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The thing I hate the most is going to a public restroom (mall, gas station, etc.) wanting to take a BIG shit, getting to a toilet and theres pee, shit, all over the lid, that pisses me off damn dirty f*cks. :angry5:

I've seen that too.  :angry5: Wtf do people do in there, pee and s*it while dancing all around?  :haha:

I piss in the sink..it's my way of helping conserve the worlds water ;)

Good one, Lorne.  I tried the sink once, interesting experience.  Outside at the local tree generally worked for me living out of town, in the summer anyway...

My gf is currently preggers, and although i agree with the "both down" practice on principle, she insists on "seat down, lid up."  Why?  I don't know, but of course I know better than to argue that one, so it stands at our place.

Aggr3: I guess we could give the pregnant ones some slack.But that same one who couldn't deal with it when she was pregnant will be willing to use one of these about a year or a little more latter.


Cholla:  But what will she do if she gets pregnant again?  :lol:

Cholla:  Of course child safety is a serious thing.  It was a lighthearted question looking for a lighthearted answer. 

I do have another question for you.  I'm intrigued by this in your prior post:  "The reason women don't like the lid down is they don't like to look before the sit .when they plop down on the lid they piss on themselves just like they do the butt dunk when the seat is up.This does not happen to men because we look first."  Can you tell us why they (being women)  "don't  like to look"?  (I am assuming that this was a serious statement)

cak46:I really can't tell you why they don't look before they sit.What I know is from listening.You here about women taking a butt dunk when the seat has been left up.Obviously they didn't look.You here about them sitting on awet toilet seat not just seeing it wet & cleaning & dryiny it before sitting on it.So again obviously they didn't look before sitting.The lid down plop is the one you hear least about because they are embarrased to admit they did that & There is really no one to blame for it.

Boys are trained to look from the time they can stand & use the toilet,Because they a repetedly told not to get the seat wet.

And most of us are taught to put the seat down.By the time we are grown we automatically look.In a public restroom you better look or you might be sitting on a really nasty toilet at least in a men's restroom.I hear the women's restroom is not that bad.Like pitbull commented on in an earlier post.

I agree on the public restroom but we stiil look at it some just like to make a mess to hastle others.

The Roto Rooter survey was simular but only covered the seat position & not the lid position.It's hard to leave the seat up if you put the lid down.

Are you reaching for that gun, Cholla?

Seemed to me like you were a twitchin' a bit, pardner.  Not looking for no fight, just discussing the pleasantries of bathroom etiquette and having the lid up or down.  I do have an itchy trigger finger when confronted, but  I'm a bit too old for that sort of thing, unless it comes to it....  ;)  Here's a guy from your neck fo the woods.  Seems like he has a 'lid' on things.  http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/TXSANtoilet.html

cak46 : yall probably don't get a show called Texas Country Reporter in your neck of the woods.They had a section on one of their shows on this guy in your link.

This is a link to the TCR site :  http://www.texascountryreporter.com/show.htm

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