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I'm not a moderater or can i (or want to) tell anyone what to do its a free forum. I try to help when and were i can as  do the other genour us people in this site. This is by far the best form on the net the people are friendly and all ways willing to help even  with my ignorant questions. THE BACK BOTTON IS NOT A CORRECT SCORE. You cant get help if you don't give real post and or do people want to help if people keep playing. Keep the dreams of those scores to yourself or if you decide to pay for more bandwidth.

Sorry for the rant but wasted time reading bull S@#$. Sorry if i have offended anyone because i play more than anyone and am always looking for a laugh. Again I speak for my self and not this site if i am wrong then I will never speak of it again.

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Guys, I  understand your frustration with people posting cached results and sometimes passing them off as real. I can't speak personally for the other mods, but most of them do too. Ca3le is working on this. Soon these cached results should be a thing of the past. I don't know how long it will take so please try to be patient. I can't say much about it until Ca3le lets us tell you more.

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Guest helloimtim

I agree 100 percent. I myself to am NOT trying to hurt anyones feelings. I am really not. I just dont understand the lack of common sense sometimes. If your speeds are extreem either way either way to fast or way to slow. There is a problem. If they are way to fast then exit your browser and retry again. If they are way to slow then tweaking is not gonna fix it. There is forsure something wrong. Its your computer and your connection. Read all you can and learn as much as possible. Thats how we all learn. But always rember there is NO such thing as a dumb question. Goodness knows I have asked some silly ones in hindsight. Thats how I learned. Asked tons and read tons. Kept a clean backup just in case. Sorry. Im ranting....I hope I did not offend anyone. Not my intentions.

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Hi all I posted this in the other topic too.I think it makes a point about not posting a cached test.If I can get this result with a 56K dialup connection in a cached test.How do you feel if you post a slower cached test with a faster connection?

Sorry, your score of 37676 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 30000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 30000 Kbps... Please RETEST

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Agreed, but without the typos :-P

  :iamwithstupid::haha: :haha: I could care less if they have nothing better to do than try to impress strangers with the speed of their internet conection.  :haha: I know CA3LE has been working on this.  Anyway if they wanna lie and it makes em feel good screw em. Everyone here can see right through a cached test (at least all of out mods and regulars, and hey thats what counts), just laugh at em fellers.
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