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Xbox 360

Guest Team i2d CorP

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ok ok  the xbox will not suck, it will not be as good as the the ps3

one Q  are you going to buy a xbox 360 or ps3 or revo

me all three so I can say i have all three

I'm going to buy all three consoles. I like each one the same. I'm not a Xbox hooker or PS3 hooker or Nintendo hooker. :lol:

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I'm not a console fan at all really, but I always like to check out new technology.

I won't be touching the PS3 with a 10 foot pole though. I've heard that Sony's online game trailers from their presentation were enhanced to look way better than what they really are.

Word is that the Xbox 360 is going to blow the PS3 away.

All of those cell processors boasted by Sony are going to end up being a let down.

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they're going to be a bigger let down than u think

they're not bothering to fix cell chips with a few cells that are non functioning

and whether or not the trailers and demos were enhanced or not is really only known to sony

people were starting those rumars the minute they were unvieled at e3

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As far as the enhanced ps3 trailors that is correct, a fine example of that is the trailer for Killzone, looks unbelievable in the trailer but thats because it was pre-rendered and it wont look half as nice on an actual ps3. From wut if found on backwards capability yes u will need the hdd, and as of right now i think it was been said that 20 major xbox 1 titles will be playable on xbox 360, that doesnt mean that future games that arent out yet for xbox 1 wont be released with a patch for the emulation.

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