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I have noticed people posting legitimate questions in General Discussion and ending in Off Topic Catigory. Whats the problem? One thing I've noticed here is that there is a lot of BABIES here,and yes I did use capitals for BABIES oops there it is again. I guess its all about the number of credited post. #1 I personally could care less about post numbers. I was having fun here! But now its not as fun as it used to be. So, please pull the Popsicle stick out of your a**es and have fun helping or discussing. Just my Two cents worth.  :( :( :(


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I have noticed people posting legitimate questions in General Discussion and ending in Off Topic Catigory. Whats the problem? One thing I've noticed here is that there is a lot of BABIES here,and yes I did use capitals for BABIES oops there it is again. I guess its all about the number of credited post. #1 I personally could care less about post numbers. I was having fun here! But now its not as fun as it used to be. So, please pull the Popsicle stick out of your a**es and have fun helping or discussing. Just my Two cents worth.

Guest helloimtim

I will make it 6 cents worth of thoughts. I agree I can really see no sense in the post counts? Yes I guess I am a typical guy. When I am sick I am the worlds worst baby. I even get sick of hearing myself wine. But as far as the net. Its just the net. No big deal. I do try to treat others with respect. I do disagree at times and thats cool. Getting all excited about such petty things seems kinda crazy. What do you think. Was that worth 6 cents??

helloimtim :I guess some get more excited that others .I've heard the "it's just the net & petty things" line before.

My response to it is if it true that its just the net. Then why if you or I  posted certain things just words the FBI or some government agency will be busting down our door & arresting us.So the right or wrong words on the net can evoke a powerful response.So add another 2 cents .Since you valued yours at 6 cents that makes a total of 12 cents.

Guest helloimtim

Your right cholla. I guess the best way to say it would be dont take things so personal. Relax and realize they are just words on a screen. While some including myself have probally not expressed myself right with the words I choose. I refuse to get excited because someone "flames"

I have noticed people posting legitimate questions in General Discussion and ending in Off Topic Catigory. Whats the problem? One thing I've noticed here is that there is a lot of BABIES here,and yes I did use capitals for BABIES oops there it is again. I guess its all about the number of credited post. #1 I personally could care less about post numbers. I was having fun here! But now its not as fun as it used to be. So, please pull the Popsicle stick out of your a**es and have fun helping or discussing. Just my Two cents worth. :( :( :(


I will make it 6 cents worth of thoughts. I agree I can really see no sense in the post counts? Yes I guess I am a typical guy. When I am sick I am the worlds worst baby. I even get sick of hearing myself wine. But as far as the net. Its just the net. No big deal. I do try to treat others with respect. I do disagree at times and thats cool. Getting all excited about such petty things seems kinda crazy. What do you think. Was that worth 6 cents??

I don't know how to have said it better since most of the time I can add something. I agree add my 2 cents .that makes it 4 cents worth.

Anyone care to make it 6.

yep u guys r absolutely correct...and ca3le notice these issues too...problem addressed and solved...u won't (shouldn't) be seeing these problems in the future

BTW...helloimtim...unless u only valued your last response at 4 cents ur up to 18 cents worth...

ya'll can value my response at whatever u like...take it for what it's worth :) have a great day

I'm sick of hearing this... and getting emails on this.

Posts are now counted in the off topic discussion.

By the way, I have already talked to the mods about what should get moved here... there was some confusion so I reposted the information.  This forum should only be posted in either a) by the user or B) mods can move the topic here if it's completely off topic.

Don't worry about the post count deal... it's causing too much argument so that's squashed.  We are here to help people and learn... :-D

By the way coknuck... I'm not belittling your post or anything.  I totally agree, that's why I've taken action.  Don't misunderstand my point.

I think some people are confused as to what is "general" and what is "off-topic". I can see how some people think they both mean the same thing.

This is just MY opinion now ....but ....I would say ...if it's computer or internet related then it's general..

If it's a Ball game, car race, movie, etc.....then it's off topic..(they have nothing to do with this site)


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