thats a score of 1/49675957. He helps people and keeps score.

- When it comes to life and free/found/accidental money im with the folks saying " its not my fault he sent ME The money" .  I agree... its wrong... id lose a few "zzz" over it, but then id remember " that dumb bastard just sent me $1400" and id feel much better. :shrug:  And if that's how you feel, could I borrow 1400 bucks? I'll pay you back, I swear.

Wow, .s1 is a martyr.

:whaa:  come on guys lets keep it civilized up in this mug...  this is the pent up aggression that happens when you don't join in on the group hug...  :haha:

:( Your right.. Hug? :lol:

And netmasta, read his post before saying IM the one causing trouble mmkay? :rolleyes:

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