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I just bought me a new laptop and its quiet, the only thing has any noise is the cd rom drive. Its got a Intel Pentium M 1.6Ghz 2mg cache 533 frontside bus 512mg DDR2 (533mhz). (Couldif got more) Radeon x300 PCI Express 16X card, and can be upgradedable, 17" Wide Ultra Sharp LCD screen and has alote more. and i paid after discounts $1400.

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look into the dell 9300 http://www1.us.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/inspn_9300?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs

its a much better notebook, I have it with the 6800 and i love it. doesn't get hot and very quite. + the performance is next to none and with the HP you only get a SXGA display with the Dell you get a UXGA display, so much better. This notebook is far Superior to that HP also you get a much better processor the amd turion is not that good. Pentium M all the way.

I can't wait for a duel core 3GHz Pentium M, look forward to them at IDF this fall.

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It isnt dual core.. it is just 64bit..  No one has a dual core mobile platform yet..  I have a Dell 8500 and 6000.. Love both of them and they are Centrino with ATI graphics.  One with a 9600 pro and the other with an x300.. I would highly recommend dell laptops.. the tech supports sucks.. but that doesnt matter cause you have testmy.net

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looks good, only thing that would keep me from buying it is the graphics card, but if u dont really play games, then its a great laptop.  could be just a tad cheaper though  :?

the x300 is the "replacement" for the 9600 in the mobile arena..  I can run battlefield 2 1024x768 with medium detail with no problems..  I have not tried on my new laptop.. but I wouldnt let that hold you back.. i mean it is no GO6800 or what ever Nvidia has out..

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nice lappy, im going to buy one if its not to heavy, gotta check reviews

yeah anything with a 6800 is going to be fine for gaming.  the only problem is that most of them are based on the Penitum 4 mobile.. not centrino.. so there is no battery life to speak of. 

6800go laptop:


check out what type of processor it is running!!! good old p4..

IBM t42 thinkpad with 9600 with 64mb


ABS Mayhem G3 w/ 9700 128mb


this looks like a good deal.. but keep looking around.. the ideal config would be centrino with either a 9600/9700 or a Go6600/6800

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idk, I have all hp equip so far, and I know there's better out there, as many of you would say ("Build your own!!"), but I probably want an HP. If one of you were to buy this laptop, what wouldn't you like about it? or why wouldn't you but it in the first place? or is there another laptop out there someone can recommend for about $1600? were trying to get my mom a laptop for christmas, out of my bro's finnancial aid..lol...soo... ;)

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OR...if u want a Go6800 with a Pentium M....get a laptop like mine :-D

Dell Inspiron 9300

Cost: $1600 after 35% off coupon code, tax/shipping included, and the purchase of a 1gb stick of RAM from newegg. :D

keep in mind that i live in TX, and i think that makes us have to pay most tax since dell is based in texas or something like that...not sure though

ps. the specs are at the bottom of my sig

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look into the dell 9300 http://www1.us.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/inspn_9300?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs

its a much better notebook, I have it with the 6800 and i love it. doesn't get hot and very quite. + the performance is next to none and with the HP you only get a SXGA display with the Dell you get a UXGA display, so much better. This notebook is far Superior to that HP also you get a much better processor the amd turion is not that good. Pentium M all the way.

I can't wait for a duel core 3GHz Pentium M, look forward to them at IDF this fall.

I just bought me a new laptop and its quiet, the only thing has any noise is the cd rom drive. Its got a Intel Pentium M 1.6GHz 2mg cache 533 frontside bus 512mg DDR2 (533MHz). (Couldif got more) Radeon x300 PCI Express 16X card, and can be upgradedable, 17" Wide Ultra Sharp LCD screen and has alote more. and i paid after discounts $1400.

both you guys are talking about pentium M

ofcourse they going to be quiet

but the beast i have Normal Pentium 4 need a hell of a fan otherwise it will melt

and the pc on the link that is the main thing about this topic is not Mobile technology

so it will need a quick ass fan with some quick add NOIZE !!!

u get me now?

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yeah anything with a 6800 is going to be fine for gaming.  the only problem is that most of them are based on the Penitum 4 mobile.. not centrino.. so there is no battery life to speak of. 

6800go laptop:


check out what type of processor it is running!!! good old p4..

IBM t42 thinkpad with 9600 with 64mb


ABS Mayhem G3 w/ 9700 128mb


this looks like a good deal.. but keep looking around.. the ideal config would be centrino with either a 9600/9700 or a Go6600/6800

i have the same machine in the 1st link

this one

6800go laptop:


check out what type of processor it is running!!! good old p4..

almost thesame

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Try this one out.  :D This has the ATI x600 which has 128MB on board ram, nice card.  :D

only problem with that one is the harddrive...100GB hard drive (4200 rpm)...at the very very least, 5400 rpm is a must

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