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Comcast got you!!! any speed below I think 2MEGS A SECOND sucks and is to low when Comcast is advertising 6 meg in some locations. You need to call them back up and find out why its soo low. Right now I think the blame for the phone not working is Comcast

Ok they are not giving a 6 meg connection it is 6 megabits.. big difference..  Second try setting your call type to normal.. that should allow the user to have a 128kb/s connection and still not have dropped calls.. it does take about an hour for the request to be processed at the vonage center... Remember if you are surfing around the internet and calling at the same time the bandwidth isnt going to be there..

Thank You for your help.  I just wanted to let you know that I ran the tests again.  once straight from the cable modem.  Those results were ( Download connection - 3647kbps. downloaded at 445kb/s.  Upload Connection 291kbps  uploaded at 36kb/s)  then I ran the tests after the vonage router.  the results were very differant.  after the router (Download Connection 525kbps  downloaded at 64kbps.  Upload connection107kbps uploaded at 13kb/s.)  Thease results make me think it's proubobly the vonage router.  it's jusy hard for me to understand because this is the third router i've tryed.  I wish there was a way to speed up the connection through the router.  Thank You 

Thank You for your help.  I just wanted to let you know that I ran the tests again.  once straight from the cable modem.  Those results were ( Download connection - 3647Kbps. downloaded at 445kb/s.  Upload Connection 291Kbps  uploaded at 36kb/s)  then I ran the tests after the vonage router.  the results were very differant.  after the router (Download Connection 525Kbps  downloaded at 64Kbps.  Upload connection107Kbps uploaded at 13kb/s.)  Thease results make me think it's proubobly the vonage router.  it's jusy hard for me to understand because this is the third router i've tryed.  I wish there was a way to speed up the connection through the router.  Thank You 

damn vonage uses that much of speed? and i wasa thinking about trying vonage. i guess i'll stay with my comcast phone service

I too spent weeks with marginal vonage service. Vonage techs were able to tune my system but still conversations were choppy. The fix to my problem turned out not to be vonage OR comcast but my cable modem. Turns out I had an older 3com modem and it did not have the speed capability now available with comcast. Replaced with a LinkSys modem because I like the brand and it was on sale. The Motorola Surfboard 5100 was recommended by vonage and comcast techs. Installed new modem and everything is working fine now.

Based on your upload/download speeds I suspect you may have same problem.

  • 5 weeks later...

We have had perfect success with our Vonage connection.  We have had Comcast for almost 3-years for 'net and are using it with multiple Macs via airport.  Our phones have been flawless and in fact better connection than a true phone line -- which we have since cancelled and would never consider again.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I have vonage worked for 3 months now cannot get it to work,

I have Comcast as well, but I cannot understand why it worked then all of a sudden just stopped, makes no sense to me, any suggestions,

everything on the router lights up but the phone???

worked well while it lasted.

as for the bandwidth question, there is a speed test on the vonage site. if i try to run that from PR, it doesn't run at all or gives me a result in the low double digit kbps range. does anyone that has vonage know if that thing is hosted on the same servers/network as the voip service, or is it sitting at some 3rd party hoster? if it is hosted on the same net, it tells me that there is no freaking way i could use it.

  • 1 month later...

i have vonage and its great. the only thing that is creating a problem is upload speeds. when using the net while on the phone, its ok but when it comes to downloading while on the phone, thats an issue. im sure if i had the 768kb upload speed, it would be much better.

Guest jeffwalker9999

Related To Topic - So posted here

I have the pc based version of Stanaphone


and it works very good with my

Cox Cable 5Meg/768K service

Did have a problem at first use - I did not set firewall

but after I did it works and works good

For those on Vonage, you may want to set firewall

as per Stanaphones firewall setting page

  • 4 weeks later...

I have used vonage over my comcast cable connection since July of 2005 without a problem, until last week.

the rumor on the vonage-forum is, since comcast is now rolling out their own telephone service, they are blocking all vonage and other voip networks.  I do not know if it is true or not, but I have had spotty performance every since Friday, and all other internet access is fine.  testmyvoip.net works great, and tracert.exe works well everywhere except to vonage.  I can access the vonage web page normally only if I leave the comcast system, i.e. go to a coffee house with wifi.  pings to the vonage web site are dropped, and log in can take minutes instead of seconds.  vonage is posting on their web site that there are technical problems due to a comcast upgrade.  I do not know if the problem is a vonage or comcast problem,  but i will b e cancelling both of them soon if they don't get it straightened out.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

If you are having an issue with Vonage and Comcast try the following:

Tracert to

Access www.vonage.com and also (provide results)

Perform nslookup on www.vonage.com and return the results (provide results)

Perform a traceroute to www.vonage.com (provide results)

Perform a traceroute to www.yahoo.com (provide results

There are 35 pages of posts from people who are having issues with Comcast and using Vonage. Usual remedy is to have a tech from Comcast come out and replace mode and run new cable from the pole to the house.

