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Kaspersky is a Russian company that develops security software for virus and spamming protection, and firewalls. Kaspersky is acknowledged to be one of the best virus scanners. Eugene Kaspersky (an ex-virus writer) is Head of Virus Research. The HQ is in Moscow.

The Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2006 represents a new generation platform for creating applications specifically designated for complex protection of personal computers and workstations. United in one product the substantially improved functional abilities of version 5.0 Kaspersky Lab protection products with the latest technological innovations introduced by the company the Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2006 solution secures the most effective and complete protection of a computer from all sorts of malicious programs - network worms, Trojan programs, rootkits, and other.

General features

Check new and changed files option

Advanced damage clean-up (the windows registry, command files, *.lnk files, hosts)

Proactive defense module with history and rollback option

HTTP traffic checking (AV)

Outlook Express (AS) and TheBat! Plugins (AS, AV)

Anti-Rootkit technology (Anti-Rootkit)

E-Mail IMAP and NNTP protocol checking support (AV, AS)

Registry Monitor with preinstalled and updatable database

More Info & download here: Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2006 (Beta)

EDIT 1: Last Edit: Today at 09:41:31 PM by organ_shifter

Actually, you can get Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2006 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 from the link below.

I've installed the KAV 2006 and it's great. Keep in mind that it's beta, so bugs are bound to be present, but most have been corrected in the latest release. One thing that I did notice is that when I installed KAV 2006, I had to open the program, click on the settings button (top right), select Network Settings (bottom left), click the Port Settings button on the right, and uncheck General HTTP Port 80. Reason being is that it was protecting that port and I needed it.

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need help setting this

I installed Kaspersky. I am trying to get online but it keeps saying something like "No Documents Found" (when i have Kaspersky enable). When i  disable it, I can go online.

What do i have to do do have Kaspersky enable and go online?

Edit: Does the same thing with email (I use Thunderbird)

so what are you using now organ? KAV2k6 or are you sticking with the Fsecure?

I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 running right now. The beta comes with a license that's good until November.  :D

I uninstalled F-Secure for the moment, but you know that I got it close by.  :) After November, I'm going back to F-Secure if I don't get Kaspersky straight (you know what I mean .s1  :haha:).

As for right now though, Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 is nice.


I like kaspersky, but F-Secure is so resource friendly. Not to mention consistant with virus database updates and whatnot. Iunno i really liked kaspersky, but F-Secure has got my vote for this second :-P

Yep, F-Secure is very nice. I'm definitely not getting rid of it.

It always gives very long scan time estimates, but it finishes way faster than what it tells me. If it spends more time than expected on certain files, the time goes up. Once it completes those files as planned, and on schedule, the time will drop little by little until the estimate is more exact.

I set mine up to run after I'm asleep. I awake to the results. It's set to run at 5:00am, and the duration time in the results is normally 5:51am - 6:00am. Kaspersky is known to be slow in scanning, but it doesn't miss. I guess that's why it's the number one anti-virus program on the market (protection wise, not commercially).

I Just went to limewire to download the beta version from there just to test my antivirus programs cause i know any antivirus program on a file sharing site is going to be infected .... after downloading i scanned the file with AVG pro and the file was clean then i scanned with Norton and picked up and deleted one trojan.. i tried different downloads and AVG never picked up anything while norton found and deleted five separate viruses.... im going to remove AVG n install Kaspersky Internet Security 2006

organ_shifter great review and info.  :D I hope some day the rest of the netizens will realize that accuracy is more important than scanner speed, which was pointed out very well in one of your follow up posts.  Let us know if you have any bug issues with this beta but hopefully not.  Glad to hear it doesn't eat to much resources but I still would be willing to make the sacrifice if needed and as I only run manual scans it wouldn't be much of a hassle. If any one gets some interesting wild samples from their antivirus please archive with zip, rar or ace and upload to my site to help my virus collection grow if anyone has the time. ;) Gotta catch 'em all.  :haha:  But seriously good find and I hope more people will test this and recognize that Kaspersky makes the most superior av software to date.  Maybe if enough people switch over the other companies will notice they have to move to higher standards with their software instead of sending more on PR work and ads they might start focusing on research and development.  ;):evil6::lol:    I might start testing this newer version myself soon just to see the added improvements.  Btw can you use updates_x  (special bases many per day) when you run the av updater  (I'm assuming yes hopefully).  Also can you edit the list of update servers and the URLs for each one as I can with KAV Personal Pro v4.5.095 just curious if you can let me know if possible if anyone has checked this. Thanks.  And again nice post.  :)

I opted to keep my AVG & use the Kaspersky online scan(beta) it took about 2 hours & found no viruses.Which is good so I must be doing something right.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Web Scanner Beta version

Link to install the online scanner


Link to run the scanner when you want to after the install


Azag, yes you can edit the list of servers.

I'm not 100% sure about "updates_x", but I don't see them taking away something so helpful. It may be the standard now because I have it set to every hour, and an update seems to always be there.

organ_shifter sounds pretty fast to me considering your hard drive sizes and the fact that you have a kick ass PC to begin with doesn't hurt either as I recall from reading about your setup a while ago. And if you can update once an hour than they must have integrated those updates_x (quick ass definitions fresh out of the oven so to speak  ;)) which is sweet. Probably take a little longer on my system do to the fact that I have like a few hundred thousand infected files to scan that are safely archived (but only about 50,000 unique ... I have multiple copies of some as backup and I need to do some organizing). Also I have only 1GHz AMD and 512MB SDRAM and 3 HD's (60GB, 40GB, 80GB external and just bought a 300GB but not installed or setup yet) but less space to scan than yours. ;) Still from what you have said you sold me on updating to new version and it sounds like they made even more improvement than I expected so thanks for heads up.  Now I feel more confident to use this one to stay uninfected and sort my "zoo collection".  ;):lol: OK virus collecting is a weird hobby admittedly but I never infect or condone malicious use of such dangerous software I just find it fascinating and like to research what makes them tick that and live dangerously a bit.  :haha:  But hey, don't try this a home kids unless your will to risk all your data and no what the heck your doing...well you all get the idea.  :shock::o

          Anyhow 2006 beta sounds like a solid performer to me can't wait to test it out now. I'll post back my stats and a zipped log maybe when I'm done in few days or maybe run a comparison test of old and new versions scans to see difference should be interesting as it's been a while since full system scan since I ususally do it in segments rather than whole thing but I'll try it.  Sorry about all the parenthesis I am very over tired and got a migraine for 2 days but hopefully no one gets a migraine reading my post. If so I apologize in advance.  ;):whaa: 

Peace all,


  • 3 weeks later...

I installed Kaspy and found it a most unpleasant experience. After a week I had to uninstall. I had read how it was less of a resource hog than Norton (I was using Norton 2004) and was eager to give it try. All I got to say is Kaspy is a pain in the a$$ and I uninstalled it after a few days of monkey'n around I just got plain tired of telling it that it was ok to do this or that or to use this or that program. I went and got Norton Internet Security 2005 and have to admit they have made interface improvements and it does not seem to be such a resource hog as the year prior. Also, it's interface is just more familiar to me than the others. I was playing Battlefield with no hickups  :D

whats soo wAOooO about kaspersky? ok, its better than Norton in some way, but is not better than Pc-cillin  Internet security 2005, from all the sites and rankings i have see pc cillin in a good position and kaspersky not, soo i dont know, i dont want to unistall my pc-cillin that is confuged already for something i dont know how it is, also... maybe is the best scanner overall but that doesnt mean is the best.


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