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3dmark05 omg...............

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Man i just tested it, first when i saw the fps i thought my pc was goin to give up lol FPS between 0-15 hehe

I thought 3dmark03 was hard to run ........

anyway here is my score


After i seen ppl posting scores at other forums, i think i should be happy consider my mobo, RAM, and CPU hehe

VanBuren :)

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This is, by far, the most stressful test that I've put my system/video card through.

The graphics were beautiful nonetheless.





CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ [email protected] FSB 213x10.0Multiplier | Motherboard: MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R (MS-6702) Cool'N'Quiet | RAM: Kingston KHX3200A/512DDR x2 400MHZ (Hyper X PC3200) | Hard Drive: IBM 40G HDD 7200RPM | DVD-Rom: JLMS XJ-HD166S 16x | Burner: Liteon LTR-52x32x52 CD-RW | Video Card: ATI Radeon 9500Pro 128MB DDR-Flashed with 9500_33.BIN 340 Core/310 Memory | Cooling Fan: Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu Heatsink/Fan 92mm 2400rpm Fan Mate 11 | Power Supply: Antec Performance 480W

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PIC-E isnt all than impressive yet.. the graphics are cool but that is about it.. We have yet to max out AGP on the current system.. I think it is a ploy for the motherboard manufactures to get more money out of us all..

It is true that PCI-E isn't all that impressive for graphics implementations (yet) as AGP 8x seems to be fast enough to not be a bottle neck. However, gigabit ethernet seems to be an interesting implementation of this new interface. The full theoretical bandwidth of a gig connection should all but fill up a regular PCI bus, dragging anything else that is shareing the bandwidth to a crawl.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There's no point in me even posting my '05 score. I scored a little over 2000 on '03 not to long ago, so one can only imagine how pitiful that would be. I will be building myself a new gaming pc in a month or two though. I'll be getting an AMD Athlon 64 3500+, Abit AV8 mobo, 500 or 550 watt PSU, the overclocked-out-of-the-box Asus 6800 Ultra, etc. I'll post both my '03 and '05 scores once I have it built.

I preordered Guild Wars, the MMORPG, so I can participate in the beta testing each month before its launch in February. It skips around so much on my 1.6 P4 and Asus FX5600 that it's hard to tell what's going on at times. I can't wait to see it once I build the new PC. Heck, I'll want to play all my old games just so I can see them at maxed out settings with a smooth fps. Are any of you playing the the Guild Wars betas? Post your in-game name and feel free to add 'The Hahn' to your buddy list in game if you are.

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I'll be getting an AMD Athlon 64 3500+' date=' Abit AV8 mobo, 500 or 550 watt PSU, the overclocked-out-of-the-box Asus 6800 Ultra, etc.[/quote']

Thats a good deal, i will also go for a 3500+ next time i upgrade :)

Im still stuck on a AMD 1700+, but i bought a Fx 5900 Ultra a few months ago, and need AGP 8x, so Intel is out of the picture for me.

VanBuren :)

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If you're into gaming at all, AMD chips are definitely the way to go. I've seen benchmark after benchmark prove it. The 64 3500+ actually beat out Intel Extreme Edition chips in most game benches. But, if you're into number crunching and and serious multitasking, the hyperthreading on Intel chips and large cache on the EE's have AMD beat. It still isn't anything signifigant enough for me to go with them though. This will be the first AMD chip I've ever bought, and I feel I'll be happy with it. The 3500+ is the best bang for your buck as far as I can tell. I think it's running a little under $280 right now from reliable resellers, and it can keep up with and surpass many top-end chips.

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