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Please see http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-6967 for more information. 

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1261 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 154 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Mon Aug 1 17:18:23 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 23X faster than 56K 1MB download in 6.65 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 19.54 % of your hosts average (optonline.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YNRDS12TE

Those are my stats...this is my setup:

Split-level house, downstairs is the cable modem and right by it is a linksys 802.11b wireless router with a linksys high gain antenna I added..  Upstars are two desktop computers- one has a Linksys Wireless-B USB network adapter, the other has a Belkin 802.11b wireless usb adapter.

Why is it only at 19.54%?  Is that because of how many people are using it with a wired connection?  There are no 2.4 GHz phones in the phone, they're all 5.8 GHz.  I spoke to Linksys about this, and the guy had me lower my MTU to 1492 and that improved it by maybe 10 Kbps, and that test I just did is with the lowered MTU.

What can I do to improve this?  Should cable be like twice the speed?  I very much doubt I download enough to be capped.

thanks :)

Why is it only 19.54%?  There are Excellen

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Then why would I only be running at 20%?  It can't just be the plan, and I don't download enough to be capped by far.

Look....I just want to speed up my connection...if this isn't the forum for that, can someone please kindly tell me where I should go to figure it out?  I kinda already know what's been said so far intuitively....specifically, I need to know about MTU's.


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Someone sent me a PM telling me I'm rude...I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just frustrated that hours of Linksys tech support from an Indian call center haven't helped at all.

I already know the basics of networking...this isn't a basic question that any computer literate person could guess at.  So if someone is aware of the pros/cons of lowering MTU, please let me know or direct me to where I can find out.

That's all...I'm not looking to get into a pissing match, and honestly I don't think I was rude, but for anyone who was offended, I'm sorry.

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thanks :)

i think i know what a BIG problem is: http://www.tomsnetworking.com/FAQ-37-Performance-16.php#481

most 5.8 ghz phones ALSO transmit on 2.4 ghz, so they use both...the only safe ones are TRUE 5.8 ghz phones (tom says uniden) OR 900 mhz phones....

i bet that is causing a lot of the problem!

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umm...why was this moved to optimum online?

this applies to making a connection faster, it has nothing specifically to do with optimum online as netmasta showed.

i just put optimum online as the topic in case someone had similar problems, but now i see it's a general networking issue. 

i bet a lot of people don't know this about 5.8 ghz phones and MTU...

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Ok looking at your setup you should be getting the same speed as wired if you do have the high gain antennas.. 5.8 cordless phones are just as bad as their 2.4GHz brothers..  My sugestion would be to read this http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097... then post in that forum if you are having trouble with the config of the rwin values.. the 19% refers to the average that users on your ISP are testing at.  if you are not getting atleast 90% then there is something wrong.. which in your case there is.  From what I can tell this is not really a networking issue.. It is more of a connection issue.. Talk with some people in the Make it fast area and that should take care of it..

802.11b isnt going to hold you back.. that will run between 3.2-5.5Mbps.. which should be more than enough for any type of home connection.

Go to:removed and it will tell it ur signal strenth is too low, maby thats why

that will not tell you anything that you dont already know..

humorman.....i'm not goign anywhere near 11 Mbps...

even if my wireless network was capable of 54...i'm still not even pulling 2 Mbps.

i'm not using my wireless network to its full capacity, so why would it matter if i increased it?  are you following?

an 802.11g wireless network is faster than most cable modems can handle

The speed of your network has nothing to do with how fast your internet is.. 802.11 b can handle just about anything out there on the market today.. 

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