Guest thecableguy

I have used vonage over my Comcast cable connection since July of 2005 without a problem, until last week.

the rumor on the vonage-forum is, since Comcast is now rolling out their own telephone service, they are blocking all vonage and other voip networks.  I do not know if it is true or not, but I have had spotty performance every since Friday, and all other internet access is fine.  testmyvoip.net works great, and tracert.exe works well everywhere except to vonage.  I can access the vonage web page normally only if I leave the Comcast system, i.e. go to a coffee house with wifi.  pings to the vonage web site are dropped, and log in can take minutes instead of seconds.  vonage is posting on their web site that there are technical problems due to a Comcast upgrade.  I do not know if the problem is a vonage or Comcast problem,  but i will b e cancelling both of them soon if they don't get it straightened out.

They are NOT blocking all VOIP traffic and this includes Vonage for that matter.  To do so would open themselves to a whole bunch of attention they don't want, not only from the public but also from the Feds...there is only ONE small cable company ever to have actually been caught doing this (and they openly admitted it)....suffice it to say...they are no longer blocking VOIP traffic.  The issue is and has almost always been with Comcast and many others that many of you have had your modems for years despite upgrades on most of these cable based providers.  Your modems are probably not capable of the higher speeds your ISP now offers.  The funny thing is, your isp has probably been trying to swap you now for months but you have ignored their requests thinking they were trying to sell you somethinng or you had some wild idea that your old modem was better......think again....now...if your modem is 3 or more years old its time to get it swapped...especially if you are affected by the problems in this thread.

BTW...the above is based on first hand experience where I work....it got to the point where we had to just turn off the legacy modems entirely to force the swap because people just wouldn't listen to us.  And this was even after deliberately capping the modems at a lower rate a very agressive customer contact compaign etc...people just refused to turn those old modems in.....

My bro-in-law is near Dallas and has Comcast and uses Vonage and loves it. He keeps trying to get me to change, but I'm happy with who I have at just $10 more than he pays and it isn't taking up any net bandwidth. I'll go to CDV when it comes.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey My name is Joe, and I used to work @ Vonage as a Tier 2 Tech. Let me queue you in on a few things, OK here they come, COMCAST is @ FAULT, and your settings on your router are NOT correct. you see Comcast is a direct competitor of Vonage's and they would just love to make you spend all that extra $ each month, and have it go in their pocket, SOOO, if they can make Vonage look bad, They will!  Like I said, I USED TO WORK THERE, I DON'T ANY MORE, so I SPEAK OF THIS STRAIGHT,!  YOU need to call Vonage Tech Support, tell the Indians that you have been working with a Tier 2 tech, and want to be x-fered there (EXPECT TO WAIT FOR ANYWHERE FROM A 1/2 Hr to an HOUR, the guys & gals there are relay busting hump to get to every body, so please be patient!  Then when you get put through, MAKE SURE YOUR TALKING TO TIER 2 (!), then tell the person your talking to to do the following in CCA:

1) put your bandwith to NORMAL

2) depending on the model of device you have (TI Chipsets ROCK for this!) have them set the voice packets to 10 ms, and the Data packets to 30 ms (if you have a Motorola VT1005 model your screwed, all you can do is Voice, and they MUST go to 10 ms!)

3) have them set the RTP start port from the default of 10,050 to 15,050 AND

4) have them set the RTP end port from the default 10,150 to 15,150

Now for what YOU need to do:

1) it sounds like you went out and bought a wireless "G" band router (either the WRTP54G or the new D-Link VWR) they broadcast in the 2.4 GHz band and WILL JAM your cordless in the following ways; If you are using a cordless phone of the 2.4 GHz variety, then you will have choppy audio both in-bound & out-bound, &if of the 5.8 GHz variety then you WILL have choppy audio out-bound (5.8's use 5.8GHz from the base to the hand sets but 2.4GHz from the handsets to the base) YOU NEED TO MOVE THE BASE STATION OF THAT CORDLESS AT LEAST 15' (the more the better) away from the cordless router!!! 


2) put the antenna on the wireless Vonage router into the horizontal plane (ALL cordless phones are Vertically polarized, and almost all Laptops etc. are horizontally polarized) so you get an added bonus, not only does your phone clear up, but you have an extension of your laptop's range!  Of course the BEST cordless phones are of course 900 MHz ANALOGUE phones, BUT if you are worried about someone listening in on your conversations with an ordinary scanner, you can do a search for a 900 MHz DIGITAL phone, yes they did make them for a while BUT THEY ARE SCARCE SO BE PREPARED TO PAY ALOT MORE THAN A REGULAR 900 phone!

I hope this helps you out, these little changes have cured more than 99% o the cases I ran into while I worked there, and the 1%'ers well they had other issues (such as using a wireless or satelite ISP) which YOU don't have.

Oh, by the way, please excuse my spelling, never was very good at it, have spell checker will travel, you know  :D

Good Luck,

Joe McM. :D

  • 4 months later...

Vonage is a service reseller.  They pay royalties to comcast, or verizon, or whatever carriers you have in your area, and they resell that companies phone/internet services.

Personally i'd rather deal with the source, which in my area is Verizon(Cavalier Telephone and Vonage pickup stream from them).

And their phone service is the same way.

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